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I just finished taking a shower after the concert at Jakarta. When I'm about to lay down on the bed, the doorbell rang and The8 opened the door because he was nearer to the door (lazy me heh). I thought it was our member since they like to hang around at other people's room especially seungkwan.

I unlocked my phone to call chaeyoung but The8 somehow is standing at the door for too long now. Who is it?

"Minghao who is it?" I decided to ask because I was too curious.
"Err..you might want to look for yourself." I stand up and walk to the door. As i get closer the voice became familiar.

As I reached the door I became speechless.


"Hi Jun!!" She came towards me and hugged me. I felt uncomfortable and pushed her away.
"Why are you here?" I said in a cold tone.
"Just wanted to visit you and I have something to discuss with you." This witch has many tactics.
"Spill it."
"Can we talk outside? It's kinda private."

I really wanted to push her away but I'm to tired to do it. So I followed her to outside of the hotel.

When we reached outside, I lay my back on the wall and look at her.

"Okay what do you want to tell me?"
"Jun, I still love you okay? Please come back to me and we can start over."
"What the hell are you talking about Yunmi? Are you kidding me?"
"No Jun, I'm serious. Please I can't live without you." I gave her a cynical smile.
"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to take care of you?"
"I told you before, I have no relationship with him. I only needed someone to accompany me when you're away."
"Stop playing jokes Yunmi now go home. I'm tired."

I was about to go away when she suddenly came to me and crashed her lips on mine.

My eyes widened and I pushed her away.

"What the f-" I was about to curse to her when I saw someone watching me and her hand was wiping her tears.

Why is she here at this very moment? I saw her pulling her luggage away while crying.

"Chaeyoung!" I started running after her in the heavy rain. She didn't look back and walked faster.

I managed to run as fast as I can and caught her.

She pulled her hand away and avoid my gaze. I end it with cupping her cheeks to fixed her position so she can look at me.

Although she tried to escape and pushing me away, her strength is no match for mine.

"Chaeyoung why are you here?"
"Why must you ask me that? Is it wrong for me to be here? Did I caught you with your girlfriend? Oh, I'm sorry I must be interrupting!" She yelled at me in the rain.
"No Chaeyoung I didn't mean that. She's the one who kissed me."
"Stop it, you're a fucking liar!"
"Chae-" I wanted to explain everything but she kept cutting my words.

"I'm not a fucking joke that you can use when you're bored. How dare you to play with my feelings?!"

I didn't reply a single thing because her emotions are not stable. I stayed silent while she kept yelling at me.

"Chaeyoung I know you're mad but it's raining now, let's go to the hotel and talk." She refused and pulled her luggage away.

I was about to follow her when suddenly she fainted in front of me.

"Chaeyoung!!" I ran to her as fast as I can and put her head on my lap.

"Chaeyoung,please wake up don't do this to me." I slapped her face a few times but there were no response.

I took out my phone and dialled Minghao to help me.

I took Chaeyoung to the nearest bus stop while waiting for Minghao. I kept caressing her face hoping that she'll wake up.

After 10 minutes, Minghao came and we took her back to the hotel.


I woke up with my throat feeling soar and my nose felt very uncomfortable and I felt very cold.

"I think i'm having a flu." I thought to myself and looked around.

Where am I?

"Hey you're awake." A voice startled me. Turning around and looking at Jun makes me recall what happened yesterday.

My eyes widen realising that my clothes are changed.

"Relax, I called housekeeping to change your clothes." He seems to know what I'm thinking.

Tears started to form at the corner my eyes remembering what happened yesterday.

Jun who realised I was crying quickly came to me and sat at the corner of the bed.

"Hey why are you crying? Do you feel anything?" I pushed him away.
"Go away you liar!" He sighed.
"I know you're still mad at me but for now please rest. You're sick."

He pushed me back to lay down and tucked me in. He wiped my tears and kiss my forehead.

"I'll go make you something to eat. Now rest and if you need anything call me okay?"

I didn't nod or respond to him and he went away.

Deep down inside I feel touched by his attention to me but I kept remembering the scene I saw yesterday and quickly get rid of the feelings for him.


I don't know how to explain to her what happened yesterday because even when I'm talking she wouldn't look at me.

It's not her fault because if I'm at her place I'll maybe do the same thing.

Okay let's forget that for now. I should cook porridge for her.

I googled how to make porridge and decided to make chicken porridge.

I went to the grocery store near the hotel to buy the ingredients and went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for her.

When I reached the room she's still sleeping and I walked towards her.

Thank god the8 understands my situation and he stayed with DK who stayed alone.

I felt her forehead and it was very hot. I went to the wardrobe and took a towel and I soak the towel in a basin filled with water.

I squeezed the towel and place the towel on her forehead. She flinched after feeling something cold on her face.

When she open her eyes I quickly patted her to go back to sleep.

"Shhh..it's nothing, now go back to sleep."

She slowly closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Please get well soon.


The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now