f o u r

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Dan's *POV*

"Different Pointe of View eh? Never been to that restaurant. But, I did here it is quite divine." Darcy says as we pull up to the restaurant. 

I shrug, "It really is. Great place." We get out and a man with a red suit takes my keys and parks the car.

"So, Mr. Hot Shot, why have you chosen to take me on a date after the big scene at your flat earlier?" She giggles slightly. I sort of freeze, not knowing what to say.

Just tell her the truth, Dan.

"I have been wanting to take you on a date since I first met you...a day ago." I can feel my ears burning up, which means my cheeks are probably a fiery red color. The two of us walk up to the reservation desk outside the glass doors.

"Do you have a reservation?" The man with the blonde hair asks. I gulp and shake my head, giving myself a mental face palm for not thinking ahead. The man chuckles, "It is quite fine. What are your names."

"I'm Darcy, and this very tall handsome man is Dan." I look down at her, my jaw dropping slightly. All she does is smile...but something is different. It seems that Darcy has dimples. I have never noticed that before. 

The man writes our names down and tells us to follow him. 

Surely she wasn't serious about what she said. I bet she was just messing around. Darcy doesn't like me in the way I like her. I doubt it will ever happen...ever.

He leads us to a small table right on the balcony, "I am sorry you two have to sit out here on such a chilly night, but this is where people without reservations are forced to sit. But the view is nice. And there will be no chattering since this table is lonesome. But...have a nice dinner. I'll inform the waiter and they shall be here shortly." He smiles and scurries off, closing a gold colored curtain behind him.

I sigh, "I am so sorry, Darcy...I should have made res-"

"No," She whispers, grabbing my arm, "This is perfect." She smiles and sits down, reaching over the table, and patting the other side, signalling me to sit. I do so and we just stare at each other for a few minutes, while the chilly breezes whips by us. 

By now, I am too lost in her beauty to notice how cold it is. The only thing I see right now is her, and that is the only thing that I need to see.


"Hello, folks." I sigh and slump back in my seat as I watch the waitress walk over. Her black hair is pulled up in a bun except for her bangs that fall over one of her blue eyes.

"Hi!" Darcy says cheerfully as she turns her head away from me to make eye contact with the waitress. 

"Hello. My name is Sasha and I will be your waitress for tonight. Have you decided what you would like to drink?"

"Erm...champagne please." Darcy says. The waitress nods and pulls out a pen and small notepad writing down her order.

She looks up from her notepad, "And you sir?" 

"Uhm..." I look at Darcy and she gives me a small smile, then I turn back to the woman, "Same as her."

"Okay. Great. Two champagnes. I'll get back to you with your drinks and ready for your orders." We nod and she walks through the curtain into the crowded restaurant.


I sigh and intertwine my hands, looking at them, and the sensation of butterflies start to eat away at my stomach.


"Hmm?" She looks away from the lighted London streets to my face. The dim glow of the candle light is nothing but it illuminates her face.

"Heh...Um. Can I ask you something?"

"Su-" The woman comes back with our drinks and places them down on the table.

"Hello, again."

Leave already! Shit!!! You are ruining my chance!

"Ready to order?"

"Yes," Darcy tells her, "I would like the Cesar Salad with the Smokey Stake...please." The waitress nods and scribbles it down.

"And you sir?"

"C-Can I have the Latin Pasta."

Why would they call Spaghetti "Latin Pasta"?! What the hell!

"Alright. I'll be back soon." She walks off.

"So, Dan. What where you going to ask me? Can you pass the bread please?" I pass her the bread and watch her pull out the butter. Darcy rolls up her sleeves.

"N-Never mind - wait. What is on your arm?" I grab her arm, but she pulls away too quickly.

"N-Nothing. Just forget about it..." Darcy rolls down her sleeves.

"No, Darcy! What is on your arm?!" I grab her sleeve and roll it up revealing before my eyes deep gashes leading all the way up her arms.



"LET IT GO!" She pulls back and we sit the rest of the time in silence until the waitress comes back with the food.

••• •  •  •   •    •      •          •

Hey guys! 

I would just like to say, I found the perfect theme song for this story!

It is on the side >>

If you have a tablet/iPhone/iPod and don't see it, look it up!

It is called Invisible and it is by Hunter Hayes. 

I think all of you readers would agree.

BTW thank you all for reading and liking my book so far ☺


Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now