Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


<< Tora's P.O.V>>

I woke up as I heard the sound of rain beating against the hideout steadily. I slowly got up and sat up looking around my dark room or more like my prison. I heard the door open slightly with a loud creak. The bright light flooded into my gloomy prison. I focused my eyes and saw someone coming to me.

" Here, your lunch. Lab rat." A familiar voice stated.

" K-Kabuto." I said in a low growl.

He just smirked and threw me some bread. I took hold of the bread, not letting it touch the filthy floor as I saw him leaving my room. I got up on my feet slowly and when I felt steady, I threw the piece of bread at his back.

Kabuto spun around instantly and caught it. He threw me a dark glare which I ignored and bolted pass him into the open corridor. I didn't want to think about what sort of punishment Orochimaru would do to me this time. I kept running and running as I could tell Kabuto was chasing me.

Soon I reached the entrance which was a snake head. I exited by the snake's mouth and ran out into the nearby forest. My neck started throbbing suddenly, I clutched it tightly as I carried on running as the rain was beating on my face. Orochimaru, that snake bastard, branded me with that ugly permanent black commas like thing that rested on my neck. That reminded me of all the sick experiments he did to me. My curse seal started throbbing at the thought of his face.

I stumbled and tripped on a branch while I was running and clutching my neck to try to relieve the pain. I fell hard but forced myself to get up when I heard loud footsteps approaching. I fell the second time and made myself lean on the bark of the tree. I couldn't carry on. My mind was spinning and my curse seal throbbed. Before I knew it, I descended into suffocating darkness, panting desperately for some air.

<< Kabuto's P.O.V>>

I looked left and right as I continued running through the forest. Orochimaru Wasn't going to be happy if I told him I had lost her. She was his favorite lab rat although she hated and of course feared him. I spotted her leaning on a tree, passed out.

I smirked and made my way to her. I picked up her lifeless body and began walking back to the hideout. I was drenched and felt a bit cold but I kept walking. I reached the entrance and was a bit surprised to see Orochimaru waiting for me in the hallway.

" Orochimaru-sama." I greeted as I bowed.

" Kabuto. You look drenched." He said replied a smirk.

" She tried to escape again?" He said as his eyes travelled from me to the girl.

" Yes." I stated slowly lifting up my head.

" Follow me." Orochimaru said.

I nodded and followed him down the hall. He stopped in front of a room and opened it. I realized it was the experiment room. The both of us went in and he told to me to strap the child's wrists and ankles to the wall. I nodded and did as I was told and then l was dismissed from the room.

<<A few hours later, Tora's P.O.V>>

I woke up as I heard a sinister laugh all around me. I looked down as I knew I been captured again. I tried to move my hands and legs but I couldn't. Instead, I heard the sound of chains rattling whenever I try to move. He had caught me again.

"You've been naughty."A voice hissed from the gloomy atmosphere.

" I ssshall give you a sssspecial punisssshment for that." it continued.

Suddenly, a dim light from a candle flooded the small room. I slowly took note of my surroundings and was scared stiff. A tray of evil looking sharp tools stood next to me. Orochimaru's face was then suddenly very close to my face. I looked into his snake eyes in fear. What was he going to do to me this time?

" Ssssshall we ssstart?" Orochimaru hiss, grinning evilly as he took a sharp scalpel and started walking towards me.

I knew no wasn't the answer he'll accept and I, being chained up here, he could do anything he wanted even if I refused.

He came towards me holding out a surgery knife. I struggled desperately, making the chains that were bound to my ankle and wrists rattle. He was coming closer. . . closer. . . and closer by the second. I had to think of a plan and quick! I didn't want to be tortured.

" W-wait. . . I-I-I w-will not t-try t-to escape a-again. P-please g-give me a-another chance. " I stammered, angering at the fear that clung on to my words.

He just ignored me and made his way to me. I didn't want to give him the pleasure of hearing my screams of agony but I was truly frighten by what was coming my way. He slowly dug a remote control out of his pocket and pressed it. I screamed in pain and begged him to stop as a thousand volts of electricity electrified me but he didn't. He let it go, causing me to wince at every move i made.

I looked weakly at him as he took something that looked like a whip off the tray. I braced myself for the pain that was yet to come.

" Stupid child, you think you can escape me?" he bellowed as he sent the first whip to my body.

I screamed in pain, but before the stinging subsided Orochimaru sent the second whip to me. I winced and cried as I saw my blood splatter unto the ground. I looked weakly at him as he chuckled and sent more whips my way.

<< after an hour or so, nobody's P.O.V>>

" Kabuto. Bring her to her cell." Orochimaru stated.

Pushing up his glasses, Kabuto opened the door and unshackled the young girl which has passed out. He dragged her all the way to her cell by her legs. Orochimaru then left the room to train Sasuke who was probably sick of waiting.

<<The next day, Tora's P.O.V>>

I woke up at the sound of footsteps. . .

Footsteps that were loud. . .

Then the sound of doors opening and closing became audible . . .

Like they were looking for something. . .

Finally after a while, my door burst opened. Orochimaru? Kabuto? Is that you? I winced as I tried to sit up straight. The wounds Orochimaru inflicted on me started to hurt badly. I then caught sight of a pink haired konochi entering the room with a brown haired guy.

I didn't know what to do. . . I didn't know them. . . Why are they here? where's Orochimaru and Kabuto? What do they want?


Hey! konichiwa!

I won't push and force you to vote or keep asking for votes. I know it's kinda annoying. I don't mind if you don't comment either. If you do vote and comment, I'm glad!

Anyway this is my first fan fiction and I hope you enjoy it as I'll try to post the next chapter as soon as I can.

Arigato for reading this book, adding it to your library and choosing this in the first place. Sayonara until the next chapter!

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