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(n.) an unpredictable instance

imessage from:

hi princess
long time no talk 
i've missed you 

kit kat
can't say the same too you sevy 
but i guess it has been a while

indeed it has
are you coming to interscope today? 

kit kat
cut the bullshit i know you better than you know yourself
this is about the date you are taking me on tonight isn't it?

fine, princess i like the way you think 
i'll pick you up at six not seven
so shut up and don't change my mind
you'll have fun, and for the record
i don't want to sleep with you 

kit kat
thanks seven 
you really know how to make a girl feel special 

i didn't mean it in that way just i don't want to take it fast with you
because you're different from any girl that i've gone out with 

kit kat
thanks for basically admitting im not one of your whores sevy 
means so much coming from you 

you're harder to crack then i'd thought you'd be you know that ms. evans? 

kit kat
well seven 
what can i say other than i'm not the whores you sleep around with

oh i know your not
you definitely are not 
i care about you katerina 
please you have to understand that i do 

kit kat
i wouldn't doubt it
but on the other hand
you're a player
your words could mean absolutely nothing
especially over text message
so i'll see you tonight seven 

you won't regret this princess
you won't 
oh and wear something cute

kit kat
are you saying i don't look cute when you see me?
like hello rude

you're watching james charles again?

kit kat


nice try
 i know you better than you know yourself

kit kat
you don't know very much about me
other than what's on the surface 

is that a challenge?
because challenge accepted, princess

kit kat
oh shut up it was not

i believe it was
see you tonight ;)


Seven Jones was on his motorcycle, flying into the streets of Santa Monica as he drove to pick up the girl of his dreams. Seven would never admit this to anyone, Calum would harass him, Micheal and Ashton would laugh and not believe him, but he was in love with Katerina. Her smile could keep him on a high longer than any drug ever could, her body made him want to do things to her that he could never do. It was illegal in some parts of California, the media would go insane, and she was too young minded for that. She was too young minded to come into the chaos he called his mind. 

50 words she knew • {tom holland}Where stories live. Discover now