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Our one week honeymoon has already ended. We literally didn't do anything. We only walk around LA and do some shopping. Other than that. No. We barely talk to each other. I understand. He's still not used to it. Only during sleeping we became like husband and wife. That's because he let me hug him.

Right now I'm in the car with Jun and he's driving me to our house. Yes. We're staying together and the house was a present from our parents.

I fell asleep because the journey was to long and I really want to keep him accompany but, what can I do? He wouldn't talk to me anyway. So I just close my eyes and sleep.

"Chaeyoung, wake up. We're here." I heard Jun's voice and he shook my body a little to wake me up.

I turn around and I saw a really huge house in front of me. Unbelievable! No way this is our house.

"Jun, are you sure this is our house?" I asked him conforming everything.
"Yeah. Our parents bought this house for us. Now let's go inside"

We walk together into the house and it was really beautiful. The house was fully furbished and it's huge.

It has 3 floors and 8 rooms. The kitchen was really beautiful. Every floor has a living room. This is heaven.

"Why does this house have so many rooms?"
"I have many members in my group, so if they want to sleep over it will be no problem."

I nodded.

"Hey,come here." He said and pulled my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. We climbed up the stairs and went to a room. He then pulled me into a room. I guess this is the master bedroom. His room.

"Welcome to our room"
"Our room?"
"Yeah, what's wrong?"  He asked me with a confusing face.
"You want to sleep with me?"
"Hey we're husband and wife and you literally hugged me every night when we sleep. Do you think I can sleep without hugging you?" My heart beats really fast listening to his words.

My face flushed and walk into the room. It's really comfortable. It has a sofa, tv and mini refrigerator. I really like this. Just then, i saw a huge mirror and it looks weird.

I moved towards the mirror and touched it. It can slide!

I peek inside and I saw a huge compartment inside with all my clothes hanged.

I squealed. No way. Just then, I heard a cough behind me.

"You like it?"
"Are you kidding me?! I've always wanted a walk in closet. Thank you!" I said and I hugged him.

He was frozen when I hugged him. He nodded and smiled.

"We're not done yet miss." He said while smiling.
"There's another room I want to show you." He pulled my hand again and we went to the third floor. He closed my eyes and my heart was beating wildly. He never do this to me. Just by him closing my eyes make me feel crazy.

"What is it Jun?" I'm really nervous. (Fifty shades vibes hehe)
"Are you ready?" I nodded with excitement.
"Okay look now." He said and lifted both of his hands from my eyes. I opened them and my eyes widen.

No way. I squealed and ran to him. Hugging him. I buried my face on his chest and said thank you multiple times.

He chuckled and hugged me back.

"I thought if maybe we're bored, we can practice together here"

I can't be more happier. How can I not freaked out when there is a practice room in the house. It's just like a normal practice room.

The Cold Guy // Jun Seventeen [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now