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Both of them looked shocked and surprised. I rose from the chair and outside, to where Jake was talking to Sam and Seth. I sneaked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He stopped talking and turn to face me and kissed me. I just couldn't let go of him.

"Did you have a nice talk with the girls?"

"Not really, they were trying to boss me around."

Jake pulled me closer to him and he felt the baby move.

"Well I should be taking you home, Sweets."

"Do we have to go right to my house?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Fine, but I'll miss you."

"Trust me, you will see me tomorrow."

"You're right, I know I will."

We said our goodbyes to Sam, Emily and the Clearwaters and headed toward the front door. Jake took my hand and led me to his car and we got in and were off to my house. I rested my head on Jake's shoulders as he drove. The way he drove it took us longer to get me back home, and boy was I glad. My parents weren't mad at me anymore, though, which was nice. I rested my hand on his thigh. He looked so happy that I did that.

When we finally got back to my house, Jake parked the Rabbit and got out, then walked over to my side and helped me out. We kissed goodbye and I walked up to the front door. When I walked in, everyone shouted: "Surprise!" They all knew that I didn't like surprises so why do it now? Aunt Alice and - wow, even Aunt Rosalie walked right over to me and hugged me.

"Thank you everyone for this; it was truly a surprise," I said with a smile.

"You're welcome Nessie," they replied.

I didn't want to stay down there with a bunch of partyers so I just went up to my room and got out my dairy and started to write.

Dear Diary,

I'm back from my visit with the gang. I thought my parents were really pissed off at me., but it turns out the whole thing was a set up. Anyhow, Jake and I talked about the names for the baby. I would really love a girl, but I especially hope it's a healthy baby. The names are Carlie Cullen Black for the girl or Jake Jr if it's a boy. That's what we decided on.

Leah and Emily were trying to boss and tell me what I should do and shouldn't do for our wedding. I told them it's not their wedding, it's mine and Jake's wedding. Speaking of which...we haven't decided if we want to live with my parents or with his dad after the wedding. I know how close Jake and his dad is.

I don't need to be stressed about anything right now, though; it's not good for the baby or me.

I'm a little like my mom: I don't like surprises and neither does she. But all in all I'm also like my Aunt Alice - we love going shopping!

Tomorrow I think Aunt Alice is taking me to go dress shopping for my big day, since my mom doesn't really like to go shopping. I can't wait anyways; Aunt Alice and I do have kind of the same taste in clothes. I only wish Jake could sneak over here and cozy up with me for a while, but I know they will hear him coming through my window so he can't. Anyway, I can't wait to see him!

Well Dairy that's it for now. Peace..

Renesmee Carlie Cullen

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