1- lacuna

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(n.) a blank space, a missing part

Katerina sighed putting her books in her backpack for the last time before getting up. She waited for all the rowdy teens to exit before leaving herself. An arm encircled around her wrist and she turned to see her teacher, Mr. Ramses smiling down at her.

"We hope to see you soon, Katerina," He said. "Make sure to visit."

She slightly nodded and sped out of the classroom, not wanting to say another word towards her older teacher. Something about him just gave her the creeps, maybe it was the fact that he didn't like the word marshmallow? Or that he didn't shave his beard as often as he could. All Kat distinguished from Mr. Ramses was that he liked her as a student and a friend when she would eat lunch in his room every Thursday.

She walked out of the dull classroom as words tumbled inside her head. Katerina has been obsessed with the dictionary since she got it when she was five, from a very young age. Every year, for Christmas, she only requested for books. Every now and then it would change, when she was 11 she asked for a guitar, then music sheets to further her learning in music. She discovered her talent for not only learning but for the arts as well when she was on the brink of 12. The music helping her cope with her family's dramatics was a good way to take the edge off every night before she slept.

Kat would take out her guitar, keyboard, or violin and play a soft melody before resting her head on her old lavender pillow and slept till the morning rose from the night.

"Arcadian; adjective idyllically innocent, simple and untroubled by fear or worry," She mumbled bumping into Jeremy in the process.

"Woah watch it, Evans," He snarled pushing her into a locker. She hit the side of her head and she held it in pain. She already felt a bump forming in the spot where she hit it. All of her books were sprawled across the floor, she cursed herself out quietly and picked them up one by one. Katerina was excited that she was getting out of here, it made her life a lot easier in terms of the bullies she would be escaping. Katerina would think constantly about how much the people here hated her, for reasons she chose to ignore. She was Chris Evans niece and they were all just jealous. Ignoring the oncoming anxiety attack stirring in her senses, she put them in her backpack and cleaned out her locker quickly. With every book shoved into her backpack, she felt more and more relieved that she was leaving this place, she was more than ready to start her new life in California with her Uncle Chris. She felt the eyes of the students upon her and she turned around, her cheeks instantly darkening with the amount of attention they gave her. A group of girls and guys were pointing and laughing at her. Nothing in her teeth, so she muttered words to herself as she went to her Navy Jeep Wrangler.

"Why are words the only thing that could get me through my day?" She mumbled turning up the radio.

Climbing into the front seat, Katerina turned on the vehicle and plugged in her aux cord. The vibrations of the radio came full circle when she heard Demi Lovato's song being played. Being the teenager she still was, she took her phone, snapchatted a video of the song, sending it to her best friends. Mid snapchat her phone started to ring.

"Hey Uncle Chris," She said.

"Hey, Kat are you on your way yet?" He asked. For months now he has been asking her this same question every day.

"You have asked me that every day and today I can finally say yes," She giggled.

"FINALLY! We started filming today for Civil War and I know it's your birthday tomorrow so do you want to come to set and meet everyone?" He asked.

50 words she knew • {tom holland}Where stories live. Discover now