Chapter 11: Cat and Cop

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A week later after the Hatter incident
Your P.O.V.
You arrived at GCPD with high hopes that it would be a nice simple day. At first it was, standard day at the work. You only got one call about a break-in and about 2 prank calls. But on one of the breaks you ran into Harvey "Sooooo, you've been dating the Commish's daughter for almost a week. I'm surprised you haven't been shot by Jim." He spoke, making you chuckle and say "Has anyone told you that you are very persistent with everything?" Harvey then said "Never to my face. Why, am I pushing the wrong things?" "You're pushing something." you retorted. Harvey then bawled out laughing. It was at this moment that the day went sideways.

The alarm blared and both you and Harvey got up to see what was going on. As you ran through the halls you ran into Barbara. You asked her "Any idea what's going on?" She replied "Barbara doesn't know, but Batgirl does." You sighed and said quietly "Any idea what's going on, Batgirl?" She giggled and said "Catwoman's robbing Dent's old office. GCPD is on high alert to catch Dent." You gave her a quick kiss and said "Thank you Babs." She slightly blushed and said "Go, do your job." You nodded and ran off. You entered Jim's office and said "What's with the alarm Jim?" He said "Catwoman was spotted around Two-Face's old office. It now belongs to Mayor Manning and we believe that both Dent and Catwoman will be there. Our job will be to secure the area, find and apprehend both Dent and Catwoman." You and everyone else nodded their heads. 

As you arrived at the Mayor's office with Harvey he said "So, shall we continue the conversation we had we had earlier?" You looked at him and said "Why do you want to know about my love life Harv, it's not that important." Harvey quickly said "Pal, it is important. You're dating Barbara Gordon. The commissioner's daughter!" You said "Settle down Harv. How many women have you dated?" He hastily replied "Around 17. Why?" You then asked "How long did they last?" Harvey, again, hastily replied "About a month." You said "Is that why you're so curious about my love life?" He said "Yeah. I just hope you got the right one is all." You said "Don't worry Harv, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Simple as that." Harvey said "True." You were about to ask where everyone was until the alarm went off in the building. You say "Jeez, are we alarm magnets for the day?".Harvey chuckles, grabs his gun and heads for the vault. You grab your gun as well and head upstairs to join up with Harvey.

As you rejoined with Harvey you saw something move outside. You suspected either Catwoman, Batman or Batgirl, you prayed that it was not the Cat. You met up with Harvey and saw.....the other Harvey. Harvey, your Harvey, aimed the gun at Harvey, other Harvey. (Confused yet?). You said "Dent, put your hands on your head. You're under arrest." Dent chuckled at this and said "(F/N) (L/N). Been a while." and turned to face you. You said "Don't worry, you'll be able to talk to me for a while when you're locked up in our holding cells.". Dent smiled and said "No chance." You said "How bout you flip the coin to decide? Leave it to fate as usual." Dent started laughing and said "This time I flipped earlier." Harvey asked "And what was that to decide?" "To knock you out." As Two-Face said this, goons approached from behind and knocked Harvey out, you knocked the thugs out. You were about to turn when you head two clicks. You knew that sound, two guns. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the same dark figure outside. From where you were you could tell it was feminine, do it wasn't Batman. That left Batgirl and Catwoman. You heard Two-Face say "Now how bout we flip for this, which gun will kill you. Left or right." As he holstered the gun you took the opportunity to charge at him but you only made it a few feet in front of him until he shot you in the side.

You almost didn't feel it but Dent quickly changed that. In some twisted humor he stuck a different coin in your wound. You winced in pain as you grabbed his arm and attempted to put it behind his back. It didn't work. He instead put the smoking gun to your head, you could feel the smoke trailing on your face. He was about to shoot when you heard a crack and Dent yell out as he was dragged away from you. You grabbed your side in pain and nearly doubled over. As the coin was nearly lodged in you, you attempted to pull it out, but someone averted your attention: Catwoman.

She looked at you and said almost mockingly "Oh, are you okay little coppy?" You looked at her and looked back at the coin. Attempting to pull it out you used the knife you had strapped to your boot to pry out the bullet. It worked, but you were in pain. Catwoman said "I'd love to stay and chat but I got people to Rob and a Bat to tame. Later Villain Locker." You chuckled at the retort as Catwoman lept out of the building with a bag of cash in arm. You didn't focus on her but instead went to Dent, you had your cuffs in hand and strapped them on his wrists. As you plopped over on your back you said "Got you you two-faced son of a bitch." as you slowly slipped into darkness.

Batgirl's P.O.V.
As I arrived at the Mayor's office I saw an open window. Suspecting that Catwoman had entered I lept in and saw quite a sight. Dent was cuffed, Harvey was knocked out with two goons behind him and.......(F/N) bleeding out on the floor. I quickly tended to my (boyfriend/girlfriend) and saw that (he/she) was grazed by the bullet but was still bleeding. I called Alfred and said "Prep the med bay Alfred. (F/N)'s hurt." He said "Will do Mistress Gordon." I picked (him/her) up and quickly got (him/her) to the Batcave.

Timeskip Your P.O.V
You slowly awoke in what appeared to be a hospital bed. You groaned "God, please not another damn hospital." You heard a chuckle and saw the butler. You quickly sprang up and said "You did it didn't you?" As you said that Nightwing entered and said "No, the butler didn't do it." Alfred said "Welcome back to the Batcave detective." You said "Normally if I wake up in a cave it means A) I'm lucid dreaming. B) I just got kidnapped. Or C) Miners have found my body." Alfred slightly giggled at the last remark you made. Batgirl entered and said "That's the first time I've heard Alfred laugh." Alfred said "I did nothing of the sorts Mistress Gordon." As you looked at Nightwing you noticed something familiar, his hair. You said to him "How are you doing Grayson?" Nightwing looked at you in shock and asked "How-" you cut him off saying "Your hair." He said "Really?" You said "Yeah, word of advice: If you're trying to be inconspicuous, hide your hair and your face. That way they won't know it's you." A gruff voice behind you said "I'll keep that in mind."

You said "Ha ha. Very funny Bats." He said "You found the identity of both Batgirl and Nightwing. I need to know if you're going to keep the secret." You said "Pal, if anything you could be a billionaire like Oliver Queen or Bruce Wayne. Or you could be someone no one even sees on the streets. I can keep a secret. Trust me on that." He then said "I never trust anyone." You said "Now you remind me of an edgy teen, no offense." He said "None taken." You said "Thank you for patching me up again but I gotta be on my way." As you turned to leave Batman said "I have a question for you." You stopped in your tracks and said "Shoot." He said "What is your relation with Red Hood?" You turned to face him and said "He's a friend. Why?" Batman said "He's a dangerous criminal." You interrupted and said "Ok, stop right there. He is not, repeat not, a criminal. He's an anti-hero. Violent but heroic." Batman said "He's dangerous." You said "He's a childhood friend, I doubt he'll put a bullet to my head." You turned to leave via the tunnels and Barbara caught up to you. She said "Dinner, at the Green Sapphire?" You kissed her and said "Deal." As she left you pondered a thought: What would Harvey and Jim think.

A/N: YAS! DONE. It took me a while but I managed to do it. Anyways as usual I have a poll up in the conversations area on my profile which will determine the next X Male Reader book. If you wanna vote go do it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/night. :)

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