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I really don't know what to do today. I'm just laying on my bed. The other members are watching TV at the living room.

Just then, i remembered that yesterday Seventeen released their 3rd mini album. I opened their channel and at the very top, there's an MV titled "BoomBoom"

I ran to the living room to see the others.
"Have you guys heard Seventeen's new song ? It just released yesterday."
"No. I'm planning to hear it later." Jennie replied.
"Let's watch it together."
"Okay!." They answered in unison.

I turned on the airplay on our TV and connected it to my iphone.

We watch the MV.

"Neomu areumdaunneo, tto neorul baraboneunna oh oh"

No way, it can't be. I wanted to scream but realising the members are here. I kept quiet.

He's too handsome! He's at the center. Playing with his shirt. I wanted to fangirl him. I really should watch the MV alone in my room.

The MV finished. I want to faint because of Jun.

"Yah, Rose-ah." Jisoo called me.
"You like Jun don't you?." She asked me with a smirk.
"What? No!." I denied.
"Really? Cause you looked like you want to scream when he played his shirt in the MV"
"I...I." I lost my words.
"Fine. Yes! I like Jun. But he seem to doesn't like me."
"I knew it! Don't give up unnie. I saw hope between you two. Fighting!." Lisa tried to motivate me. I nodded.

"Guys why don't we go for a holiday overseas after recording our song in April ?." Jennie suggested.
"That sounds great. We can rest before the MV shooting." Lisa said.
"But where are we going?."  I asked.
"What about LA?." Jisoo suggested.
"Okay!." We answered in unison.
"I'll contact our manager." Jennie told us.

Can't wait.



I am playing with my phone in the practice room. The members are basically joking around. Except for woozi and sungcheol. They are writing lyrics for our new song. It's almost finished. This April we will go to LA for the MV shooting. The title is Don't Wanna Cry.

I am playing InfinityBlade3 when sungcheol sit beside me.

"Jun-ah." He called me. I paused my game and look at him.
"What do you think of Rose?"
"Tch. You're making me pausing my game to ask me that question?"
"Come on. What do you think of her?"
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"Don't you think she likes you?." I looked at sungcheol with an eyebrow raised.
"Why would i care?"
"You should give her a chance and you should get to know her better."
"Hyung, you know I don't like girls because of what happened 5 years ago"
"So what? You're gay now? Who's your gay partner? The8?"
"Aish. Ani what i mean is I don't trust in girls anymore. By the way, if i'm gay the8 is not my type." Sungcheol laughed.
"That's a long time ago. You should forget those memories and try to believe in girls. Rose is nice you know." He tried to convince me. He then patted my shoulder and get up and go towards the others. Leaving me in silence.

Should i really give myself a chance to get to know girls after what happened 5 years ago? I close my eyes. Remembering the bad memory i had.

5 years ago


I am walking on the street with the members. We are laughing and slapping each other. It's our day off since we haven't got a holiday for ages.

After walking so long we decided to eat at a restaurant because we are all hungry.

As we entered the restaurant became noisy.(because of us obviously).

When we are all eating, i saw somebody which looks familiar. Beside her is a guy and the way it looks they are not just best friends.

I saw that guy caressing her cheeks and i saw her kissing the guy. I was stunned. My heart is on fire.

"Excuse me."

I then went to the table those two were sitting and came straight at her.

"Come with me." I said and look at her furiously. Her face looks really shocked.
"I'll b..be right back." He said to the guy.

We get out from the restaurant and I faced her. Her face is really pale.

"Oppa I..I." She stuttered.
"We're over." I said in one breath.
"No! Please I love you! Chaebal oppa!." She pleaded.
"I loved you sincerely and this is your return. Tch. Go to hell Yunmi"

Without waiting her to reply I entered back into the restaurant and went to our table.

"Guys I'm leaving." I said as grab my coat.
"Yah what happened? Isn't that Yunmi your girlfriend?"

I didn't reply and just get out from the restaurant. When I got out, Yunmi was still there.

"Oppa listen, I love you okay. That guy. He's just nobody. I spend time with him because you are busy and I rarely spent time with you." She said while grabbing my arm and holding my face.

I got irritated and pushed her until she fell on the pavement.

"If i'm too busy, shouldn't you talk to me about it? Oh wait, you can't because you're too busy with that guy." I said sarcastically and leave her.

I walk to our dorm and lay on the bed. Without noticing my tears roll down on my cheek.

"I won't trust girls anymore."

With that word I close my eyes and went to sleep.


The next morning

I woke up to my alarm and went to the living room. All the members are there and they look at me.

"Morning." I said my fixing my hair.
"Yah jun, what happened yesterday? Did you have a fight with Yunmi?." Sungcheol asked me.
"Don't mention her name. We're nothing." I said in a serious tone.
"What did she do to you?"
"She cheated on me"
"Ahh...I already knew from the start she's not good for you." Woozi said.

What woozi said turn me into silence. Even he saw what is Yunmi like. Why can't I see it earlier. If I've seen it, all of this wouldn't happen. I sighed

Since that I never trust girls anymore. Just because of Yunmi.

New update! Weehee💓

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