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Hey guys! 😄

Obsessedfan here.

I just wanted to say I really appreciate you guys reading my story. 

(New one coming soon aswell)

Now. This is the character list just so you know.  :D



Age: 16

Personality: kind, sarcastic, depressed, shy

Characteristics: short black hair, bright blue eyes, pale, short.

Likes: music, singing, reading

Dislikes: rude people, fighting.

Age: 17

Personality: Kind(most of the time) sarcastic, fun

Characteristics: long brown hair, blueish brown eyes, pale, tall.

Likes: reading, drawing, singing

Dislikes: mean people, idiots.

Age: 17

Personality: kind, funny, hides his feelings, strong.

Characteristics: tall, tan, blonde hair, blue eyes.

Likes: sports, Netflix

Dislikes: Bullies, hospitals


Personality: shy, smart, nice, suffers from panic attacks

Characteristics: small, pale, fluffy black hair.

Likes: reading, friends

Dislikes: remembering parents, panic attacks

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