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*bts exists in this chapter!*

jimin's eyes shot open, tears staining his cheeks. he had had another nightmare; the fourth this week. every one of them had the same plot: someone close to him been killed, and he had been forced to watch. probably the result of all those horror movies jeongguk had made him watch.

jimin shivered and stared around his dark room. the curtains around the window next to his bed were drawn back, and he could see the cloudy indigo sky from where he was. he checked the clock on his nightstand to see "2:56 AM" in blinking red. he felt tears well up in his eyes again as fear took over his body.

there was a crash from the kitchen. a part of jimin knew it was probably just taehyung getting a late night snack, but a sob was ripped from his throat as he remembered the killer from his dream.

there was a knock on the door. jimin didn't even breathe.

"jiminie?" a voice whispered. jimin breathed out slowly as he heard his hyung's voice.

"yoongi hyung?" he questioned, just to make sure. his voice shook.

"yes, it's me. may i come in?" yoongi asked. jimin nodded, and then remembered that yoongi was, in fact, unable to see through a solid wood door.

"y-yes," jimin murmured in response, almost inaudible.

the doorknob turned slowly, and yoongi was obviously trying not to wake anyone else up. when he saw jimin's disheveled state, he rushed over to his side.

"jimin? what's wrong? were you crying?" the questions came quick and fast, and jimin hesitated to answer.

"i-i just had a n-nightmare, hyung, im f-fine," jimin tried to promise, but by the way he was shaking, he was still clearly upset.

"you don't look fine," yoongi said, obviously unconvinced.

"wow, thanks," jimin replied, rolling his eyes. yoongi wasn't the kind to sugarcoat, but jimin still would've rather received encouraging words.

"i just meant you look upset," yoongi assured him, smoothing jimin's bubblegum pink hair. a small smile formed when jimin closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling. jimin didn't notice.

"really, though, are you okay, chim?" yoongi asked softly. jimin was about to swear that he was when his throat tightened. he began to tear up again as he remembered his dreams.

"no," he whispered, opening his eyes and taking yoongi's hand in his.

"will you tell me what happened?" yoongi questioned, a light blush too difficult for jimin to see dusting his cheeks.

"please, let's talk about something else," jimin muttered as he put his head on yoongi's chest, just wanting to feel safe. yoongi's eyes widened, but he rubbed jimin's back like his mother had done to him when he was little to calm him down.

"okay... um, the stars look pretty tonight." yoongi stared out the window. the clouds from earlier had disappeared, giving the two boys a clear view of the night sky. yoongi's pale skin glowed in the moonlight which was seeping through the window, casting shadows around jimin's bedroom.

"yeah, they do," jimin agreed, glancing at yoongi. "thank you for staying with me, hyung." yoongi smiled.

"it's no trouble, chim. you know i love talking to you." now it was jimin's turn to grin. warmth filled his body as he moved just noticeably closer to yoongi. yoongi blushed again, and this time jimin noticed.

"are you okay, hyung?" jimin asked, smirking.

"yeah, just enjoying the stars," yoongi replied nonchalantly without turning his head.

"the view's pretty, isn't it?" jimin murmured, looking straight at yoongi.

"mhm," yoongi agreed, watching jimin from the corner of his eye. their hands found their way to each other and yoongi's heartbeat sped up. he had had a crush on jimin for a while. he found himself wondering if jimin knew all along.

jimin, of course, felt the same way towards yoongi. he had the biggest genuine smile plastered on his face as the two body stargazed. they eventually began talking about random little things, things you say at three in the morning, just enjoying each other's company. eventually the sun started to make its appearance, and yoongi turned to jimin.

"you didn't really sleep at all, you should probably get to bed," he told jimin worriedly.

"o-okay, but, hyung... can you stay with me?" jimin asked shyly. yoongi's eyes went wide and his face burned.

"s-sure, chim," he stuttered. jimin had a small smile on his face as he got under the covers and invited yoongi to come next to him. yoongi crawled in, becoming much more comfortable once he realized jimin had a memory foam mattress. jimin moved closer.

"c-can i...?" he trailed off as he scooted close to yoongi's chest.

"uh... yeah," yoongi muttered, putting his arm over jimin's shoulders. jimin smiled, his eyes turning into small crescent moons. yoongi held him close.

jimin slowly fell asleep, yoongi feeling his breathing become relaxed. he sighed and put his chin on jimin's head, slowly falling asleep as well. neither of the boys thought about what bangtan would say when they realized yoongi was gone from his bed and neither him nor jimin had made an appearance in the morning. of course, that didn't matter to them in that moment. they just wanted to be close.

it was around 11 AM when taehyung came bursting into the room, gasping comedically loud before a smirk found its way onto his face.

"kookie, you owe me five bucks!" taehyung shouted before running off to find the maknae. yoongi groaned and rubbed his eyes, staring up at the ceiling and realizing it wasn't his own. his ears burned as he realized his arms were still around jimin's small body. he didn't move away, however. instead, he nuzzled his face into jimin's hair, hoping he kept him safe from whatever dream was tormenting him. jimin shifted and yawned, eyes shooting open when he felt arms constructing him. he blushed hard when he saw yoongi staring at him.

"oh, y-yoongi, im sorry for making you stay-" jimin began to apologize, but a quick kiss on the cheek from yoongi shut him up.

"i..." jimin watched yoongi as he went to stand up.

"let's go get breakfast," yoongi decided, and jimin hopped up next to him with a huge smile on his face.

"yoongi hyung?"


"thank you."

"anything for you, jiminie."

rose red cheeks.

"by the way? i didn't dream."

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