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"I can't hold it much longer. I need you baby."

I gulped when he started kissing my lips and he went lower and start kissing my neck. I moaned a little because of the pleasure I feel.

But I'm not ready for this. But how can I push him now? He has the right to have me because he's my husband.

When he's hand started roaming under my shirt, he looks into my eyes and he suddenly stops. He started realising what he was doing.

"Baby I'm sorry. I shouldn't do this when you're not ready."

I stayed silent not knowing what to react.

He then stands up and pull me up so both of us is sitting on the couch. I looked down avoiding his gaze.

"Chaeyoung." I looked at him and he caressed my cheeks.
"I'm sorry." He sounded really guilty and I pecked his lips.
"It's okay, I'm sorry that I'm not ready but I promise one day I'm all yours."

He smiled and pulled me into his embrace and we both lay on the couch. He looked at me and stroked my hair.

"I love your scent." I chuckled and hug him tightly.

I love him so much.


So Jun is finally leaving for his Dallas concert. I never felt this hard to let someone go. For the past 3 days we spent time together and I know i'll miss him.

I hugged him tightly as if i'll never see him again after this.

I put my hands around his waist and look at him.

"Take care okay." He nodded.
"Promise to call me everyday." He nodded.
"Promise to always remember me." He chuckled and kiss my lips.

"I promise to take care, call you everyday and I will always remember you. Always." My eyes started to shed tears and I hug him the last time.

Thank god the airport is not crowded and we're both disguised so people didn't notice us.

He wiped my tears and took his luggage.

"Take care love you." He said and turn around to enter the departure hall. In waved goodbye and drove home.

When I stepped into the house I cried. This house felt empty more than the last time he left.



Finally, I reached Dallas. All the way here I can't stop thinking about Rose.

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialled her number. After a few seconds, the line is connected.

I informed her that I already arrived at Dallas. All the way from the airport to the hotel I hear her telling me what happened to her today.

She's tired due to the practice, she ate dinner with her members and she kept telling me how much she missed me.

When I opened the door to the room me and sungcheol are sharing I froze.


As soon as I opened the door there are 12 pairs of eyes looking at me and slowly they started to smirk.

"There he is, our cute member who is finally head over heels for his wife." Seungkwan the chatterbox said it out loud.

I turned around for a while and put my hand to the phone.

"Chaeyoung, i'll call you later okay? All the members are here in my room now. I love you." I talked to her in a slow voice.

Before I could end the call Dino snatched my phone from me and screamed at the phone.

"Noona, is that you? We all miss you." I ran trying to catch dino but he was to fast and open the loudspeaker.
"Dino? Is that you? I miss you guys too." I rolled my eyes and look away.

I noticed that suddenly everyone went silent and when I looked at them, they smirk.

"Noona!! Someone's jealous because you said you miss us. He wants you to only miss him."
"Am not." I scoffed. I heard rose laughing on the phone.
"Dino, can you please help noona and pass this phone to Jun. I'll talk to you guys again next time okay?" Rose told all of them.
"Okay!" They all answered in unison. After that dino passed the phone to me.

"Jun turn off the loudspeaker." I turned it off and put the phone at my ear.
"Are you jealous?" She asked me. I turned around backfacing the other members.
"Obviously. I missed you so much and you should only miss me not them." I said in a slow voice but in a sulking tone.
"I'm sorry okay? I also miss you very very much. Only you." I smiled.
"You should rest honey, we'll talk later." I feel i'm on cloud nine after hearing her calling me honey.

"Chaeyoung, we're thousand miles away. Don't make me fly to Seoul just because you called me honey." She laughed.
"Bye Jun."
"Bye Chaeyoung." I hung up and turned around.

"Awhh our Junnie is finally happy now." Joshua ran to me and pinched my cheeks. I pushed his hands away and unpack my clothes.

"You need to focus on our concert although I know you're thinking about her." I nodded. That's right, I cannot let it affect my performance.



It's been nearly a month since I last met Jun but despite that he never forget to call me everyday just like he promised. Sometimes he'll call me after he just finished taking a shower after the concert.

He'll talk to me while laying down and will eventually fell asleep. I really appreciate his effort in contacting me although he's tired.

Blackpink's schedule is currently empty for these 3 weeks so I decided to suprise Jun at Jakarta.

Here I am at the airport and I quickly hold a taxi and ask the driver to send me to the hotel Seventeen is staying thanks to scoups.

I paid the taxi driver and took out my luggage from the car boot. When I was about to pull the luggage inside, I saw Jun came out from the hotel.

I was happy and I wanted to run to him. But what's stopping me is a girl in a wearing a blue dress following him from behind.

Since both of them didn't notice me, i decided to keep watching from where i'm standing.

It looks like they were talking something personal. Jun was resting his back on the wall and the girl is facing him.

I decided to just come up to them. When I was about to go to them, I almost stumbled when the girl came to Jun and kissed him.

Tears started to form at the corner of my eyes. Jun pushed her away and his eyes caught the glimpse of me and he looks very shocked.

I pulled my luggage and started to run away.

"Chaeyoung!" He keeps yelling my name but I ignored and kept running.


The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now