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Darcy's *POV*

"Good morning sunshine!" Patrick greets me brightly as I stumble into the kitchen. A delicious smell fills the room. 


I wave to him and sit down at the table, "How was it? Dan dropped you off last night. He called me and said you passed out." Patrick flips the bacon over in the frying pan and I just sit there watching him cook, "Hello? Earth to Darcy?" I look him in the eye then turn away, crossing my arms, "Alright listen here," Patrick puts down the spatula, "I know you can talk perfectly fine, Darcy. Dan told me last night when he dropped you off. He said you were like an adorable child, just bouncing off the walls. If you can talk to him, I know for a fact that you can talk to me."

When he mentions Dan's name, I swear my heart skipped a beat. I just huff and stomp upstairs. Right when I get into my room I slam the door and call Dan. It rings six times then goes to answering machine. "God dammit..." I mutter.

"DARCY COME DOWNSTAIRS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" Patrick yells from the story below. I roll my eyes and head downstairs.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Hello?" I answer the unknown number, slightly confused and scared.


"Oh god. Are you okay? Are you drunk? Patrick said you had a drinking problem."

"Oh please. I ain't drunk!"

"Bloody hell! Daniel Smith you are too drunk!"

"Pff. Whatever."

"No not whatever, Dan! You could die from drinking."


"Dan, why did you call?"

"Cause I can."

"That's it. I am taking Patrick's truck and I am going to get you. Where are you?"

"A party."

"What is the address, Dan? Come on! Think!"

"Erm-" Then the line drops dead. My heart sinks in my chest and I start to panic. What if he starts driving!? 

"Breathe, Darcy, breathe. Dan is smart. He will be okay..." I say soothingly, trying to convince myself. Then, I turn on the radio.

"All this bad blood here, won't you let it dry?"

Huh. Interesting. I have never heard this song.

"It's been cold for years, won't you let it lie?" Guessing the song is Bad Blood, I run to Patrick's room, grab his phone, and look up the song.

"Bad Blood. A song by the band known as...Bastille." I type Bastille in on the search bar and look for images. 

Then is strikes me.

It feels like my heart is racing, swelling, and exploding all at the same time.

I drop his phone and run out of the house and to his car.

I start the car and drive down the street, heading to Dan's place.

- - - - - - - - - -

I have stayed here almost all night and still, Dan has not showed. I pace back and forth on his porch, waiting silently in the dark. Finally, a small grey car pulls up. Dan walks out from the passenger's side a bit unsteadily.

Another man jumps out the driver's side, looking sober. Thank god he had a designated driver. The man had brown hair, that trailed down to a light beard and a cute mustache that curls at the edges. Unlike Dan, he looks full of energy and more social. The man also has bright brown eyes that welcomes any face.

The two men walk up, Dan being guided by his designated driver, "Why hello, Miss." The man says with a cheeky smile. Dan's glasses are cracked and crooked on the bridge of his nose. I guess the man can read my mind because he has the same expression, "He will be okay. Anyway, I am Kyle. Kyle Simmons. And you are?" I notice that his accent is about as equally adorable as Dan's.

"I-I'm Darcy. Darcy Snider." The man known as Kyle sticks out his hand and I greet him with a warm hand shake.

"Ah. So you are the famous Darcy that the lads and I have been getting an ear full about." Kyle smirks and raises and eyebrow. I can't help but blush and hide my face behind the long sleeves of my light pink sweater.

"So is it true that Dan Smith here is in a band?" I ask. I notice Dan stops his drunk mumbling and turns dead silent. I look at him and he is staring back with wide eyes and full of embarrassment. I can't help but giggle at his reaction while Kyle chuckles.

"Erm, ya. He is in a band with me and two other blokes-"

"Chris, aka Woody, and Will. Right I know. And the band name is Bastille."

"Kyle let me go..." Dan mutters. Kyle looks down on him and shakes his head.

"You can wait. You need someone to stay with you and keep an eye on you tonight, and tonight is my shift. So, no. I said no and the answer will stay no." Dan gives Kyle a death glare then turns his head back to look at the door.

"Oh. Uh, I can take care of him..." I suggest, blushing once more. Kyle raises and eyebrow.

"You sure you can handle him?" I nod and he tilts his head, "Alright. Here." Kyle tosses me an extra set of keys, "Have fun." And with that, he walks back to the car and drives away leaving me confused and with a drunk Dan.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Sorry." He mumbles as he guzzles down water, trying to lessen the effect of the alcohol he had consumed earlier.

I shake my head, both my hands wrapped around the white mug that carries my hot chocolate in it, "No, Dan. It's fine. I understand why you did not want to tell me right away." He nods and fixates his glasses so that they are straight, "I mean, ya. We have known each other for two days now, it's not like we are going to spill every single one of our secrets to each other. And besides, you probably thought that I would 'fan girl' if you told me this soon."

"Ya. Well I am just happy you are staying calm about it." The sound of cameras clicking and flashing eats away the silence which is very unsettling and uncomfortable at the moment, "Sorry. You seem really uncomfortable."

I shake my head, "I'm not used to it. At least the blinds are down. Shit would go insane if paparazzi took photos of me with you."

"Everyone would take it the wrong way."




"I don't think that would be such a bad thing." Dan looks at me, his cheeks flushing rosy pink.

Next thing we know, a paparazzi breaks in...

Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now