Chapter 19: The Joke That Went Too Far

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Your P.O.V.
You awaited on the rooftop for Joker to get in your line of sight. But as you waited, Joker's game fell into motion. The circus was operational and you calmly said "Sick piece of crap. I'm going to kill you." As you waited for God knows how long you finally got him in your sights. But only for a split second. You saw two other guys follow behind him with Jim in their hands. You said "Change of plans. Bruce get Jim, Bruce fights Joker, I kill Joker. Done and done." You watched his plan go into motion as yours was ready.

Batman's P.O.V.
I found Jim at the Grey circus. Stephen Grey was found dead here and the man who bought the circus was John White, one of Joker's alias names. I wanted to kill Joker for what he did for Barbara, but that's not what she'd want. I headed over there as fast as I could, when I arrived I heard a song. It was a song that Joker himself sang. Throughout the song I heard Jim screaming. I busted in and saw a bunch of Joker's men and women singing, dancing and beating Jim. I threw a smoke pellet and freed Jim. He was naked, sweating and was terrified. I brought him outside so he could recover. I saw Joker running so I chased after him. I heard Jim say "Batman, do this by the book." I nodded and continued chasing him.

As I ran through the circus trying to stop him I had to also stop his freakshow. There was a two headed girl, a fat lady, two psychos (one tall and one short) and three dwarfed angels. I wrapped the angels up in a bat cable, I then smashed the psycho's heads together and tied them up. The two headed girl and the fat lady then charged at me, I kicked the two headed girl in the left temple of her left head then tazed the fat lady and tied them both up. I then got to a small room with a staircase and a door opened slightly. I heard Joker inside say "What is it with you? What made you what you are?"

I walked up the stairs and he continued "Girlfriend killed by the mob maybe? Brother cogged up by some mugger? Something like that, because something like that happened to me." I peeked through the door and there was just light, a bright blinding light. I walked in it and when my eyes were able to open there was a room and it was upside down.

I walked in and I heard Joker say "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice." I continued walking and I looked around and he said "I know what it is," I turned around and I saw him. Before I could react he hit me with a pot and said "that drives you crazy." He walked towards me and said "I'm smart enough to admit it." He grabbed a chair on the roof and bashed it over my head and said "Why can't you?" He walked over and kicked me in the face and said "By clinging to reality you're denying the reality of the situation." He walked to a shelf and grabbed a kettle and a plate from it and threw it at me. He then grabbed a pot and walked over to me as I got up he hit me in the face knocking me down. He said "I mean, do you ever think about how many times we come close to World War 3 over a flock of geese on a computer screen?" He then threw the pot at me and said "No silly, because it's all a joke!" He started kicking me and saying "Everything everybody ever found in the sub before is monstrous. Why can't you see the funny side?"

I wiped the blood off my face and he yelled "Why aren't you laughing!?" He had a tazer in his hand about to shock me, I got up quickly and uppercutted him in the jaw knocking him back. He tried to hit me but I grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the face and threw him over me, hitting the table on the roof. As he recovered I said "Because I've heard it before. And it wasn't funny the first time." He got angry and he took off the tazer from his hand and grabbed a piece of wood from the table and tried hitting me. I ducked and elbowed him in the face, then punched his gut. I grabbed him and kneed him twice in the gut and punched him against the wall. I said "I spoke with Commissioner Gordon before I came in here. He said he wanted this done by the book. Do you know what that means?" He grabbed another piece of wood and tried to hit me. As I talked I grabbed his arm and said "It means despite all your sick, creul vicious little game he's as sane as he ever was." I grabbed his collar and pinned him against the wall and said "So ordinary people don't crack." He frowned and I said "Face it, it's just you."

He got angry and said "No!" He grabbed my cowl and pulled it over my eyes and he was now behind me. He started laughing as he pulled a gun out and aimed it towards me. I charged him and we both flew out the window and onto some boxes. The gun fell out of his hands and he tried to go for it. He kicked me and ran for it. I grabbed his leg and tripped him, he kicked me again and grabbed it then pulled the trigger. There was no bullet, just a gag gun that had a flag reading 'Click, click, click'. His expression turned grim and he tried pulling the trigger again. I got up and he said "God damnit." and threw the gun away from him. He said "Well what are you waiting for? Kick the crap out of me and get your standing ovation." I didn't do anything and he looked at me and just said "Come on." "No, not this time." I spoke.

He looked at me shocked and I said "I don't want to hurt you. I don't want either one of us killing the other. But we're running out of alternatives. Perhaps it all hinges on tonight." I got closer and said "I don't know what it is that bent your life out of shape, but maybe I've been there too." He looked up at me and I said "Maybe we could work together. I could rehabilitate you. You don't need to be alone, we don't have to kill each other." I brought out my hand and said "Let me help you." He looked at my hand then at me and got up himself and said "I'm sorry but no." He brought his head down and said "No," he turned around and said "it's far too late for that." After a moment of silence it started to rain and a strike of thunder was heard and Joker started to laugh.

He said "You know, it's funny." he turns to me and says "This reminds me of a joke." He started pacing and said "There were two guys locked up in an Asylum. And one night, one night they decided they didn't want that anymore. They decided to escape. When they got to the roof they see rooftops stretching across twon. Stretching to freedom." I looked at him and he continued "Now the first guy, he jumps across no problem. But his friend, oh no way, he's afraid of falling. So first guy, he has an idea, and says 'Hey, I got this flashlight with me. I'll shine it across the gap and you can walk across the beam and join me.'. Then the other guy says 'What do you think I am, crazy? You'll just turn it off when I'm half way across'." He started laughing and he said "Excuse me." As he bailed over laughing, I started to join him. I put my hands on his shoulders and laughed with him.

Your P.O.V.
It was unbelievable, you saw Batman laughing. He offered to help Joker, he almost sided with him. You didn't like it. You aimed the sniper at his head and you let it all go with one motion of your finger. You wispered "For Barbara." and shot the Joker at the side of his head.

Batman stopped laughing and he couldn't see you from the rain. You walked off the rooftop and said "This time, your joke went too far, Jack." and you walked off to see Barbara.

A/N: Revenge is really nice, don't you think? One more chapter! Remember, there isn't much time left. Vote for the next book in my conversations. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night. :)

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