Chapter 16: Downhill

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Your P.O.V.
You and Barbara arrived back at Gotham and the first thing you did was find a ring. As you wandered around downtown Gotham you heard someone behind you say "Is it for Barbara or your estranged mother?" You turned to see Harvey Bullock. You said "Harvey, how are you doing partner?" He said "I'm doing just fine rookie." You laughed and said "I'm glad my nickname hasn't run dry." Harvey then laughed and said "Well it's stuck in my head forever." You said "So how was Gotham without me?" He said "Well I missed you, Jim missed you both and most of the perps you locked up actually missed you." You said "They're nut jobs, how could they miss me when they're too busy trying to compare sizes?. Harvey bauled out laughing and said "Ok, who's the ring for?" You then said "Barbara." Harvey said "I knew it! I so fucking knew it!" You said "Easy, calm down Harv. What're you trying to do? Wake Godzilla." Harvey laughed then his phone rang, he answered it. As you paid for the ring you could hear Harvey say "Shit." As you returned to him he was in his car said "(F/N)! Move your ass we got a problem." You quickly got in and asked "What's wrong?" Harvey said "There's your uniform and your gun, get ready." You asked "Ready for what?". He said "All the criminals you have put away, are breaking out."

Timeskip to Arkham
You've never been to Arkham Asylum before. You've heard about it and seen it in the news, but only the outside of Arkham. But as you entered you saw a bleak hospital with crows flying around. It was as ominous as a horror movie. Harvey waited outside for the reinforcements to arrive cause he was left in charge for a few days. You said to Harvey "I'm going to do some recon." As you rushed in you heard Harvey yell "Rookie! Wait for fucking backup." You stopped and said "By the time reinforcements arrive there's going to be maniacs on the street. Are ya coming?" Harvey said "You got a death wish if you're going in there alone!" You retorted by saying "I gotta keep people safe." and you rushed in as Harvey awaited reinforcements.

You entered and saw lunatics running everywhere. They didn't even want to hurt you, might be because they were actually sick in the head. But there was someone else who was insane that was in front of you who definitely wanted to hurt you: Two-Face. He charged at you with murderous intention in his eyes. You made sure they were closed by knocking him out. That got the attention of the rest of the lunatics and they just ran away assessing you as a threat. You cuffed Dent and continued with the rest.

As you entered the cafeteria you saw none other than Zsasz surrounded by the bodies of inmates. It sickened you as he was looking for places on his body to mark. It almost made you throw up as he almost pulled down his pants. You approached him and knocked him out before he got the chance. You looked at his unconscious body and said "You're a sick fuck you know that?" As you put him in the nearest cell and locked it you thought 'Jeez, and I thought riots were a big deal'.

You continued down a hallway to the offices, hoping to find any employees to save. Instead you were greeted with Riddler holding three nurses hostage. You heard him say "Let's play a game ladies. It's called 'Riddle me this.'. It's simple, you answer a riddle correctly and you live. Answer one incorrectly you die. Let's begin." He aimed the gun at one of their heads and said "I move forward and never back, me and my 7 brothers move forward for the kings attack. Who am I?" You said "A pawn." You startled him and you kicked him below the belt, hard. He writhed in pain as you put him in a cell.

You told the nurses to run and they did. As you continued you saw multiple goo monsters surrounding patients. You yelled "Basil!" He turned and you saw a giant flood of goo and yelled "Shining." The flood stopped and you heard laughter. Karlo said "You know your movies." as he turned into Jack Torrence, axe included. You said "Redrum." as you pulled out a freeze grenade and threw it at him, making him freeze in place. You said "Thank you Mr. Freeze." and continued to stop the riot.

You stumbled across two cells that were open. One contained a man boxing with a punching bag and the other was an older man doing push-ups. The one boxing turned and said "(F/N) (L/N). I thought I shot you." You said "You shot me, you son of a-" "I only did it to help my daughter. No hard feelings?" You said "Yeah, anything for family." You crossed the other guy and he said "Good luck with the mob (L/N). You're gonna need it." You said "Thanks, I got it." He turned to face you and you saw he had an eye patch. He continued his push-ups and said "Go get em tiger."

You then heard an announcement on the speakers. It was Crane, he said "(F/N) (L/N). I know you are in here. Come down to Hugo Strange's office where we can talk." You got to Hugo's office and saw Mad Hatter with Scarecrow holding Hugo hostage. Hatter said "This little pig, and that pain of ours. I'll snap you like a twig, and strip you of your powers." You punched him and said "God you are annoying." You then felt four jabs in your arms as you almost fell into fear. Scarecrow almost seemed delighted. That delight only lasted a few seconds as you got up and threw Crane against the wall and knocked him out. You let Hugo go and said "Are you alright?" He said "I'm fine, but Harley and Joker. They're going to get in the city." You said "I'm going to stop them. You wait here."

You then heard two things, one after another. You heard an explosion and the sirens of the cop cars. You headed towards the sound of the explosion and you saw Harley and Joker about to leap out a busted hole in the wall. You tackled them, attempting to get them both, but you only got Harley. As Joker leapt out of the building he laughed maniacally. As you knocked Harley out you heard the doors bust open. You saw Harvey with a many other cops enter the room. He said "Jesus, who are you? Superman? You took down seven criminals before reinforcements even showed up." You pulled the ring out of your pocket and said "This is how." Harvey understood and brought you outside.

You were about to leave when Harvey walked up to you and said "Where are you going?" You said "Only Joker escaped from the riot. I'm going to find him." Harvey said "Not tonight you're not. You're going home and that's an order." You laughed at this, thinking it was a joke. But Harvey was dead serious. You said "Fine, but tomorrow I'm getting up bright and early to find that SOB." As you walked home with the ring in your hand you said to yourself "Soon baby, soon we'll be in a safe Gotham."

3rd Person P.O.V.
As the news erupted that the Joker escaped it didn't reach one part of town. A man in a trench coat was walking with Stephen 'Bozo' Grey, famous retired Gotham clown. He said to the man in the coat "So, Mr.?" "White." "Mr. White, why do you want to buy my old circus? Will you be okay with all the dust and-" "Stephen, I loved this circus as a kid. It'll be my dream come true." As Grey walked around Mr. White pulled out a knife and said "I really loved your work." Before he could respond he was stabbed by Mr. White. He said "It seemed like I wasn't the only one who died of laughter." As he took off his hat Grey made the biggest mistake of his life, he just sold the circus to The Joker.

A/N: Dun Dun Duuuuuun. WARNING! These last 5 chapters will be VERY grim. So just a forewarning. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Before I take it down go to my poll on my conversations and vote for the next book. There's not much time left so vote while you can. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night. :)

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