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I went to the salon with Jisoo,Jennie,and Lisa. We need to get our hair done because Blackpink is invited to a variety show.

I walked into the salon noticing there are a lot of people. Familiar faces. I thought to myself. My eyes wandered around until I saw someone that made me smiled widely. I walked towards him.

"Hey Jun!". I greeted Jun who is playing with his phone at the sofa. He lifted his head looking at me. The last time I saw him is during the MMA which is a week ago.

"Hi". He replied coldly and look back at his phone.
"So what are you guys doing here?". I try to start the conversation.
"We need to get our hair done for a show". He said without looking at me. I am kind of upset with his response.

Just then I waited quietly for my turn. But a few guys came to the sofa we're sitting.

"Hey you are Rose right?". A guy in a silver colored hair asked me.
"Yeah. I'm sorry but I don't know your names." I bowed to them. Not knowing their age. They smiled.
"Kids, come here for a while!". The silver haired guy called out. The other 9 people came.
"So Rose here doesn't know our name. So we need to introduce ourselves." They nodded and everyone's standing except for Jun.

"I'm S.coups the leader." The silver haired guy said.
"I'm Jeonghan". "Joshua". "Hoshi". "Wonwoo". "Woozi". "DK". "Mingyu". "THE8". "Vernon". "Seungkwan". "Dino". "And that is Jun." S.coups pointed to him. I smiled.

"So how many of you are older than me?". I asked.
"How old are you?". S.coups asked me.
"Ah.. so me, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo and Woozi are your oppa and the rest are your dongsaeng. Call us oppa."

I nodded. S.coups looked at me and Jun. He smiled.

"Rose come with me for a second." I followed him and go away a little further from the rest.

"You already tried to talked to Jun right?". He asked.
"Yeah, but he doesn't seem to respond." I replied. S.coups chuckled. I frowned.
"He's like that. He doesn't talk much. Especially to girls. But trust me when you're close to him, he normal."
"So he doesn't like to talk?". I asked.
"Quiet Pretty Boy. That's what Pledis called him. Try to watch the shows we entered. It shows how quiet he is."
"I guess I shouldn't talk to him then. He also seem to doesn't like me." I responded feeling quite disappointed .
"Don't be like that Rose-ah. Try harder, I know you can do it". He tried to motivate me.

We went back to the other members. Jisoo,Jennie and Lisa are talking to the other Seventeen members.

"Rose-ah it's your turn.". Jisoo told me. I nodded.

I went to the stylist and told her the style I wanted. I played with my phone and scrolling my feed. The stylist left me to get the things for my hair.

Somehow, I don't know what's wrong with me but my phone dropped to the floor. I get off from the chair to grab my phone.

"Please don't crack...please don't crack." I mumbled to myself.

When I already hold the phone, another hand suddenly grab my hand which make me automatically let go of the phone.

"I'm sorry". The voice said while handing me my phone.
"Gwenchana." I said while taking back my phone from his hand. I look at him.
"And you are?". He's one of the Seventeen members.
"Joshua Hong". I smiled.
"Sorry I'm still memorizing all of Seventeen's name."
"It's okay. I know its hard. Our manager took 1 month to memorize our names". I laugh.

He's really handsome.

I sat back at my chair and he sats at the chair beside me. He also wants to get his hair done.

"Is Joshua your real name or stage name?". I'm trying to get to know him.
"Real name." He replied.
"How did you get the name Joshua? Are your parents American?"
"My mom and dad are american. I was born in California."
"Really? I was born in New Zealand."
"Are your parents staying in New Zealand now?"
"No we moved to Korea when I was 15. What about your parents?"
"My parents stays in New York. But my mom visits me from time to time to check on me." I nodded.
"So why are you guys getting your hair done?"
"It's for our MV shooting." He stated.

But Jun told me it's for a show. Why would he lie to me?. Just then, my stylist is done with my hair.

"Oppa, i'll better get going now. Annyeong". I waved.
"Bye!". He waved back and smiled sweetly.

I hope me and Jun could be like that.

I searched for Jisoo,Jennie and Lisa but I can't see them. Just then, my eyes caught the glimpse of Jun who getting his hair done. He looks at the mirror in front of him so he can see what his stylist is doing.

The hair style he chose really suits him since he has a perfect hair. And again, I was mesmerized by him. I stared for a few seconds until his gaze caught onto mine through the mirror. I quickly turned away in embarrassment. My cheeks are burning. I then saw the other three members. I ran to them and told them that I wanted to go back to the house with an excuse i'm not feeling well.

When I wanted to go out from the salon, i saw his eyes following me until i walked out from the salon through the mirror. I'm dead.

A/N: It's the end of the second chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know whether I should continue the fanfic or not. Till then!

The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now