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Chapter 5
Dear Dairy,

it's me 'Nessie' again. I thought now would be a good time to write because I don't have my father reading my mind, and I don't have my mother asking millions of questions about what I write in you. My mother and father dropped me of at my Grandpa Charlie's house. I was very so excited to get here because Grandpa is so fun to be around, plus he lets me do whatever I want without 24/7 supervision. When I got into the house, Grandpa Charlie had sandwiches, cookies and a glass of juice waiting for me on the kitchen table. They were so good but mom was right 'Don't go hunting before going to Grandpa's house' because he always has tons of delicious foods that I love ready for me when he knows I'm coming over. I laughed as I thought of this and now writing it down and want to know what, I laughed again. I decided to walk up to my room which actually uses to be my mother's when she was still human and young back in the days.

Ugh that reminds me, whenever my mother and father would come to Grandpa's with me *which thankfully they didn't come this time* they would both retell me their stories from when my mother use to be human and my dad would always sneak into her window and watch her sleep while Grandpa was deep in his sleep. It is honestly a cute loving story but only told once or twice, not 30 million times heard. Gosh all of the things I take and listen from them just because I love them, and of course they always get me everything I want. I don't ever want to say this to my mother and father because it will make them sad and I can't stand seeing them sad or even disappointed in me, that is why I love writing to you in 'My Diary' because you allow me to open up, and I can tell you anything and everything without being questioned or concerned about what I write, but seriously I really don't care about the stories especially about my room, because it's mine now and not theirs, I want to create new memories in it that will last forever and have my own stories to tell my future children.

Oh my goodness I almost forgot to tell you, but every time I come here to visit I always end up sleeping over and the best thing about sleep over at Grandpa's is because Jake sneaks through my window in the middle of the night and cuddles up to me and we stay that way before Grandpa wakes up for the morning.
I personally don't think it was a genius idea that my parents told me what they both did back in the day about my father always sneaking around to see my mother and cuddle her at night, because Jake and I loved the secret sneaking around idea and it's mostly their fault for telling both of us the story.

Well I need to go because Grandpa wants to go fishing and I told him I would, this should be fun catching nothing again!
I will write as soon as I am able to.


Nessie Cullen

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