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*bts does not exist in this chapter!*

yoongi whistled as he walked through the park. he had needed some space from all the stress, and the best place to relax was somewhere with almost no people: the park on the coldest day in october.

of course, with yoongi's luck, someone else was there at the same time on the same day.

yoongi listened to the autumn leaves crunch underfoot, the goldens and browns and reds swirling together to create their own accidental artwork. the trees were mostly barren, their gray branches waving in the wind like skeletons. the sun was shining, but not much warmth was provided as yoongi shoved his hands deep into his pockets. he hadn't worn gloves, assuming he was tough enough to not get too cold.

seriously, why did he think he could beat the weather? he was freezing.

as yoongi walked further, he realized there was someone sitting on the old wooden bench further up the path. he was holding a pencil and paper, and appeared to be drawing something. he seemed semi-focused, but also like he was looking for something. yoongi continued walking. as he got closer, he could hear "don't wanna cry" by seventeen playing. he was planning on ignoring the boy, but the artist spoke up.

"excuse me, sir." the boy's voice was soft and higher-pitched than yoongi's own. silver hair peeked out from beneath his black death note sweatshirt hood. his jeans were ripped and fit him perfectly, unlike yoongi's baggy sweatpants. yoongi stared into deep mocha eyes. the boy looked younger than yoongi.

"yes?" he raised an eyebrow, wondering what the boy could want.

"could i draw you? you'd go well with the background of the trees." the silver-haired's eyes trailed from yoongi's bleach blonde hair to his dark eyes and pink lips to his all-black outfit that he had lazily thrown on without really looking. yoongi suddenly felt very self-conscious.

"uh, are- are you sure?" yoongi stuttered. "i don't really look my best and-"

"it's fine. you look pretty," the boy smiled gently. "i'm jimin, by the way."

"i'm... i'm yoongi." yoongi sat across from the boy, jimin, while jimin's hand moved quickly across the page. yoongi couldn't see what he was drawing, and he realized that jimin could be the worst artist in the world and he would have no idea until jimin was finished.

fifteen minutes had passed, and yoongi shivered as the biting breeze attacked his nose. jimin glanced up.

"um, do you wanna borrow my hoodie? i'm actually kinda hot, and we probably wear about the same size..." he offered. yoongi wanted so badly to say yes.

so he did.

"yes, that would be wonderful!" yoongi grinned. jimin was left in a sky blue sweater, still looking quite warm. yoongi gratefully took the hoodie from jimin and slipped it on, already feeling much more comfortable.

"okay, i'm gonna keep drawing you now. better?" jimin asked, glancing back down at the sketchbook. yoongi nodded and chewed his lip. a smile ghosted across jimin's face. only music filled the silence after that. half an hour later, jimin was done.

"well, what do you think?" jimin murmured, turning the paper towards yoongi. yoongi's jaw dropped. the drawing looked nearly identical to him, with perfect shading and fantastic skill. how had he possibly finished this so quickly?

"i practice a lot," jimin laughed, seeming to guess what yoongi had been thinking. he probably had figured it out by the astonished look still on yoongi's face.

"this... this is incredible!" yoongi gasped, astounded. jimin blushed.

"thanks! i'm glad you like it. it's yours, after all," jimin smiled. yoongi almost choked.

"this is for me?" yoongi stammered. he couldn't imagine giving away something this good.

"well, yeah, it's of you, isn't it?" jimin giggled.

"yes, but... this is amazing. and it was made in so little time! i'm just... shocked, i guess," yoongi muttered.

"i can tell by the look on your face," jimin snorted. yoongi tried to look less amazed.

"thank you so much, jimin!" yoongi beamed at the artist.

"anytime. i actually have to go meet up with my friends right now, but here. see you again?" he inquired, ripping out the page from his sketchbook and scribbling something on the back. yoongi nodded quickly.

"bye, jimin." he waved as the silver-haired handed him the artwork and then walked away. his full name, park jimin, and his phone number were scrawled on the other side. yoongi sighed happily and began walking back down the park path towards home.

hopefully this jimin boy would soon be less of a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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