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[bts does not exist in this chapter! jimin and yoongi are both 95 liners. side yugkook.]

on the first day of each year, beginning after age 16, a tattoo would appear on your skin. the tattoo was always on your wrist, and it was always a letter. eventually, the letters spelled out your soulmate's name. if you fell in love with your soulmate before the name was complete, the rest of the letters would appear in twenty-four hours. if the letters didn't appear, that meant you fell in love with the wrong person. most people tried to ignore this and insist that they just had the wrong name on their wrist, but the imperfect matches never stayed together.

of course, there was a certain "click" when you met your soulmate. you just had to take the time to notice it.

park jimin was terrified of falling in love with the wrong person.

it was new year's day. jimin was eighteen years old. the third letter was printed on his skin.

"min?" he muttered, annoyed as he was with each passing year and each new letter. "is that his full last name? will i really not know until next year?"

jimin frowned at his realization. he just wanted to find his soulmate already. he was sick of waiting. not that he was sure he wanted to fall in love quite yet, but he never really had much patience. he glared out the window as snowflakes twirled in the wind, wishing to see his soulmate's face appear in his mind.

min yoongi had never wanted to fall in love.

he was perfectly happy the way he was. well, he wasn't exactly "happy", but he figured he'd prefer his boring life to one filled with cliche romance. plus, yoongi was gay, and the fact that he had only told one person kind of made him want to forget about the concept of soulmates altogether. he stared down at his wrist.

"p-a-r... probably spells "park"... i know, like, eighty people with the surname park," yoongi grumbled to himself. as much as he didn't want to find his soulmate, he wanted the full name to scrawl itself across his skin so he could get it removed. that method seemed to be popular with people in denial of who their soulmate was. probably mostly people like yoongi. korea wasn't really there for the gays. he squeezed his eyes shut, cringing as he recalled when he had first realized his soulmate had to be male. he had walked straight into a stop sign when that gorgeous boy walked past. nice going, yoongs.

yoongi's phone buzzed with a text from jeongguk. yoongi shut his eyes and flopped back down on his bed, not wanting to answer the questions that waited for him. jeongguk was a self-proclaimed "expert wingman". he was also the only person who knew about yoongi's sexuality. the sound of "colors" by day6 suddenly filled the room, and yoongi cursed before picking up the phone.

"what do you want, guk?" yoongi snapped, and he could practically feel jeongguk flinch.

"you know what i want. what's the next letter?" jeongguk asked excitedly.

"it's an "r". "p-a-r". i think it probably spells "park"," yoongi tells him. jeongguk squeals.

"i know a park! yugs, do you know a park? he knows a park!" jeongguk was shouting now, and yoongi was tired of it.

"gukkie, i know, like, ninety-seven people with the last name "park". i'm not going to find him this year." yoongi could feel his exasperation seeping through the phone speaker, but, as always, jeongguk is too oblivious to realize.

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