Chapter Fourteen

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"Thank you for the ride!" Ethan and Alice called as Maddy backed out of the driveway. 

Maddy stuck her hand out the window as she rolled away. When she was out of sight around the corner, Alice began to walk up to the front door. Ethan took a second to look down the street, and found his old house only six doors down. He looked back at the house. From Ariana's window he had seen the pale blue house, with white wooden shutters and a red door. Ariana had suggested that a queen lived there, as no one else could live in such a house and walk with their head held high.

Alice popped out of the door and waved at Ethan. "Come on! My moms want to meet you!"

Ethan blinked. "Wait up!" he yelled. He raced for the door. "What do you mean by 'moms'?"

Alice led him into the living room, where two women stood by the door. One looked like an older Alice, with beach blonde hair pulled back in a messy bun and a long sweater that reached to the floor. She held her hands before her heart, and her small smile made her eyes light up. The other woman, a tall woman of what Ethan guessed to be Asian descent, stood with a hand on the other's shoulder. Her hair had been styled carefully, and unlike her partner, was still dressed in work clothes.

"Ethan, these are my moms," Alice introduce. "Mom, Ma, this is Ethan."

The blond woman began crying. She stepped forward and took Ethan into her arms. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be crying right now. I'm just so happy to have you here with us."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Please," she said, "call me Nicole."

Alice's other mother stepped forward. "And feel free to call me Karie. We look forward to having you here with us."

Nicole let go of Ethan, who was then brought into a stiff hug from Karie. He accepted it, enjoying the feeling of a mother's hug again. He hadn't been held by his parents like this since he'd come out. Before he knew what was happening, his face was burried into Karie's shoulder and tears were running down his face. 

"Oh hon, you're okay now," Nicole said, hugging Ethan from behind. "We're here for you, there's nothing to worry about right now. Kare-Bear will call the school tomorrow and get copies of all of your work, and we can get you clothes. Please, just don't cry."

Ethan pulled his head out of Karie's shoulder. "My parents- I haven't-" He broke down again. "I haven't felt loved like this in so long."

He had to bite his lip to keep from sobbing, which Nicole had already done. Alice joined the hug, tucking her head on Ethan's shoulder. He couldn't stop the tears they continued to fall through his closed eyes. Nicole cried with him, her arms around everyone, keeping them together in the middle of the room. Alice had moved to lay her head against Ethan's back, her steady breathing helping to keep Ethan on his feet. Karie held Ethan up from under his arms, worried he might fall if she wasn't there. Soon enough, Ethan and Nicole's sobs had turned into pitiful whimpers.

"Alice, how about you take Ethan up to the guest room and show him the bathroom." She looked fondly over to Nicole. "I'll stay here and help your mom calm down."

Alice nodded silently and took Ethan's hand. "Come on, let's give them some space," she whispered. 

Ethan let her lead him up the stairs to the second floor. Alice pointed at the doors, two on the left and three on the right as they went. "My parent's room and Ma's office on on the left. The bathroom, which we'll share, my room, and here's your room."

She pushed open the door and stood back so Ethan could move in. "I'll be in my room if you need anything. I'm going to call Maddy and see if Mikey's at home."

She shut the door quietly. Ethan could hear her walk next door to her room and shut the door, along with the creak of bed springs and shaking breaths. Leaving her to her privacy, Ethan turned around and looked around the room. 

The room itself wasn't huge, but it was decorated nicely. A queen bed made of light wood sat in the middle, with two tall windows on either side. The green curtains were pulled shut, and matched the green and blue striped bedspread and mountain of decorative pillows. On the wall next to Alice's room were double wooden doors, which opened to reveal a small closet, empty except for a few scented candles and pillows. Ethan shut the doors and walked around the room, playing with the geodes and candles on the shelves. Besides a few sea shells and paintings on the walls, the room was bare, but it felt and smelled like a lived in room.

A soft knock broke the comfortable silence in the room. Ethan opened the door and let Nicole step inside, a laundry basket on her hip 

"I brought up some pajamas for you to use tonight," she said, setting the basket by the closet doors. "I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, so I'll bring you back some stuff to wear for the weekend, but we'll get some clothes shopping done." She wiped her eyes. "We're so happy to have you here, and if you need anything, I'm always just down the hall."

She brought Ethan into a one armed hug and kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight Ethan," she whispered.

"Goodnight Nicole," Ethan whispered back, body feeling suddenly heavy. She gave him a gentle smile and left the room, closing the door with a soft click

Ethan walked over to the laundry basket and picked out a pair of pajama shorts and a loose shirt with a faded picture of Mickie Mouse. He carried them to the bathroom, stopping briefly outside of Alice's door on the way back. He slowly raised his hand and knocked. He heard Alice push off the bed and walk towards the door. 

"He's not there," She said, not bothering to open the door. "She filled a missing person's report, but until then, there's nothing more the police want us to do."

Ethan set his head against the door. "Goodnight Alice," he whispered back. "Get some sleep."

He could hear her slowly walking back to bed. He pushed the duvet cover and sheets back and hugged a pillow to his chest, falling asleep.

Yay for horrible endings. I don't have much to say except this chapter is dedicated to @CakeLord3 who has left me all alone for the last three days and shows up five minutes ago. Anyways, vote, comment, cheers!

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