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It's already been a week since we're back from LA and we are really busy with our new song, As If It's Your Last. After I shoot for the scene with Jun in Seventeen's MV, I didn't see him anymore. They will release the song next week.

I am in our dorm alone because the other members are going out to the mall. I didn't follow them because I'm too lazy. I just open the Youtube and see what's on recommended and I saw some seventeen's variety show. I'm so bored so why not.

I literally watch their shows for almost 5 hours. I can't believe it. And the other members also didn't come back yet. I'm now watching One Fine Day. I just started and now I'm at episode 6. I need to finish it and I want to continue with the One Fine Day in Japan. I can't deny their so funny.

With Jun fishing and Mingyu cooking. Oh My God I can watch this all day. It's now 3pm and I'm hungry because I haven't eaten anything since morning.

I went to the kitchen and open the fridge. Maybe I can cook something.

Empty. As expected. I need to go and buy the groceries.

I go to my room and change my clothes. I wear a black tight jeans and an oversized pink sweatshirt. I also wear glasses so people with not recognize me. I then tie my hair into a bun and wore a black ankle boots. I grab my purse and phone and get out from the dorm.

I lock the door and started walking to the supermarket since it's not far from my house. It took me 10 minutes to reach the supermarket.

I took a trolley and started shopping. I picked mostly instant food because it's not just me but the other members are also lazy af. So I bought chips,cup ramens,milk,cereal and my toiletries. I push the cart in every aisle so I wouldn't miss a thing. Just then I saw my favorite chip on the top shelf.

Lays Sour Cream & Onion. I love it so much. I tried to reach it but the shelf is so tall. I tried many times but I can't. I almost gave up until a hand reach out and handed me the chips.

"Thank y.." I stopped upon seeing who grabbed the chips for me. His face is also startled to see me. I push the chips at him and took my trolley. Forget the chips. I don't want anything from him.

"Rose wait." He grabbed my hand but I push his hands off.
"Let go! Don't touch me or else I'll scream."

I walked away to pay my stuff. Why must him? Why can't it be anyone else.

I turn to look at him. He's wearing a black hoodie covering his hair. His hair is now purple probably for their world tour they will be having after this and he's wearing a mask covering his mouth making him unrecognizable.

 His hair is now purple probably for their world tour they will be having after this and he's wearing a mask covering his mouth making him unrecognizable

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He looked at me and the look in his eyes looks like he tries to tell me something.

I turn back and continue walking. Ignoring him. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. His words the other day keeps making me hurt every time I remember it.

I hate you Jun.



I look at her as she goes. She hates me now. I deserved it. Sungcheol's words keep playing in my mind.


"Yah Jun." Sungcheol called me.
"What?" He looks mad. What's wrong.
"What did you do to Rose?"
"What? I didn't do anything to her." I defended myself.
"Why must you hate her so much? She helped us. Can't you be thankful for that?"
"Hyung, I really don't know what you're talking about. Can you explain to me?"
"Why are you preventing him from becoming friends with Joshua?"
"Tch. She's complaining to you about that? How childish." I give a cynical smile.
"No, she cried because of it. Because of you. Don't you see who's childish now?"
"Wh..what?" She cried because of me?
"Yes. She cried because of you. You see, you have been treating her coldly since your first encounter. That makes her feel scared towards you. She kept thinking that you hate her. But everytime she tries to be nice with you, you still treat her coldly. Why? Why can't you treat her like you're with us? Just because of Yunmi, you shouldn't be like that to her. She has feelings Jun. She tried to be patient with you and still tries to get your attention. But you scolded her for becoming friends with Joshua. She's heartbroken now. She hates you. She kept thinking, if you hate her that much why can't at least she be friends with us. Thanks a lot Jun." Sungcheol said to me and go away.

Guilt started to fill me. What have I done?


I must talk to her. I want to say sorry. But how can she forgive me now.

I tried to run after her but my phone started ringing. It's eomma. I answered her call.

*important conversation*

I hang up on eomma after talking with her. I ruffled my hair because I'm depressed. Why must problems keep coming to me. Ugh.

I know I can't chase Rose now. Just forget it. I'll see her next time. I feel like I want to drink coffee and it reminded me that there's a Starbucks nearby.

I started walking to Starbucks. Oh God can't wait to taste Chocolate Chip Frappuccino.

I ordered my drink and waited at a table. My eyes wandered around until I saw a familiar person.

"Jun!" That's my drink. I stand up and took my drink. After conforming the person, I seat in front of her.

Her face is startled to see me. She tried to stand up but I pulled her hand sitting her back on the chair. What a coincidence for me to meet you here Rose.

"Hear me first." She looks annoyed with me but in the end she looks at me
"You better hurry when I'm giving you the chance here."
"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for treating you coldly. I'm sorry for being angry with you. I'm sorry for scolding you for becoming friends with Joshua"
"That's not enough." She smiled. Teasing me. Aish.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk and lastly, I'm sorry for making you cry." She nodded.
"Arraseo." That's it? That's what she said for my long sorry speech?

Then that's it. It's done. I ask for her forgiveness and I'll never have to see her again.

But, what about mom. I still have a problem. My conversation with her earlier...

"Yah Jun. What are you thinking?" Seeing her in front of me making think. Is she the person that will get me out from my problem?

"Rose." I called her name.

I took a deep breath.

"Marry me."


The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now