the Best day Ever !

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chapter 30: the best day Ever !

Next week!

Dear Dairy,

It's me Renesmee, Yes I know I haven't written in you for a few day, I was so bust getting ready for the big day. Yes our Wedding. I don't know if I told you that Jake ask me to marry him, and I said yes. I had to get ready for it. Yes I did get my dream come true. I got what I want. I got my grown, which Aunt Alice brought me. Then I went to Jake to get his tux. Aunt Alice and I went to get everything I needed. You know my parents won't really mad.

It was all a set up. Thanks to Jake. When I tried on my grown I looked amazing in it. Jake looked handsome in his tux. Anyway My grandma Rene and her husband Phil will be here. So will Sue and pop pop Charlie. Leah and Emily were in my wedding party, and so is little Seth. I don't know if I told you about the sex of the baby, if I do tell you, please keep it a secret. I am having twins, a boy and a girl. Jake doesn't know yet either does anyone else. SO shh..

This will be my last entry to write in her. I'll miss writing. , but I will be married and soon to be a mom. Don't worry, I'll pass you on to one of my children, I am sure that my little girl would love to write. Well I got to get going now. Bye!


Renesmee Carlie Cullen.

I closed my dairy and went to my mom and dad's room to get a shower. Then I got dried off and put on my grown on. My mom and Aunt Alice help me to put it on, My mom looked at me . I had to smile at her.

"My little girl is getting married today. She was fastening my last button. Then she went to put on her dress. While Aunt Alice was doing my hair. She had my hair in small ringlets. Then Emily and Leah did my make up. I had a little veil. She looked at me and Smiled.

"Ness, your all finish," She said as she walked to get her dress on. Leah, Emily, and Kim were already done. I think my mom would have cried if she had emotions and was able to shed a tear. She was almost ready. I was all set for this day. I couldn't wait to see Jake.

I was standing by the door, when I heard my dad calling for me.

"Everyone, are you already?" He called form the stairs.

"In a minute dad," I answered.

We were finishing up. My mom gave me something blue, a Necklace, she told me she brought for me a few years ago. Aunt Alice let me borrowed her earrings and my new Bracelet, That I brought yesterday. Aunt Alice , Kim Leah, and Emily walked downstairs. Then it was my mom and I Walked downstairs.

"Wow, Renesmee Carlie Cullen , you look beautiful," My dad walked over to me.

"Thanks dad," I grabbed his arm and we walked to the limo. Everyone else took limo two. I turn to smile at me dad. He smiled back. Once we were in the limo the driver took us to the Revs for me to get married. I know were weren't in Forks any longer, it looked like we were going to the Revesartion. It didn't take us long to get there.

Once the drive stopped the car, he open the door for us . My dad took my hand and we walked to the place. Leah and Embry started to walk, than Emily and Sam, and Kim and Jared . Last and at Least My dad and I. As I walked down the aisle I looked around and saw everyone looking at me. Then I saw him, Jake Black. As we arrived at the alter Jake took my hand and my dad kissed me.

"I love you baby girl!" He whispered.

"I love you too, daddy," I whispered back.

Then the wedding really started.

"Today we all gathered to marry Renesmee Carlie Cullen, and Jacob Black." The pastor started.

We smiled at each other. Than we stated our vow, place our rings on the fingers. Now you may kissed the bride. Jake titled me and we kissed.

"Ladies and Gentleman Its my pleasure to introduce you first the first time "Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and Renesmee Black. " he said.

Everyone clapped their hands and shouted. Than we walked to a whopping willow tree to get our photos taking. Than after that we went to the respection. This day was awesome!

"I love you Mrs. Black!"

I love you too, Mr. Black, but there something I got to tell you!"

"Whats that?"

"We twins, I boy and a girl."


"Yeah two babies!"

the end

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