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"P-Patrick!" I screech at the top of my lungs. I look down at my arms and notice that I have formed small bruises, "PATRICK!" I try to get up, but I can't. I fall out of the bed, unable to move. The heavy sound of footsteps sends a wave of relief through me. 

Patrick bursts into the room with a loud gasp escaping his lips, "DARCY!" He picks me up and I automatically know where he is taking me.

- - - - - - - - - -

Dan's *POV*

5 hours since Darcy was sent to the hospital

"Patrick?" Patrick stands up.

"Yes?!" He sounds very worried. I wouldn't blame him I am too.

"Please follow me." He runs past the nurse and into Darcy's room. I follow him, but I am in no rush. I don't want this terrible fait coming towards me too quickly. I have been crying since I got here. That would be two hours ago.

I finally get into the room. Patrick is sitting by a sleeping Darcy's side, gripping her hand lightly, afraid that he might bruise it more.

"Patrick, Daniel," The doctor says quietly, walking into the room with a clip board, "I am afraid I have some bad new," Automatically, the phrase bad news makes my heart sink and fall into a deep ibis of nothing, "I am afraid that Darcy has leukemia." Patrick digs his head into Darcy's shirt and starts crying. 

I drop to me knees, my whole body shaking, unable to react. Then I sob. I cry and cry. The tears refusing to stop. Now I know. Now I know exactly what Augustus meant by before it's too late.

Why didn't I see this coming. She could die any moment. Now it is too late. If only I could take her place...

- - - - - - - - - -

One week later...

Darcy and I sit alone in my back yard, each of us on either side of a bench, keeping our distance. I turn my head to look at her. She is wear a pair of rolled up, light blue jeans with a dark turquoise shirt. Her curly, fiery orange hair is also put up in a ponytail.

"Darcy." I scoot closer to her until we are only a few inches apart. She turns to look at me, smiling slightly.

"Yes, Dan?" She asks, cheerfully.

"I have been dying to ask you this, b-but....will....will you please be my girlfriend?" Surprisingly, her face lights up, the cheeky smile once again appears that I saw the very first time I saw her. Her eyes start to water as she hugs me.

"Yes, Daniel! Yes I will." Just then, right in that moment, I swear a heavy weight was lifted off of my chest.

Darcy pulls away and stares me in the eyes. I take a strand of her hair and tuck it behind her ear so I can see her face better, "I have been wanting to do this since our first conversation." I take her face in my hands and collide her lips with mine.

Darcy's *POV*

In surprise, I didn't pull away in shock. I went through with it. This was my dream, leukemia or not, I have been wishing to be with Dan since I first met him.

My lips move with his, my arms trailing up and wrapping behind his neck.

I feel pain in my body and I know I am starting to bruise, but right now I don't care.

All I know is that I am happy.

And I am happy because I know that I will die knowing that I followed my dream.

Darcy And Dan {BASTILLE} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now