Chapter 2: Hostage Situation

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You awoke still in darkness, but you weren’t alone. You heard people talking about many different things. You groaned at the pain that was still throbbing in your head which seemed to silence the goons. You then were greeted by a blinding light. You soon got acquainted with it and had a gun pointed to your head. You looked around to see a massive group of 50 or so goons drinking and playing games. You then realized that you were in a bar. You weren’t familiar with the names of the bars in Gotham cause you just got here. You looked at the person holding the gun and, surprise surprise, it was Two-Face.

He said in his calm voice “I think we got off to the wrong foot. We want to propose a deal.” You looked at him confused “We? You and who else?” He brought the gun right up against your left temple. He said in his raspy voice “Me and Harvey!” You knew that’d piss Two-Face off. The goons stopped what they were doing and looked at you and Two-Face. Some of them pulled out their guns and knives but Two-Face told them to back down. He said to you still in his raspy voice “I knew we should’ve killed you. You miserable excuse for a human!” You said calmly “And I thought you were the only miserable excuse. Plus where’s Dent when you’re here? Is he taking a shit or something?” This irritated him more and he started choking you now aiming the gun at your forehead. He continued in his raspy voice “So wise guy. You like jokes eh? I got one for you. What do you say to a man bound to a chair who’s about to die? Chairio!” The goons laughed like crazy and you heard someone behind you say “And I thought my jokes were bad.”

Everyone stopped laughing and raised their guns. You turned to see the clown prince of crime himself: The Joker. Standing next to him was his infamous girlfriend Harley Quinn and behind him an army of goons. Two-Face got up and went to Joker and said still in his raspy voice “Get out of my face clown.” The Joker stood there smiling and said “Which one?” You found this hilarious and we’re the only guy laughing in the room. Two-Face turned to you and said “Shut it you stupid-" Before he could finish Harley said “At least someone appreciates Mistah J's jokes.” Joker smiled wider and he approached you and said “And what your name sonny Jim?” You look at him tearing up from laughter but still calm and said “(F/N). The one guy who likes and dislikes you.” Joker kneeled down in front of you and took out a switchblade with a happy face on it.

He went behind you and cut the zip tie that binded you. Your wrists hurt for a bit and you stood up. Joker said “Well (F/N) my boy. What say you show me the you that likes me.” You said “Okay.” and punched Two-Face in, well, the face. Harvey’s men then aimed their guns not at Joker but at you. Harley came behind you rather closely and brought her arm on your shoulder holding a gun. Joker then pulled out a long gun from his jacket and his men brought up their guns and aimed at Dent's men. You and Harley were caught in the middle of a literal gang war. You said to Joker “You saw the side of me that likes you.” He turns to you as you finish by saying “Now here’s the side that doesn’t like you.” and you grabbed Harley’s arm and stole the gun and fired at Joker.

He dodged it but it hit one of Harvey’s men and they went ballistic. They started firing and then Joker’s men started firing and you, still holding onto Harley’s arm leapt for cover. She said “Let me go!” You complied and said “Okay.” before knocking her out. Goons from both sides were emptying their clips and Joker was moving his lanky ass like a cheetah. After 10 minutes or so of non-stop shooting the doors busted open and you saw police. You thought 'They must’ve heard the gunshots and called for backup.’ After they cleared the room you noticed that they captured every goon but they didn’t have Joker and Two-Face. You got up and the police aimed at you. Your first reaction was shock and you threw your hands up. You said “Wait. I’m (F/N) (L/N) of the Keystone Police Department.” They lowered their weapons and you saw a man smoking a pipe with a hat and mustache approach you. He said “(F/N). We've been wondering where the hell you were.” He brought out his hand and you shook it. He said “I’m Commissioner Gordon. How’d you get wrapped up in this.” You said “Long story. But I think this’ll help with my delayed arrival.” and you brought out the still knocked out Harley Quinn.

Gordon looked at you shocked and so did everyone else. He said “You captured Joker’s right hand man. Er woman. How?” You said as a female officer with the badge Montoya took Harley out of your hands “I’ll explain back at GCPD. But I do have a question for you.” He turned to you and you asked “Where is Batman? I kinda expected him to show in this little entourage.” Gordon said “He’s been in hiding for nearly a month. Thankfully his two proteges Nightwing and Batgirl are still helping out.” You continued talking of what happened to Batman, turns out he was out of the city for a while to stop Ra's Al Ghul with the help of Robin.

Gordon finished with “To be honest I think Robin died. I haven’t seen him help out Gotham. I believe that’s why he’s in hiding.” You nodded your head and got in the car. When you closed the door you thought to yourself 'Batgirl lied to me. Why? Well she seemed to like my rooftop so I’ll wait till tonight to speak with her.’ After the thought you shrugged it off to hide it and the car sped off to GCPD.

A/N: Second chapter is here. Hope you enjoy. Little note of advice I'm going to be using the Death in the Family, Under the Red Hood and The Killing Joke story arcs in this book. Anyway hope you enjoy, vote for the next book and have a good day/night.

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