Chapter Ten

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"So, how do I look?" Ethan asked.

Arianna gasped and jumped up to hug Ethan, who stood awkwardly in the doorway. "You look like a prince!" Ethan looked down at the second hand suit. It was a size too big, and he'd spent the last day altering the length until it fit well enough over his chest and the baby fat on his stomach.

"Ethan, can I come? I want to be a princess with you!"

Ethan laughed and ruffled her hair. "Sorry sis, it's a big kid's dance. For Halloween, I'll dress up as your prince for you."

Arianna grabbed a pen and notepad. "I want you to sign a contract saying you'll do just that. I want you to promise me you'll be my prince."

Ethan smiled and accepted the stationary. In glittery pen, he swore he'd be her prince, should she still want him to be. She accepted the contract and tucked it away in her bedside drawer. Ethan laid back on the bed, watching the butterfly lights sway slightly.

"Thanks again for helping with those," Arianna said. She laid down and curled into Ethan's side. He smiled and set a hand on her head.

"No problem, A. I've told you, I'll always be here for you."

She buried her head in Ethan's shoulder. "There was a kid at school today, and he said his daddy was working so that all the gays will be sent away and killed. Is that true?"

Ethan shook his head. "Of course not," he lied. Truth be told, he wasn't too sure about what would happen in the future. Unfortunately, it was a dangerous time to be out. "People like that kid don't matter. They're just jealous that we've found love and they haven't."

Arianna's shoulders slumped. "He started picking on me today. He said he was at bible study and the pastor's son was complaining about a kid at your school who's gay. I told him to shut up, and that my amazing older brother is gay, and that he needed to grow up. They keep calling me names and they said they'd come here and hurt you."

Ethan pulled her against her chest. "Ari, if they want to hurt me, they'll have to get past my friend Maddy. You'll like her. She's super nice, and really tall and strong, so she could carry you around all the time if you wanted. She's a varsity softball player, and if a couple of punk kids think they can beat her up, then they're dumber than that kid last year who said you weren't pretty."

Arianna laughed, small and fragile, as if she was scared someone would hear. Ethan rubbed small circles into her back. "Besides, if they take me away, I can't be your prince."

Arianna didn't look up. "You better not break your promise," she joked. "I don't want to grow up without you."

The doorbell rang. Ariana pulled Ethan up and down the hall. "They're here! Can I meet them?"

Ethan stopped her at the top of the stairs. "Of course, just be nice."

He rushed down, straightening his suit as he went. Marissa stopped him at the bottom. "Mac, where are going tonight? And why are you wearing that?"

Ethan braced himself against the railing of the stairs. "I told you, there's a party this weekend that Mikey invited me to. That's why I got this suit. And they're here, so I need to go."

He reached for the door when Marissa grabbed the jacket collar. "Wouldn't you rather wear one of those nice dresses I bought you? You always look like a boy. I get that you want to look like a guy, but God made you a pretty girl for a reason."

Ethan brushed his mother's hand away. "Mom, I don't want to have this argument right now. Besides, I told you, they don't fit."

He reached for the door handle but was stopped by Marissa yanking the suit jacket off his shoulders. "I don't care how small they are, you're not going out there in this garbage."

Ethan tried to pull away, but Marissa refused to let go. "Mom, please! I don't like dresses! They make me feel uncomfortable. Can you please respect my decisions for once?"

Marissa pulled hard on the collar, and with the hiss of ripping seams, the suit tore. Ethan swore under his breath at the suit that had cost him five shirts to get. Marissa dropped the fabric as Ethan turned on her, fists up.

"Look what you did! Look what you and your stupid, make believe god did!" Ethan shouted. "How can you be so stupid, so damn ignorant-!"

"Don't you dare say that! You are the most ungrateful child I have ever met! If you really care so much about this, then leave!"

"Maybe I will!" Ethan roared back. He threw open the door and slammed it shut, chest heaving with unspoken curses that slowly turned into an unstable anger.

Mikey stood awkwardly on the steps, hands rubbing the insides of his arms and looking anywhere but the door Ethan had just stormed out of. He reached out slowly, as if Ethan was a dangerous animal.

"Are-are you okay?"

Ethan looked into his friend's eyes. Before he could say anything, he fell forward and pulled Mikey close to him, sobbing into Mikey's second hand suit. Mikey silently wrapped his arms around Ethan, and slowly, they made their way to the car where the others waited.


I don't feel like writing a long author's note, so I'll make it quick. Vote, comment, cheers!

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