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From distance, I could see the members sitting at a table because there are so many of them. I walk inside the restaurant with chaeyoung.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.
"Oh I've been wanting to eat toast, do you think they have it?"
"Sure. It's a common breakfast at hotels."
"I want to eat toasts but I think I won't finish it by myself."
"Do you want to share with me?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Okay you go to the table first, i'll go and get our breakfast." I caress her head.
"Wait it's okay, I'll get it you should go and sit with your members." She insisted.
"It's okay chaeyoung, I'll get it. Will coffee be okay?" She sighed and nodded. I watch her as she walk to the table where my members are sitting.


I walked to the table where I see seventeen is sitting. Why do I feel very nervous?

"Hey rose! Are you feeling better now?" Seungcheol asked and I nodded and smile at him.
"Noona we're very worried about you when we know that you fainted." Dino said and I pull the chair in front of wonwoo to sit down.

I don't know how to respond to them because I feel very awkward around them right now.

Thank god Jun came right on time and he sat beside me. He gave me the coffee I wanted and he used fork and knife to cut the toast.

He then spread some strawberry jam on the toast and give it to me.

When he gave the toast to me, I feel uneasy and we both looked around and there 12 pairs of eyes are staring at us.

"Well both of you, did anything happen last night?" Hoshi asked.
"Wh..what do you mean anything happen?" I stuttered. Oh no, did they knew what did we do last night?
"I don't know, both of you seems to be okay. Didn't you guys have a fight?" Hoshi replied. Thank god, they didn't know.
"Ohhh, well we're okay now." I replied and smiled full of relief.

"Yah Jun, we know what you did last night with her." Wonwoo said and raised his eyebrows.
"Next time if you guys wanted to do something please keep it down we want to sleep." Jeonghan  continued.
"Who knew our Jun finally did it." Seungkwan added.

I choked on the toast I was chewing after I heard what they just said. Jun quickly hand me a glass of water and rub my back. I drink the water with my face feeling so hot.

Shit. They knew what happened last night. Where can I hide now because I'm so ashamed.

Me and Jun just kept quiet when everyone teased us.

"So rose, are you following us to the next three countries?" Seungcheol asked me and I nodded.

He smiled and looked at Jun.

"Jun, since she's following us you better do your best and impress her." He said and smiled.

"Oh yeah, you also need to control yourself to flirt with the fans on stage or noona will get jealous." Dino told him and I glared at Jun. He flirts on stage?

"What are you talking about? I never flirt with girls when I'm on stage." He said in a nervous tone to protect himself.

"Yah, don't believe them. I promise you I will not flirt with anyone." He turned his whole body and face me.

"Someone's scared." DK teased.

I laughed and pinched Jun's cheeks.

"Okay I believe you. But you better watch out because I'll be watching you."

The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now