Chapter Eighteen

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Ethan smiled as Mikey skipped down the hall to him. He wore his new jacket, with a baggy shirt underneath. Mikey smiled as he stopped, opening his locker and not bothering to look at the note that fluttered out.

"Ethan, Josh is amazing!" Mikey said, holding onto Ethan's arm. "He came over, and we watched movies for hours, and he didn't care that I fell asleep on him. And when my dad got home, he was so happy for me. He really likes Josh, and I feel great. He's taking me to a concert this Saturday, and I get to stay the night with him."

Ethan smiled. "Dude, that's great, but I don't want to hear about your sex life."

Mikey's face went beet read. "No, we're not doing that. I'm going over to meet his parents, and Sunday mornings, he plays for his church. Did you know he plays five instruments? And he sings! He's great Ethan, and I wouldn't have gotten to meet him if you hadn't talked me into going."

Mikey jumped forward and wrapped his arms around Ethan. Ethan hugged him back, hoping to push away the tight feeling in his chest.

"Is everything alright?" Mikey asked when he felt Ethan's hesitation.

Ethan shook his head and let go of Mikey. "Everything is fine, why are you asking?"

Mikey leaned against his locker and crossed his arms over his chest. "Come on, we may have only been friends for a week, but I think I can tell when something's up. Can you please tell me? I don't want secrets."

Ethan nodded and bit his lip. "I'm really happy for you Mikey. It's just..." he looked down the hall, hoping for a way out of the conversation. When he couldn't find one, he looked back to Mikey. "I met someone too, at the party, and he was into me, but when everything started getting crazy, I lost him, and I probably won't ever see him again."

Mikey's smile fell. He looked hurt, and was once again wrapped around Ethan. "Ethan, I'm so sorry," Mikey whispered.

Ethan held Mikey tight. "I-I felt like, if I said anything, with you missing, and then with Josh, that I'd sound selfish."

Mikey stepped back and took Ethan's hands. "Ethan, you're not selfish. In fact, I'm excited you found someone. Do you remember his name? What did he look like?"

"Kyle, and he had dyed hair and piercings," Ethan told him.

Mikey smiled and grabbed Ethan's hands. "Ethan, I know him! He's the guy that let me sleep on the couch after the party."

Ethan's stomach got butterflies. "Are you serious?" He smiled when Mikey nodded. "squealed. "Ethan, I know him! He's Dr. Prince's son. He said he met someone, but I didn't know it was you."

Ethan's blood pounded in his ears. "You-you know who he is?"

Mikey nodded, his thin neck looking like it was about to snap. "I can call Josh later and ask for Kyle's phone number if you want me to."

Ethan nodded, the tight feeling in his chest gone. "Mikey, that would be amazing! I cant thank you enough."

Mikey slammed his locker shut and began to lead the way to class. "Look at us," Mikey said, shaking in excitement. "I've got a boyfriend, you're about to get a boyfriend. Oh, I need to show you the pictures!"

Mikey pulled Ethan into their desks and ripped his backpack open. "What's are these pictures?" Ethan asked, tapping the desk in anticipation.

Mikey set a series of Polaroid pictures onto the desk. "So Josh is one of those artsy kids, and he bought a Polaroid a while ago, and he let me take pictures of the two of us this weekend."

Ethan flipped through the pictures of the two of them. Stupid selfies, nose kisses, cheek kisses, and one that stained both boys' faces red. "What's this?" Ethan asked with a smirk, holding up a picture of Mikey and Josh in a deep kiss. "Are you two french kissing?"

Mikey ducked his head. "He-he asked if I'd ever done that, a-and I said no, and so he, um, he offered to show me."

Ethan handed them back to Mikey, who set them on top of his binder. "You know, it makes we question whether or not you two did have se-"

Mikey covered Ethan's mouth. "Don't say that! We've only known each other for a few days, it hasn't gotten that far!"

Ethan laughed and removed Mikey's hand. "Hey, I'm just kidding. I know you wouldn't do something like that."

"Something like what?" A voice behind them said before someone grabbed Mikey. Mikey struggled as he was pulled out of his chair and pushed against the wall. Ethan stood up, looking around for the teacher.

"Let me go Connor!" Mikey yelled, trying to push the lager boy's hands off of him.

Tyler walked behind Ethan, grabbing the pictures as he stalked towards Mikey. "Wow, Michael, this is a new low for you. Taking pictures with some random guy, man, what a whore."

Mikey's face went red in anger. "I'm not!"

Tyler handed some of the pictures to Connor, who still held Mikey against the wall with one hand. "Oh man, don't tell me this guy is your boyfriend?" Mikey stopped struggling at the word. Ethan stood still, looking between the door and Mikey, who looked like he wanted to die.

Tyler laughed. "Oh man, what's this? I don't think little Mikey is a virgin anymore. Seriously, have you two done it? Because that would be hot."

Mikey's hands balled into fists. "Shut-shut up," he squeaked. "Just leave me alone."

Tyler held the pictures in front of Mikey. "And why should I?"

"Because everyone knows you're gay."

The words left Ethan's mouth before he could stop them. But it was too late now, and he had committed. He swallowed his nerves as Tyler and Connor turned to look at him, letting Mikey off the wall.

"Yeah, I mean, now everyone knows. You want to watch Mikey and his boyfriend Josh get it on, which is pretty gay, wouldn't you say?"

Mikey slowly crept away as Tyler's hands balled into fists as well. "Suck my dick," he hissed, trying to shut Ethan up.

Mikey laughed behind them. Tyler turned on his heel, ready to beat Mikey into the  ground. "What's so funny?" Tyler demanded.

"That's pretty gay," Mikey said, giggling.

Tyler's face turned beet red. "Keep laughing, we'll see what happens. I'll choke you."

Mikey bent over, laughing at Tyler's choice in words until the larger boy couldn't take anymore.



Cliffhanger. Don't worry, I'll update more next week. I'm about to go into finals so I'm super busy, plus orchestra concerts, and last week was eventful. Last week was my birthday, and I finally came out to my mother and grandmother, which was super emotional. Anyways, like always, vote or comment if you enjoyed. Cheers!

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