Chapter 2

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The next thing I saw...
Wasn't what I wanted..
It was him.


Images of the familiar demon filled my head.

A demon.

That was what it was.

A demon...

My demon.

I looked up into the demon's eyes. His smile reaching up to his cheeks.

"Who are you?" I yelled at him.

"Now now now... calm down girl. We have time to enjoy ourselves." He smiled, and then he laughed at me.

That was when I noticed I was crying. Tears flew down my cheeks. I was terrified.

"D-dad.." I whispered to myself as tears fell to the floor.

The demon walked toward me.

"Aww. Does someone miss their father? Haha.  Is someone scared? And the rest of them said you were strong. Hmm. He laughed.

I looked up.

"Who-" I gulped. "Who's them?" I said and wiped my eyes.

"Oh.. ya know..." He mumbled and looked away.

"Now let me be quick." He said, changing the subject. "Based on how you are acting now. You won't be able to last long with me in your head. Heh." He smiled and jumped up and down clapping his hands. "It's so fun!" He yelled.

I stood up and jumped toward him.

But he dissapeared before I could hit him.

Then my eyes opened.

"Lea!" I heard a male voice yell.

My vision slowly returned.

"J?" I mumbled.

The blonde haired boy was sitting next to me.

I looked up and was blinded by a light.

Where was I?

Then I was surprised by someone hugging me. I opened my eyes wide and saw that it was J. I relaxed into the hug.

"I thought we lost you."
He said and moved away.

I noticed his eyes were bloodshot.

"J? how long was I out?" I asked.

"3 days." I heard his voice crack when he said it.

It didn't make since. I felt like I had been out for like 10 minutes... was it a dream? No. It felt too real. I looked away from him. I couldn't look at him like this. It hurt me to. To see the boy I had learned to love in pain hurt me.

"It was your fault.' A voice said in my head.

Wait. What was that. I didn't l
Say that. I looked at J to see him looking at the floor. He hadn't heard it. Maybe it was in my head. Maybe.

What if it was true? If I wouldn't have blacked out he wouldn't be here. He would be happy. He would be fine. Not here.. crying. I started to cry myself when I felt his hand brush the years away.

"Don't cry. It's fine." He said. He smiled, but I could it was fake.

I forced a smile.

"Hey Lea? You know how people say that it doesn't matter if someone's light goes out? Because you should appreciate the memories?" He said and I nodded. "Well that's dumb. Because you can forget memories." I hugged him when he said this.

When I heard what he said next I started to sob into his shoulder.

"My mom said that before she died, and it isn't true" he managed to say.

"Because.. I'm staring to forget her Lea." He sobbed. "I'm starting to forget our memories.." He cried and we stayed there for what seemed like forever.

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