Chapter 13: Impending Death

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Your P.O.V.
It was late in the morning when you awoke. As you looked around you saw that in bed with you was Barbara. You started remember last night.

You were both in bed with your tops off and lust in her eyes. You started to take her bra off but she nearly stopped you. She looked at you and she took your pants off. You said "Why should you get all the action?" She giggled and you took off her bra. You then massaged her breasts making her moan loudly. She then nibbled on your neck causing you to moan. You the slowly moved your arms down her slender body causing her to shiver, you then removed her pants leaving just her panties on. After a while you both passed out.

Present Time
You slowly got up not waking Barbara in the process. You then got dressed for work and made breakfast for two. After a while the scent of breakfast followed throughout the rooms, waking up Barbara. She groggily walked to the door of the bedroom with her panties still on and wearing one of your pure black shirts. She said "Is it morning already?" You said "Yep, you were asleep when I got up so I didn't want to wake you." She got up to you and said "Aww. Heart of gold rookie. As always." You chuckled at that and continued making breakfast. She said "What time is it?" You checked your watch and said "Round 9 or so. Why?" She then put on some of your jeans and said "There's going to be a luncheon at Wayne Manor. Dad, Grayson and I were invited." You looked down finished the breakfast and put it on two plates. She said "I can ask Grayson if Wayne can invite you." You quickly said "It's alright." She said "I'll try anyway." You both started eating your breakfast to start the day.

Carmine's P.O.V
I got the body for Freeze and he didn't kill me. That's good. That fucking detective was going through my head, (L/N). I need (him/her) dead. And thankfully, I know the best assassins in Gotham. As I left the bar I got my phone and called Butch. He picked up and said "Yeah boss?" I said "Deathstroke and Deadshot. Give em a target, Detective (F/N) (L/N). Whoever kills (him/her) first gets 5 million dollars." Butch said "Understood." and hung up. I put the phone in my pocket and said "That detective is now going to join Chill beyond the grave."

The party
Your P.O.V.
Barbara managed to get an invitation for you to go to the luncheon. All you saw there were politicians, workers and fancy schmancy rich folk. The only ones out of place were you, Barbara and Jim. As you and Barbara walked around you both ran into Bruce Wayne and Mayor Manning. You both approached them and Wayne said "Detective, glad you could join us." he brought out his hand. You shook it and said "If anything I seem out of place." Wayne said"Nonsense. You're a hero. You've locked up God knows how many criminals and you have helped people in Gotham and Keystone." You tilted your head and said "You've done your research." After a while of conversation with Wayne, the Mayor came over to talk to you. He said "Detective (L/N)." You brought out your hand and said "Please, call me (F/N)." The mayor shook your hand and said "I have to thank you for protecting my office. There were documents in there for important projects that could've been destroyed. Thankfully we only lost a small handful of cash." You grew a liking to the mayor: didn't care about money, only the safety of the people.

As the mayor went to talk to other people Wayne came to talk to you again. Barbara went off to spend time with her dad. Wayne said "So, how do you like the food?" As he said this something clicked in you. He sounded familiar but you didn't know were. You said "When you got a rep like me for locking up criminals everyone wants a piece." Wayne laughed for a bit and you noticed something reflecting off his eye. A red dot traveling on the ground. As you turned you saw the dot moving towards you, Wayne saw it too. He yelled "Everyone get down!" and a shot went off.

As you looked to see who fired and where it came from you saw a man in a red and grey costume with a big red eye. He had two wrist guns and his eye almost looked like a target to you. Everyone at the party scattered and you went for the assassin. You saw him climb down from his vantage point and take out a knife. You asked "Who are you?". He said "Name's Deadshot. And you have money I gotta cash in." He ran towards you with the knife and started slashing violently. You dodged a few of the hits but you got cut a few times. You rushed him to get the knife out of his hand but as you did he shot you. As you started to black out you flipped him over and fell on to him saying "I go down I'm taking you with me." and you stabbed his shoulder. You started to black out as you laid on top of the assassin.

Timeskip (nighttime ) at the hospital
Bruce Wayne's P.O.V.
As I stayed next to (F/N)'s hospital bed Barbara came next to me. She said "Why would Deadshot do this? He hasn't had a contract in a months." I said "It must've been a big contract for Lawton to get back in." Barbara then said "Carmine. He had the money and the motive." I said "What do you mean motive?" Barbara said "Last night (F/N) and I had a run-in with Falcone. He asked (F/N) to protect him from Freeze due to a cure for anything. He showed up later and (F/N) handed over the cure in exchange for Joe Chill." I was shocked to hear those words again. I had almost forgotten about my parents' killer. I said "Barbara, check the streets for Carmine Falcone. Take Dick with you." She quickly retaliated and said "No! No way in hell am I leaving his side!" I got up and said "If Deadshot got a contract others will have gotten it as well. You will be distracted. I will stay here and make sure nothing happens to (F/N)." She had tears running down her face, I wanted to comfort her but she said "Ok." and walked away.

I felt I made her distraught. She has never loved anyone or lost anyone. I didn't know what to do. As I stayed with (F/N) (he/she) slightly awoke and said "God damnit. Not again." and started coughing. I quickly got some water as (he/she) said "Wayne? What are you doing here?" I gave (him/her) the water and said "Protecting you detective." He drank a little bit of the water and said "First the female bat, then the blue bird. Now, the big bad bat himself. Am I a hero magnet or something?" I was shocked at these words and said "How do you know?" (He/She) sipped some more water then said "Voice, chin, adopted Grayson. All those toys of yours. I'm surprised Jim hasn't found out." I was about to ask him some questions but he passed out with the bottle of water still in his hand.

As I stayed and watched (F/N) I noticed a glint outside. I went to investigate and saw none other than Deathstroke running across the buildings next to the hospital. I thought 'He must've gotten the bounty as well'. I pushed a button on my watch and my Bat suit instantly went on. In hopes of Slade not noticing me I opened the window and glided to his location. He saw me and I prepared for a fight. I landed, rolled, then jump kicked him.


Slade blocked my kick and countered with an overhead side punch. I blocked it and used the momentum against him by kicking him. He flew against the wall and quickly used it to leap up and use his bo staff to hit my head. I blocked it with an x formation, broke it, then side kicked him. He used the environment to his advantage by flailing off the roof, using the pole as a counterbalance on the buildings and fling himself up to kick me. I couldn't block it but I rolled backwards and threw two batarangs at him, one aiming for his head and another to the staff. Only the one aiming for the head hit. He batted the other away and ran straight at me. He tried to hit me in the ankle, side and head in repetitive strikes but I blocked them and grabbed the staff out of his hands and broke it in half. He then unsheathed his sword and was about to hit me. But a gunshot broke it in half.

As I looked behind me I saw the Red Hood. He said "Hey Bats. Need some help?" I said "I got it under control." He then said "I got it handled." then shot at Slade's hand causing the broken sword to be knocked out of his hands. Red Hood took out a knife and tried slashing him in the gut but Slade backed away. Red Hood was hunched over, I stepped on his back and kicked Slade in the face knocking him out. I said "You should stop your crusade." He was about to jump off and said "Take care Bruce, say hi to (F/N) for me." I gasped, then he lept off into the night.

Your P.O.V.
You awoke with a pain in your stomach and said "I feel like a hospital magnet." You then heard laughter next to you. It was Barbara and Jim. Jim said "You certainly have a knack of getting yourself injured rookie." You said "That nickname's kinda growing on me." Barbara chuckled and leaned in to kiss you. Jim then sighed and said "Ah what the hell." You both looked at him and he said "Take some time off, you deserve it (F/N)." You said "Thanks Jim." and he walked out. Barbara then said "Well we have said we both deserve a break. This is that chance. You gonna take it?" You kissed her again and said "Hell yes."

A/N: Hey guys. It's up! But I'm pretty sure in about, oh, an hour or so the next chapter is going to be up. Shocking I know. But I've been working on chapters 13-15 as of late and I will upload them simultaneously. So hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night. :)

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