Chapter 14: A Nice Long Break

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Your P.O.V.
As you and Barbara got off the plane to Scotland you were almost going to pass out. You and Barbara both wanted to take some time off but now that you got it, it was almost surreal. As you entered Scotland you both were curious of what you'd be doing first. You both had a week off from your jobs and you were with alone. Barbara said "This is going to be great, I've always wanted to go to Scotland. Open space, beautiful music, pubs, myths and no crazy villains." You chuckled at the last three and said "Yep, this is the place to be." You both entered town by foot and everyone was happy, drunk or both. It was almost nighttime where you were and there was a humongous time gap. You rented a hotel for 5 days and you both entered with your feet almost sore. Barbara said "Well, at least we can rest." You chuckled as you plopped down on the bed with Barbara. You said "How bout we unpack tomorrow?" She said "Yeah, sounds good." as you both got your jackets, shoes and shirts off you both got in bed and slept till morning.

You awoke to the smell of ale and you loved it. Ever since Harvey brought you to the Green Sapphire you have never had alcohol that strong in your life. Scotland's was stronger. As you got up you decided to unpack everything. As you did Barbara woke up and she said "Morning rookie. How are you?" You replied with "I'm pretty good, you?". She got up out of bed, kissed you and said "Much better now." You chuckled and said in a rough sounding Scottish accent "So, what shall we do in this fine land of the Scot's?" Barbara laughed and said "Hmmm, how about we go to Loch Ness?" You chuckled and said "Hoping to see Nessie, Babs?" She twirled her hair and said "Maybe." You said "Ok. But first, breakfast."

In your hotel there was a nice small restaurant on the base floor. You both had scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee to start your day. As you exited the building it was nice and cool out with many people out walking the streets. It almost seemed like Gotham, but with less villains. You both walked the streets and you saw many people. As you passed by them you heard a familiar song.

You said "After Loch Ness, do you want to go to Scarborough Fair?" Barbara looked at you and said "Sure. It sounds interesting." and smiled. After a while of traveling and sightseeing you arrived at Loch Ness. Barbara impatiently looked out at the sea and was desperately looking for Nessie. After 5 hours, a few bathroom breaks, two mugs of ale, and a Gothamite asking for an autograph from you there was no sign of Nessie. Barbara caught a few glimpses of something but she didn't know what, so she called it a win. It was almost 1 in the afternoon when you both started to get hungry. You said "Since we're hungry, the fair might have some snacks." Then Barbara joked "If they don't then they better have a pub nearby." You laughed at that and both started to walk to Scarborough Fair.

Scarborough Fair was beautiful. It had rides, a dance floor and, of course, a pub. As you and Barbara found a place to eat you were give a beautiful view of the Scotland waterfront. The glimmering water, the beautiful Scottish music and of course you love for each other made it a perfect moment. As time passed you started to get curious of where else you could go. You started wandering around when you both realized that it was almost nighttime. Barbara then had an idea. She said "Drinking contest, you and me." You were almost shocked at what she said. You put up your hands and said "Are you sure you want to do that?" She mistook it as a challenge and said "Of course I do. Unless you're chicken." You said "Oh it's on now baby." and you both entered the pub. You both sat down at a table and drank to your hearts content until Barbara passed out.

She was passed out right beside you and, in all honesty, she looked adorable. You were slightly buzzed from 15 mugs of ale (I know, you're a beast) but you decided to walk home carrying her. She wasn't heavy but it was no small task. You got three quarters to your hotel until you had to rest. She was still passed out but she was snuggling up right next to you as you rested. After a decent amount of rest you carried her bridal style and managed to get her to the hotel and put her in bed. She was asleep and you were buzzed, you both weren't getting up early tomorrow. That was a fact.

A/N: Hey, I know, it's a short chapter. BUT, I'll make it up to you in the next chapter with a nice 🍋. :) I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and, yes this is an hour after the last chapter was uploaded. The next one will be up in uh 30 minutes. So get ready :). Have a good day/night. :)

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