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*bts does not exist in this story!*

it seemed to be constantly raining these days. well, at least on the days yoongi had to wait for the bus so he could go to work.

yoongi liked rain, he really did. but when it was getting him soaked while he was half asleep, he liked it a bit less. his jet-black hair stuck to his forehead, and he sighed in defeat. he should've brought his umbrella.

a silver-haired boy made his way over to the bus stop. unlike yoongi, he was completely dry because he had actually brought something to protect him from the near-downpour. the boy watched yoongi with worry clear in his soft brown eyes. yoongi glanced at him out of the corner of his eye and caught him staring.

"yes?" he said rather sharply. he wasn't in the mood for strangers, no matter how pretty, to take pity on him. the silver-haired boy looked momentarily taken by surprise. he blinked and cleared his throat.

"i was j-just wondering if you n-needed an umbrella," the boy choked out. the way he stuttered was cute. yoongi bit his lip to hide a smile.

"i mean, it'd be nice," he muttered, attempting to keep his cold demeanor. usually, yoongi was intimidating enough to end any unwanted conversations. this one, though, was different. the boy raised his eyebrows.

"well, would you like to use mine?" he offered.

"that's okay, you're using it," yoongi sighed, half wishing he would've said yes. he was sure the boy could survive without it for ten minutes or so. he thought the boy rolled his eyes at his answer, but perhaps he had imagined it.

"yes, but you can use it with me," he reminded yoongi that two people could, in fact, fit under a single umbrella. yoongi felt his face heat up at his stupidity.

"o-oh... right. um... thank you for the offer. i'll take you up on it, i guess," yoongi smiled slightly as he stepped close to the boy.

"so what's your name?" he inquired, too close for comfort to this stranger.

"park jimin. yours?"

"min yoongi."

"that's a nice name. it fits you."

"thanks. yours is pretty," yoongi replied. he thought he recognized the name, but he didn't mention it.

"does it fit me?" the boy asked with a smirk. yoongi looked thoughtful for a second.

"not at all!" he snickered. jimin looked offended.

"yah! this is my umbrella you're using, brat!" he complained.

"brat? shouldn't you be calling me hyung?" yoongi asked the clearly younger boy. now it was yoongi's turn to smirk as all jimin could do was stare, ears reddening.

"oh, sorry, hyung," jimin huffed, clearly still offended.

"aw, jiminie, don't be hurt. i was just kidding," yoongi chuckled. he had let the nickname slip out without even thinking about it. unfortunately for him, jimin had heard.

"jiminie, huh? that's cute," he said, grinning. yoongi blushed, red creeping up his neck.

"you look like a tomato!" jimin exclaimed, laughing while yoongi crossed his arms and pouted.

"yeah? well, you look like a..." yoongi spluttered, finding no insults to use against jimin. he looked gorgeous when he smiled. jimin wiped his eyes as he had begun to tear up from laughing so hard.

"ah, yoongi hyung, when's the bus coming? my legs are tired," jimin sighed once he had calmed down.

"what, sick of me already?" yoongi shook his head with disdain. he had actually been having a lot of fun talking to jimin, like they were old friends. there was no longer an awkward atmosphere surrounding them, although they were still rather close to one another under jimin's umbrella. jimin shook his head quickly.

"no, no, i just had dance practice late last night so my muscles are sore," jimin explained, massaging his legs. jimin's wish seemed to have come true because a bit after he asked, the bus pulled up to the stop. the boys got on together.

"you dance?" yoongi wondered aloud.

"yeah, it's sort of my passion,"
jimin gave a small smile.

"is that where you're going right now?" yoongi asked, thinking about his own job as a producer.

"no, i work at this little bakery in town," jimin grinned, thinking about the small shop he had come to love.

"you work with seokjin hyung?" yoongi gasped. he suddenly recognized the name 'park jimin'. he was seokjin's "so cute i could die"
employee. yoongi had to agree with seokjin's description.

"yeah! he's a real sweetheart, isn't he?" jimin sighed fondly. "and him and his boyfriend are just the cutest." yoongi grinned. he had always been a bit jealous of seokjin's relationship with his boyfriend. they seemed like soulmates. jimin seemed to remember something and scribbled that something onto what appeared to be a napkin.

"yeah, they are," yoongi almost whispered as the bus pulled to a stop near his office. "alright, this is where i work."

"wait!" jimin sprung up beside yoongi and pressed the napkin into his palm. "text me and we can hang out sometime when it isn't raining, yeah?" yoongi grinned.

"of course. nice to meet you, jiminie!"

"you too, hyung."

jimin watched the boy leave for work.

"what a cutie."

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