
69 3 6

(n.) a homesickness to a home you cannot return to, or one that never was

this is a very dirty chapter forewarning you 

ahead of time
so read

at your own
but honestly its a good one 
so i would recommend

imessage from:
the hoco cast in new york bitches
{osterfield🌽, laura the goddess🤩, zeet geek🚗, tom holland💕, katerina evans💞, baseball batalon⚾️}

katerina evans💞
okay so like i have to go to a lot of meetings today
and a fucking photoshoot and i have a damn pimple thats a whole other thing
but i hope you guys film great?
idk what to say to actors to wish them luck

zeet geek🚗
kat we all got up at five in the morning
why are you up at 6?
your first meeting is literally at 10

katerina evans💞
lmao you think i was asleep last night?
you funny bitch

tom holland 💕
she slept for maybe three hours before waking up
she didn't take her meds when i clearly asked her too
wait you did
i saw you

katerina evans💞
i'm not even tired

tom holland💕
oh don't give me that bullshit this morning
im tired to, love

laura the goddess🤩
tommy you were supposed to make her go to bed
i'll take her into my room with z and i if you don't make her sleep

katerina evans💞
oh i doubt you'd want me in your room
that sounds painful
like for you
lmao not for me
i'd be fucking fine

baseball batalon ⚾️
please come with us and take a nap in the trailer
pretty please

katerina evans💞
aw i feel bad
fuck why do you do this to me people

osterfield 🌽
plus we have to meet jeremy tomorrow kat
jeremy gonna be pissed if he knew you didn't sleep

katerina evans💞
fucking drill sergeant that he is
he probably will be
but idc

tom holland💕
take a nap or something please
you're scaring me

laura the goddess🤩
yeah what if you pass out in the middle of the street and get run over
what happens then

katerina evans💞
guys stop guilting me omg
i can't help it

osterfield 🌽
yes you can don't give me that bullshit
you can fucking sleep you're just scared

katerina evans💞
bitch you don't know the fucking half of it
if you knew what-
nevermind i'm not fighting with you i know i won't win

smart choice

katerina evans💞
yeah yeah yeah whatever
anyways i have to go to like three meetings then a photoshoot so what's the plan for tonight
what's dinner and fun times?

tom holland💕
honestly im down to go anywhere
what do you guys recommend

zeet geek 🚗
honestly ninjas is so fucking cool
they scare the shit out of you the whole time
it's grand

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