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"Look, Darcy...I am really sorry. Can we just get over it and continue with our meal?" She sits in silence, sticking her fork in her steak, looking off the the distance. The scowl on her face hasn't faded for at least an hour, "Do you want me to bring you home when we finish?"

"No. I am going to call Patrick." Her tone shocked me. It was hard and cold. Damn...

"I-I'm sor-"

"Forget it, Daniel." She drops her fork, pulls out a twenty dollar bill as a tip, and walks away, calling Patrick.

"Why the hell am I such an ass..." I say to myself.

"You should go talk to her." I look up and meet eyes with a somewhat younger man with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He isn't wearing anything special.

"N-Now!?" The boy lets out a heavenly laugh.

"No, Dan. Maybe tomorrow." I nod and stick my fork into a meatball, twirling it around on my plate, "Look, Dan. I know. You messed up. But that's alright. We make mistakes. But you need to talk to her now and tell her how you feel before it is too late."

"Erm...Okay. Ya I will. Say, who are you?" I look back up at the young man.

"I am Augustus. Just give me a call when you need me. Okay?" I nod once more, looking down at my plate again.

"Okay I will." I look back up, but he is gone. "W-What...? I just shake it off and leave my money for the waitress to pick up.

- - - - - - - - - -

Darcy's *POV*

Patrick and I sit in the car in silence. Well to me it is silent. Once I hung up with Patrick, I had taken off my hearing aids. Right now I just want to block out the whole world. Why did I have to act so horribly towards him?! He took me on a date, which I have always dreamed of, and then I just ruined it with my crappy attitude!

God, I am such an idiot.

I really, really hope he is okay. I hope he doesn't hate me after this. God, I would do anything just to know that he doesn't hate me.

We pull up at our house and Patrick helps me out. He forces me to put in my hearing aids once more. I tell him that I am going to bed just to have him leave me be, and it works. I sit in my bedroom, scrolling through some photos Dan and I took together. Staring at him makes my heart race. 

I feel so invisible without him around.

I just feel like texting him and saying "I love you", but I am afraid that he won't feel the same.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dan's *POV*

"Tomorrow, I will apologize and tell her how I feel about her. I will tell her that I love her, even if she is still mad at me afterwards. No more holding back." I sigh and sit on the side on the black leather couch in the television room that she always sits on. I pull out my phone scrolling through photos of the two of us, causing my heart the shatter as my mind races back to the time I saw her cuts.

"Why would she do this...?" I whine, throwing myself back against the couch. Suddenly, there is a knock at the door, "Come in..."

"Eh, Daniel!" Woody's voice booms through the house, causing me to raise a small smile.

"What's up, Woody." I don't sound very happy and I don't really have a reason to sound happy.

"What's wrong?" Will and Kyle ask from behind Chris. I sit up and plant my head in my hands.

"Oh no," Kyle mutters, "She rejected you, didn't she?"

"No," I whisper, "I completely screwed up our date." I hear Will chuckle slightly behind me, "Shut up, William. Anyway, I think she completely hates me now. But then...someone came to me."

"Who?" Woody asks.

"It was a younger man," My mind back tracks to when this person came up to me at the restaurant, "He said that his name was Augustus, and he was telling me that I need to talk to her before it's too late...next thing I know...he's gone," I turn behind me to face them, "What did he mean by 'before it's too late'?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Darcy's *POV*

As I sit on my bed, staring at the photos, something red lands onto my phone screen. It  runs down my screen, and onto my hand.

"I-Is that...blood?" I reach up to my nose and feel that it is bleeding...and it is coming fast...

Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now