Chapter 10: Mad Tea Party

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A/N: I decided to stop the 'One chapter per book' thing. I'm going to focus on this book and this book alone. the poll for the next book is very uneven. If you want to vote for the next book go to my conversations and vote for it. I look at all of them and I tally all of them. Anyway hope you enjoy.

Your P.O.V.
Your heart was racing. You just got caught by Jim Gordon, whose daughter you just kissed. Jim sighed and said "Be glad you're in a hospital bed rookie, or I might've shot you." You chuckled worriedly and said "Does this mean I'm fired?" It was Jim's turn to laugh, he said "No, but this does mean I'm keeping a closer eye on you." He then repeats his first question "How long's this been going on?" Barbara then says "2 days. Maybe 3." Jim then said "No offense to you rookie but," then looks at Barbara "why (him/her)?"

Barbara sighed and said "(He's/She's) sweet, kind, brave....charming." You smiled at this and Jim said "I will admit that (he's/she's) a good officer. Locked away 7 criminals in 4 days. Including our most infamous, Joker. I think you deserve a promotion, despite the fact that you're dating my daughter." Barbara chuckled and said "Don't worry dad. (He's/She's) a good person." Jim said "That I am aware of." He came closer to you and said "How bout it rookie, you up to being a detective?" You, in your bed, gave the salute and said "Hell yes." Jim was about to leave when he said "(F/N) if you hurt her, you answer to me and Batman." You said "Commish, I hurt bad people. Your daughter is a good person. I wouldn't hurt her. Ever." Jim nodded his head and left the room. Barbara looked at you and said "I told you you'd get a promotion. Rookie." You sighed and said "That nickname's not going away anytime soon is it?" Barbara shook her head and kissed you again before leaving to go to bed.

The next day
You walked into GCPD, there were barely any people there. There was only Montoya, Harvey, Jim and Barbara. You shrugged it off cause you were early. You entered Jim's office and he offered you the chance of being a detective. You, of course, accepted. As you exited, and as if on cue, the lights blew out. You turned on your flashlight to be able to see but before you could see anything you were hit in the back of the head. You felt your eyes close as your body shit down, but you heard something before you were knocked out "This little cop is so far gone, (he/she) knows not the things (he's/she's) done wrong. (He/She) won't be alone in paying the price, just (him/her) and the three blind mice."

You awoke, binded to a chair. Your vision was slightly blurry but you saw 3 other people binded to chairs, one to the left of you and one to your right and one in front of you.  When your vision cleared you saw that the ones to your left and right had bags on their heads. The one in front of you didn't, you were shocked to see that it was Barbara. You said "Barbara, you alright?" She wasn't awake. You looked at your bonds and tried to break free but to no avail. After a while a door opened and the Mad Hatter entered. He said "Behold, the best of the best at GCPD. Featuring the commissioner's daughter!" After his oh so rousing introduction you said "And behold, another crazy who believes he's God. Featuring minions from a children's novel." He looked at you with a glare and said "Cocky aren't we little rabbit, is that your dirty habbit? Our game is about to begin, let us see who is the sin." He then revealed the other two people: to your right was Harvey, to your left was Jim. You knew his M.O. and you attempted to play around with it. You said "Isn't this a fickle thing, which of your birdys decided to sing? What you'll get from this game, is nothing but sorrow and pain." He stepped closer, you grabbed a knife nearby "This little pig is trying to talk, this game has blood to chalk. No birdy told me anything, and only you will be singing." You started to cut your bindings, Jim groaned as he awoke "Unlikely Hatter, so what's the matter? Afraid you'll be, below the sea?" Hatter stepped closer and started talking faster with more anger in his voice "I fear nothing, no sea and no being! What will you gain, from this unholy game!" Your restraints were cut and you said "I gain no artifact, from this matured pact. Like metal that is charred, you shall be behind bars!" He looked at you and said "What?" as you got up and hit him with the hilt of the knife. Hatter was knocked out. As you were about to free Barbara the doors slammed open, at least 10 of Jervis' minions entered. And just as quickly as they entered they all were shot.

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