Chapter 5

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"I love you too.. a lot." J said. Then I heard kissing sounds. I stood there shocked. I slowly sunk to the floor. I started to cry .. and well..

At that moment, I think I heard my heart break into a million pieces.


So my best friend was dating the boy I fell in love with. Okay.

I breathed in and out, wiping my tears.
It wasn't helping. Then I heard footsteps, so I quickly jumped on my bed. Pretending to sleep.

I heard footsteps walk in.

"I hope you're okay.." I heard J say. Yeah sure you do..

I decided to, "wake up" at that moment and so I slowly sat up.

"Morning" J laughed and his smile lit up the room.

I fake laughed and tried my best to fake a smile. "Hey.." I managed to say, my voice cracking. J's smile shaped into a frown.

"What's wrong?"

I didn't know what to say. Did I tell the truth? No. I can't.

" Oh I'm fine! It just hurt when I sat up! That's all. I'll be fine."I lied.

"Oh okay!" He smiled.

"In gonna go and get some breakfast." I told him and he nodded.

I walked to the nearest coffee shop. I noticed recently that my demon hadn't been very active. I don't wanna think he's gone because I may jinx it.


Time skip

I finally arrived at the coffee shop. I went to the counter.

"Can I have a...." I looked through the names of all the different types of coffee, not knowing what they are. The boy smiled at me.

"I'm guessing your new?" He chuckled. I nodded.

"How'd ya know?" I asked.

"you just have a terrified face on." He joked. "May I suggest the latte?" He said quietly  and I shrugged and nodded.

"Why not?" I laughed. He walked back and prepared it as I watched him.

The boy had  fluffy dark brown hair and eyes that stared into your soul. He almost would look scary unless you talked to him. He was actually nice.

The boy came back with a coffee

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The boy came back with a coffee.
He slid it over and smiled.

"Thanks. So what's your name?" I said and asked. He almost looked shocked to hear it.

"Uh..your welcome.  My name? My uh name is  Ace." He smiled. Wow.. even his name sounds like a villain name.

"Cool! I'm Lea." I said happily.

We ended up talking for a while, and I learned a bit about him. I learned he's a run away, and I learned that he only ran away Because his father was abusive. I also learned that he doesn't like it when people suggest that
He's  bad because of how he looks or how his name sounds. Oops.

I eventually had to leave, but we swapped numbers before I did. He texted me after I left.

Acey💪: Hey, it was really nice to meet you.

Lea 💜: it was nice to meet you too. Honestly. You're super nice. 😊

Acey💪: aww thanks. Ain't to bad yourself. Lul 😏

I paused and stopped texting. Was he flirting? Well. Who cares. Might as well!

Lea: welp. Gotta blast. Heh. Seriously tho, I really like you 😶😘

I put my phone in my pocket. Who needs J anyway? Maybe this'll be fun....Then a surge of pain went through my head.

"Hehe. Im still here." A voice yelled..

I screamed..

And then it was gone, just like that. Like it never happened.  What if It was back? Or maybe I was going crazy.


Hey guys. Author_chan here. Sorry I haven't uploaded. With school and stuff... it's kinda hard. Oh well. I'll try to do this more often. Oooh wait till chapter 10. I think you'll enjoy it. Anyway. I'm gonna so a shout out. So the first person to comment something (about the story) gets one. I hope you guys like this. I do. Is this new love interest gonna stay? Why is Lea acting kind of.. different? Is the demon coming back?

Who knows??

New chapter on its way.

I'm going to try and upload every Monday and Friday.

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