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Naomi Pov
"Wake up Naomi"I heard someone saying my name but I turned over and put my head under the covers
"Naomi wake up class start in 30 minutes and you know you take forever to get ready wake up before you late you know this teacher don't play"I heard I huffed and cussed under my breath and got up I looked up and seen Jayden.
"Don't get snappy with me bitch I could've let you be late"She said I looked at her and turned back around I made my bed and made my way to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and wash my face as I put my makeup on I looked at my pill bottle I was about to take my pill but I just decided not to. I was finally done getting dressed and only had five minutes to get to class I noticed the girls were gone I seen a note on my bed telling me how they went to class without me because they couldn't be late again I grabbed my purse and walked out

I made it to class and the teacher was in the middle of Talking I walked into the class.
"Naomi your late why is that"She said I rolled my eyes
"I'm sorry I woke up late"I responded as I sat down
"Well maybe you should go to sleep earlier at night"
"I already apologized for being late just leave me the hell alone"I said damn I just thought about what I said and I regretted it
"Chill Naomi"I heard August say
"I didn't mean to say that"I said as I palmed my face
"bitch bold as hell"I heard some girl say
"bitch nobody asked your ugly ass "I said
"Naomi I don't know where this behavior is coming from but I'm going to ask you to please leave this classroom"The teacher said
I got up and walked out I went back to my dorm and watched Netflix

👑a week later👑
Naomi Pov
It's been a week since I took my pills and I haven't been acting myself It's not that I didn't want to take them but I had ran out and didn't bother to refill them, I made myself believe I could do better without them but now I don't know .Right now getting ready for my class I pack my books and I took my taser and put it in my bag just In case I need to be protected
"You ready girl"Journey asked
"Yeah Jay I'm ready,Come on Wifey"I said Jayden came and we walked out together we got to class and August Christopher and Kieth were already seated
"Hey Naomi"Chris said I still really wasn't talking to him because of the whole Kayla situation I nodded my head at him "Wassup Girls"Kieth said
"hey"we all said
"Hey baby girl"August said to journey he got up and kissed her cheek
"Hey Naomi and Jayden"He said we said hey to him and then class started
We had to read this book in class so that's what we was doing we got to work in partners but I worked by myself so I can get done faster I was in the corner and someone took my earbud out
"Wassup"I looked up and it was this nigga Bryson he just doesn't know when to stop
"What do you want Bryson"I said
"Damn can I get a hello back"He said
"no you a disrespectful nigga ,you don't deserve a proper hello"I said
"See all I want is a chance Naomi"He said as he grabbed my hands he looked in my eyes I seen pass his bullshit
"You a chance,a chance to what fuck me and leave I have zero time for your bullshit Bryson I don't want you"I said to him he got mad
"Man I hate dirty bitches like you"he said
"whatever nigga mad cause the only girl you got is a hoe and is a easy target your mad cause her shit is wack and you don't have the real balls to get a real women your a little boy a immature little boy at that you can never get me you can never get in between my legs Bryson and that makes you upset your upset that nobody but that little bitch you got wants you ,your a bitch ass little boy who needs to get his ass beat a dozen more times to understand"I said he got red and that's when I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and I felt two more blows come in context with my lip and eye
I screamed and Bryson was about to hit me again but someone grabbed him out of the room
"you okay Naomi"Jayden asked
"It's okay Naomi claim down"Chris said
"how Ima claim down and some nigga out his hands in me"I yelled I walked out to the bathroom and spit in the sink it was blood in my mouth I sighed I was rinsing my mouth and the girls walked in
"Why you go off on Chris like that he was trying to help"Journey said
"Exactly you hurt his feelings Naomi"Jayden said
"So the fuck what he hurt me to he a big boy he'll be fine "I said
"what's wrong with you Naomi you've been acting different"Jayden said
The bell rung and I was about to walk out but Jayden grabbed my arm I snatched it back and walked out I walked into the cafeteria and seem Bryson his bitch as I walked toward him and I had my taser in my back pocket "Ayo bitch"I yelled he turned around and I lit his ass up after I tased him I punched him in his mouth my hand was hurting everyone was watching and that's when somebody picked my up and took me out of the cafeteria I know for a fact it wasn't anyone I ever talked to because this person was tall and he had this certain cologne on I was shaking and my breathing picked up Jayden and them came out and was saying things to be but i couldn't notice them talking that's when I became dizzy and I blacked out

😶😶😶😶3 hours later😶😶😶😶
I opened my eyes to see a bright light and this boy next to me
"where am I ,who are you"I said
"I'm Lucas and your in the hospital Princess"He said I was confused
"Why am I in here"I asked
"Um you kinda been skipping out on your Medication and it caused you to act out you had tased Bryson and then I got you and you blacked out in my arms
"oh my god,Wait where are my friends"They went home the doctor said they had to leave ,I didn't want you to be alone when you woke up the doctor said you wouldn't remember much so I wanted to be with you when you woke up I kinda told them I was your boyfriend"He said then he blushed he's so cute
"That's really sweet of you"I said
"I'll go get the doctor for you"Lucas said he walked out and I looked around and seen my phone I decided to text Jayden and Journey we in a group chat

BabyMimi💋👅💅🏾:Omg guys I'm really sorry about the pass few days I feel really bad I'm going to make it up to you guys🤦🏾‍♀️❤️
WifeyJayden😘💍💋:we get it Naomi we know you didn't take your meds it's okay you weren't in the right state of mind we know you can't control it
Journey😍💋❤️:yeah girl we still love you no matter what
That's when the doctor and Lucas sexy self walked in the door
"Naomi hello"The doctor said he stuck his hand out and I shook his hand
"hello"I said
"Well Naomi you haven't been taking your medication and since you have this disorder you already know you can't control your anger but since the medication hasn't been in your system for this long you really can't control what you do so please unless you seriously want to hurt yourself or someone else please continue to take your medication"he said
"Yes sir I just lost my pill bottle and didn't have time to call in a prescription"I said
"It's okay for now Naomi please just be careful from now on"He said as he smiled and walked out
"Thankyou a lot of staying I appreciate it"I said smiling
"No promblem I'm happy to be here"Lucas said
"your really sweet Lucas"I said he blushed
"Thanks Princess"he said but then he pulled out a bag
"I went out and got you this I didn't want you eating hospital food"He said as he gave me a chick fil a salad and fries
"Thankyou"I said I began eating and I seen my laptop
"How did that get here"I said pointing to it
"Your friend Jayden brung it"he said as he got it for me
"you want to watch something on Netflix"I asked
"sure"he said he took of his shirt and I was SHOOK and then he slid of his pants which shown his basketball shorts he pulled up a chair and sat in it and I laughed
"What"he said smiling his smile is so beautiful he's perfect
"you can lay in the bed as long as you won't try anything"I said
"I wont try nothing my mom taught me well"he said he got in the bed and got under the covers
"what you want to watch"I asked him
"Let's watch haunted house"He clicked on it and turned off the lights we started watching it and I laid my head on his chest my hand laid on his stomach and he wrapped his arms around me I felt so safe and secure
"Wassup princess"he said I swear when he said that I was ready to cry
"Do you think that Bryson will come and hurt me after what I did"I asked his
"I don't know princess but whatever happens I won't let him hurt you under any circumstances"he said
"How can you say that and you just met me"I asked him
"Because my dad hurt my moms and I promised her if I were to see any female being hit by or being in any trouble I would help"he said
"that's a great thing a good mindset"I told him
"Yeah I guess so i think all men should feel this way whoever would put they hands on any female is not a man"he said my heart just warmed
"Awww Lucas" I said I looked at him and kissed his cheek he smiled and kissed my forehead I turned back towards the movie and so enough I fell asleep in his arms

Another update🙄
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Are y'all here for Lucas!?😍
Or are y'all for Chris👑

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