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Dan's *POV*

"She has hearing aids to help her hear." Patrick, the meeting leader, explains to me. I look out at the girl I just met today, Darcy, who is sitting alone in her cousin's car, playing with her nails.

"W-Well....why doesn't sh-she wear them?" I stutter. Heaven and Hell both know that I do not like talking to others except those known as my band mates. Great blokes. Anyway, I don't know why I was made out to by so shy. That's just the way I am.

Patrick shrugs, "She hates them. She says they feel like she is being stabbed in the ears."

I shrug, "Th-en why not get the m-magnetic hear-ing aids?" Patrick stands there for a minute in complete silence before he bounces up and down on his toes, looking down at the ground, nodding.

"I will talk to her. Sounds great. Thanks Daniel," He heads to the door and opens it but then turns back just as easily and raises a finger at me, "Keep working on your speech and you drinking problem. You are doing better, buddy." He then winks and jogs to his green Toyota, hopping in next to Darcy, pats her shoulder, then drives off. 

I sigh and rub my hands together, my eyes scanning the room, "Great." I sit down on a chair, "How the hell am I supposed to talk to a deaf girl when I can't even talk to other people with out stuttering..." 

- - - - - - - - - -

As I talk to Patrick, Darcy waits on my porch.

"I have tried everything to have her speak...but...she just won't!" He struggles, throwing his arms in the air.

"I-I see you-u got her those mag-agnitised heari-ng aids." Patrick soothes down a little and nods.

"Ya. It was a hassle and quite expensive."

"Bloody hell. A-Am I going to ne-need to p-pay you back?" I run a shaky hand through my hair. Patrick just lifts a cheeky smile and shakes his head.

"No. But the good thing is that she can hear and they don't hurt her. Good luck, Daniel." He smirks then drives off quickly. I spin on my heels and walk over to Darcy who is sitting on the porch steps.

"Hey, Darce." I say with a smile, "D-Do you mind me calling you that?" For some reason I hear myself stuttering less around this girl already after one day with her. She just laughs, throwing her head back. I can't help but laugh back because her laugh is weird yet adorable at the same time.

"Yes I do mind it actually." I hear her whisper. It seemed quieter than a whisper but still manageable.

"Wait." I jump up in surprise, "You can speak?" She nods.

"Not much though." She shrugs and then tucks herself into a ball.

"Then why didn't you talk to me earlier?"

She tilts her head to the side and sighs, "Because when I don't have hearing aids in, I can't hear, so I can't really speak well."

I decide not to get nosy so I guide her inside my flat, "Wow..." she whispers, "This is amazing!" Darcy giggles as she twirls around on the marble floor.

Since I am in a band, I have got a pretty nice area. Although, the boys trash it all the time, "Erm, do you want anything to eat?" I ask her as I strip off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack. She stares at the wolves on my shirt.

"They are gorgeous." She says, amazed, ignoring my question.

"Uhm. Thanks?"

"Where did you get it?" Bloody hell...she talks a lot for someone who is supposedly deaf

"I ordered it online." Suddenly her shoulders slump and the glimmer in her eyes go out, "What's wrong, Darcy?"

She shrugs and wanders to the television room, "I just don't have internet. My cousin, you know, Patrick," I nod as we sit together on the black couch in front of the tellie, "Well, he doesn't make enough money as he is supposed to, so he takes two jobs. Meeting guide and busboy over at Harvies." I bite me lip then decide to look through the movie shelf.

"I am sorry, Darcy."

"No. It's fine, Daniel." I turn back and lock eyes with her, then look back down at the the movies.

"Please. Call me Dan." 

"Okay!" She says cheerfully. I can't help but smile.

"You are awfully cheerful and loud for a girl whom is deaf." 

"Ya well you are awfully out there for a shy guy. At least for me, and I had only just met you nearly five hours ago." She pouts her lip as I sit next to her again, but then breaks out in laughter. I hold up a Twin Peaks: Season 1 DVD. Darcy shakes her head. I shrug and throw it on the carpet then head to the kitchen.


"One minute."

"Kay!" I arrive back a little later with two bowls of popcorn, "Popcorn! My favorite!" I chuckle a little as she grabs one bowl out of my hand.

"Want to watch Frozen?" I ask her pulling it out of the shelf. Darcy jumps up on the couch and jumps all over it, spilling our popcorn all over the couch.

"YES! OH MY GOD YES! I FREAKING LOVE FROZEN!" I grab my stomach and start laughing, harder than I have ever laughed before. I end up falling down on the tan carpet and rolling over in laughter, "What?" Darcy asks, calm now.

"You are so excitable!" I get up, stumbling a bit, "And adorable!" I find her blushing then I feel my cheeks getting hot, "Bloody hell. Did I just say that aloud?" She nods. This just got awkward.

Darcy jumps up and hugs me. I throw my arms up in surprise before hugging her back, "You know," She whispers, her head digging into my favorite wolf shirt, "I have never had a friend like you before, Dan. Thank you....thank you."

- - - - - - - - - -

Throughout the whole movie I deal with Darcy singing, but I except it. She is cute as hell singing and dancing and she has also never actually heard anything, she has just seen moving pictures. 

Let me just say that this night had been the best night of my life.

Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now