Chapter 10

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chapter 10

Sam started his scary story while Jake pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his strong chest. I'm starting to enjoy going camping but I was so tired from all the excitement that once I had my head on Jake's chest I closed my eyes and fell asleep. And he kissed my forehead. All I want is be in his arms all night and everyday. It felt so right and comfortable.

I wasn't quite in a deep sleep yet because I head him telling the others that we will be in our tent since I was falling asleep alright. The next thing I know he picked me up and carried me to our tent. We didn't even hear Sam's and the other stories.

Jake heard his story more then I did but he rather stay with me. I felt his arms wrapped around me and that feeling is what woke me up.

"Sorry, Ness I didn't mean to wake you up." He whispered with his lips inch's
from my ear.

"No it's okay." I replied while smiling

"Why don't you go back to sleep." He asked while looking down at me

"Is Sam mad that we aren't out there listening to his story though?" I asked

"I don't think he cares that we aren't out there." He replied as he was kissing my neck and I turn to face him and pull his head to my level so I can kiss his lips.

Next thing led to another (you know what I am talking about). Yeah my dad did tell me not to but do I even listen when I'm not near him, nope. We finally fell asleep around 2ish; I think we both had our arms wrapped around each other.

I kind of knew he really wasn't sleeping because I felt his arms keep moving on my body. I touched his arm to try to make him fall asleep but it didn't work like usually.


The next morning I woke up to found Jake not beside me. I got up and walked out of our tent to find him there talking to Paul; I didn't think he would make it here but he did. S I walked over to them.

"Hello, Sleeping Beauty!" He says as he put his arm around me and kissed my lips.

"Hey." I reply as I kissed his cheek.

"Hey, Ness;" Paul says

"Hey, when did you get here?" I asked

"This Morning around 5:30ish." He replied

"Where's everyone else?" I asked while looking at the empty tents

"Some went for a swim and others went for a hike." Jake replied

"Why didn't you go?" I asked while looking at him

"They did ask me but I told them I wanted to be here when you wake up." He replied as he started kissing my neck.

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