Chapter 1

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I reached above me, yawning. I was still   shaking. Another nightmare had filled me with pain once more. That stupid thing kept appearing. What was it?

I slowly rose, trying my best to steady myself and stand up. I walked over to my mirror and there I saw myself, But not the old happy me, the new me. The depressed, cold me.  My tangled black hair stood up above my head. My eyes had darker circles than ever. I haven't slept well in years. I yawned, heading to my bathroom. I walked into the shower,  letting the old feelings wash away in the warm water.

When I got out I grabbed a brush, pulling it through my hair. "Ow.. Ow.. OW." I yelled, Then I  quickly cut my voice off. I was in an orphanage. I had been for 7 years. Never adopted. It was also 7 am.. So I was sure everyone was going to hear me. I didn't want to be yelled at by Ms. D again.. like usual.

I walked to my dresser and threw a      t-shirt and skinny jeans on. Then I pulled my black sweater over it. I opened the door to my room and walked downstairs.

"You're late Lea. You know the drill. Everyone is down here at 7. It's 7:05." Ms. D yelled.

I looked down to the ground and walked over to a table where my friends were sitting.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them.

My group consisted of me, May, J, and Oli.

First there was May. I meant her when I first arrived. She's been my best friend since then. She has long brown hair that goes down to right above the  middle of her back. She's super sarcastic and funny. She's been here since she was born. No one knows who her parents were or anything.

Then there was J. Now I'll admit, I might have a small teeny tiny crush on him. He arrived shortly after I did. His mother passed away from leukemia. I was there for him when he needed me, and He's been here for me.  He's super nice and awesome in general.

Then of course.. Oli. Oli is about 8 years old. He arrived when he was 5 about 3 years ago.  He's like a brother to me. I take care of him like one at least. No one really knows why Oli is here. Whenever we ask he goes to tell us and freaks out. It gives him a panic attack just thinking about it. Whatever it is, it isn't worth him getting hurt to tell us. So to this day we don't know.

We ended up talking for a while. About halfway through I started having a really bad headache.  It started to excalate.  Then before I knew it.. I fell to the ground and started screaming. All I heard were screams from my friend and nearby people. The next I saw wasn't what I wanted.

It was him.

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