Chapter 3: Jim & Barbara

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You got into GCPD and heard cheers all around the precinct when you and Jim had Harley in cuffs. Another officer, Montoya, took Harley off of your hands. Jim led you to a booth where there was a single desk and two chairs. You were guessing that Jim was going to talk with you and you sat down. Jim sat across from you and said "(F/N) (L/N). Born in Star City under (F/N) Mavelo. Moved to Keystone and changed your last name to (L/N). Father resides in Metropolis and Mother deceased. Sorry for your loss." You nodded your head and he continued "No siblings, single, never married, never done drugs. No record of violence or crimes. Been an officer for 4 years and graduated with top honors at Keystone University. 'Has a tendency to completely close a case and comfort others'. Offered Captain but denied and prefer to work alone." You said "That's pretty much all you need to know." Jim leaned forward and asked "Have you ever worked with heroes at all?" You nodded your head and said "One time with The Flash." Jim was about to say something else but a girl wearing civilian-like clothes walked in and said "Dad." and hugged Jim.

You knew off the bat that this was his daughter. You stood up and looked at her, quickly analyzing her. She had red orange hair, glasses and had lipstick on. Jim brought his arm around her and said "Barbara meet (F/N) (L/N). The one who I told you was being transferred here." You brought out your hand, she brought out hers and you shook. Barbara said "I've heard so much about you (F/N). Are you going to be pairing up with anyone?" You said "I don't know yet." Jim said quickly "How about you start with a simple case (L/N). Sound good?" You nodded your head and he handed you a file with the label 'Zsasz'. When you opened it you saw a man with tic marks all over his body resembling that of ticked numbers of that on a score board.

 When you opened it you saw a man with tic marks all over his body resembling that of ticked numbers of that on a score board

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You knew men like this, serial killers. "How bad is this serial killer?" you said. Jim said "Our most proficient in Gotham. He's killed over 100 people and marked them on his body. He's a sadist and a serial killer." When he said that, you instantly thought of Pinhead without those stupid needles in his head. You closed the file and asked Jim "Do Batgirl and Nightwing know he's out?" Jim walked over to the window with his shoulder on the glass saying "Most likely, but they won't take him down in broad daylight. Zsasz knows everything about them. They use stealth so they need to sneak up on him due to his instability." You nodded your head and Jim brought you to your desk.

You sat down and looked across to see a pair of feet on the other desk in front of you. This other cop seemed to be reading the paper. You didn't exactly care and got to your case. Zsasz was insane, bloodthirsty and hungry for that last mark on his head. It was clear to you that he was saving it for Batman. But he still had numerous places he could put more numerals. So in actuality he could be anywhere. You looked up past locations of where Zsasz has been. Surprisingly there was only one place: Port Adams in Founder's Island. You looked it up and saw it was now abandoned. You were about to wander into Jim's office but the newspaper cop said "What exactly are you planning to do rookie?"

You turned and saw he put the newspaper down. He had a beard, mustache, bowler hat and a cigar. You said "I'm planning to get my badge, Mr.?" "Bullock. Harvey Bullock." he said. You said "Harvey Bullock? You were Jim's partner right?". He shifted his weight so he was sitting hunched over and said "Yeah. What's it to you?" You said "I think a guy like you can teach me the ropes around here." He looked at you and said "Did Jim put you up to this?". "No." you said, "I'm just wondering if you could show me around Gotham. You know it better than anyone else.". He looked at you and said "I'll think about it Mr.?". "(L/N). (F/N) (L/N)." you completed. He said "See ya round (L/N)." and went back to his paper.

You re-entered the office to see that Barbara was still there talking to Jim. You quickly apologized and Jim said "It's alright, Barbara and I were just finishing up." You saw Barbara leave and sat down with Jim. He said "You have a lead?" You nodded and said "I just need my badge and I can check it out." Jim got up and said "Damn. They weren't kidding when they said you were good." and handed you your badge. You put it on and Jim also got your gun and cuffs. He said "How'd you do that so quickly." You smirked and turned around saying "Speedster taught a thing or two." as you left. Jim said "Take Bullock with you." You didn't exactly like working with others but Bullock did say he might show you around Gotham. You nodded and went back out.

You saw Bullock still reading and said "Harvey". He looked up and said "What rookie?" "Jim wants you to take me with you." you said as you put on your coat. Bullock put down his paper and said "Where we going and who are we tracking?" You said "Port Adams and Zsasz." Bullock quickly got his gun and said "Guess this is Jim's sick way of getting me off my ass." You chuckled and you both headed out to Bullock's car.

Barbara's P.O.V.
When I got out of GCPD I texted Richard.
'Dick, Zsasz is out.'

                                                                   'Ok. Alfred and I will find him.'

'Dad's got the new (guy/gal) in right now. (He/She) found his location very quickly.'

                                                                                                  'How quickly?'

'He got the case then literally seconds later he went back to see Dad and said he got location.'

                                                 'Damn that's faster than Bruce could do.'

'Try to find Zsasz. It's almost night. We can take him out then.'

                                                                             'Sounds good to me Barb.'

I finished texted and got in my car. I saw (L/N) and Bullock get in a car and drive off. I decided to follow them to see if they might find Zsasz early. I drove off hoping that (F/N) doesn't get curious about me following (him/her).

A/N: About FUCKING time! I finally got some ideas for Batgirl x Male Reader. Hope you enjoy :). Have a good day/night and remember to vote on which story I should write next.

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