t w e n t y - f i v e

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It's now dark outside when I pull up to Cameron's storehouse, "Wake up." I say in a straight foreward tone to Kyle, Will, and Woody. The snoring and drooling fest continues, "WAKE. UP." I finally shout. Kyle wakes up with a girl-like scream as the other two just jump in their seats, "Let's go. Everyone out. Now."

The four of us rush out of the car and up to each side of the storehouse, trying to find an entrance, "Guys!" Kyle yells, "Guys, I found an entrance!" We follow Kyle's voice and silently walk inside. It is pitch black and no one is to be seen anywhere. The silence is deadly and at the moment seems impossible to fill.

"Ouch." Woody mutters under his breathe as a clang echos through the darkness.

"Chris!" I whisper yell.

"To late. We already know that you are here." A soft female voice whispers as I feel her lips brush against my ear as she spoke.

"Get away from him!" I hear Darcy yell. I start to panic when I hear her voice.

"DARCY?! DARCY WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shout through the darkness.

"D-Dan," I hear Kyle squeak, "I would shut up if I were you."

"What?" I ask and as I turn around, the lights flicker on. I get a glimps of my band mates and Darcy being surrounded by Cameron's cloaked posse. But right before I can run over, the lights flicker off.

"One of you will die tonight," Cameron's voice echos through the storehouse, "And the rest will be harmed greatly." Laughter fills the room and my breathing gets heavy. I start to panic more, praying that who dies isn't anyone I care about and that it's me whom dies.

An arm grips my shoulder, causing me to jump, "Dan, relax. It's just me." Darcy whispers. My shoulders drop and I become less tense.

"Hey," I whisper taking her into my arms, "You're not going to die...I promise, babe."

A flashlight burns a hole in the darkness, "Dan?" I hear a familiar, heavy irish accent yell.

"Tod?" I ask letting go of Darcy.

"Thank god, Dan you're here. You need to get ou-" He stops mid-scentence and starts choking.

"Oh my god," I realize what's happening and suddenly the lights flick on. Everyone is gone except Kyle, Will, Woody, Darcy, and Tod who is on his knees; choking on his own blood with a knife lodged into his chest, "TOD!" I shout, running over to my cousin and catching him before he falls. Tears fill in my eyes as Tod spits out blood and rolls down his chin.

I stroke his hair and I hug my younger cousin tightly for I know that this is the end of him. Blood drips out of his mouth and onto my shoulder. He hugs me tightly before his hold gets loose and limp and he becomes quiet.

He's gone. My whole family is gone.

Tears sting my eyes and I start sobning loudly as I still hold onto Tod's lifeless body, "No...no...no..." I whisper before yelling loudly.

The whole storehouse is quiet except for my sobs and here and there yells. Everyone stands in silence as I place Tod on tge cold cement and silently cry into his chest.


Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now