Chapter 5

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<<Tora's P.O.V>>

I walked behind Kakashi-San, trailing him as he went to the counter to pay for his medical bill. I kept my eyes on the ground as I knew everyone in the hospital was giving me glares of disgust that made me feel not wanted. I couldn't blame them, I did look like a monster.

My hand moved on my left side of my neck at its own accord, tracing the part where Orochimaru branded me.


A eight year old me woke up to find herself locked in a small cage in a dark room. She knew Orochimaru had something done to her, that's why she was in a cage. Suddenly the door creaked open loudly. Orochimaru and Kabuto entered. Orochimaru bent down to her level and unlocked the cage.

Orochimaru gestured for her to come out, which she did hesitantly. When she was out and finally got to her feet after many tries, he smirked and made a handsign. He extended his neck and launched straight to the scared girl. He bit her at her neck and retracted his neck watching her clutch her neck, screaming in agony.

She fell down on her knees and tossed and turned in pain as he gave out a malicious laugh and left. Leaving her in the horrific darkness of her cell.

**Flashback end**

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kakashi-San stopped in his tracks. He looked at me with his visible eye. I winced as I clutch my neck. The curse seal was stinging again.

" Are you okay?" Kakashi asked, eyeing my neck.

" Hai, I'm f-fine" I said, pressing my neck.

" Lets go ask the hokage where you will stay, shall we?" He asked.

I slowly nodded and started to follow him as he started to walk again. We reached the hokage's office within minutes and when we were at the door, Kakashi-San knocked and waited for the permission to enter.

After waiting awhile, someone shouted for us to come in. Kakashi-San entered with me following behind him.

" Oh Kakashi! Is something borthering you? " the hokage asked, looking up from some paperwork on her table.

" Well, may I ask where Tora is going to stay?" Kakashi asked in a lazy voice.

" Oh! well. . . Would you mind if she stays with you until we find a place for her to live in? " she asks, focusing her glance back on the paperwork.

" Sure." Kakashi stated.

He then mention for me to follow him. We reached his house and He opened the door for me to go in. He told me where I was going to sleep and left to make dinner. I sigh as I look out of the window while I was sitting on my bed. The moon was pretty, suddenly, Kakashi called me and I went for dinner. When I was done, I made my way to the bedroom and slept.

<< the next morning, Kakashi's P.O.V>>

I fluttered my eyes and lazily got up, siting on the edge of my bed. I glanced at the time, eight in the morning. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and started taking a shower.

I finished everything that was necessary and checked the room next to mine after exiting my room. I slowly pushed the door open to find a small girl, sleeping soundly while hugging her tail close and giving soft purrs. She looked so cute. I decided not to wake her and closed the door gently, careful not to wake her.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I started cooking some bacon and eggs when the doorbell rung.

Asuma stood outside. He told me that he happened be treating Choji, Ino and shikamaru to barbecue and he invited me. I thought for a while, and seeing I had a child to take care of, I turned him down. He nodded and said it was okay and left.

I closed the door behind me and continued to cook after he left. I finished and laid the eggs and bacon on the plate. I then went to wake Tora up.

I slowly went in to her room, where soft purring sounds could be heard as she comfortably slept. Her hair was all over her face, her chest slowly and gently moving up and down as soft purrs escape her lips. She looked like a sleeping angel. I extended my hand and shook her awake gently.

After a few minutes, she opened her violet eyes and looked at me.

" Time to wake up. Breakfast is ready." I said with a smile.

<< Tora's P.O.V>>

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly and met the warm black eyes of Kakashi-San. He told me breakfast was ready and I nodded as I sat up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to do my stuff while Kakashi went to wait for me outside.

A came out a few minutes later, dressed in the outfit Kakashi bought for me when I first came. It was a dark orange dress that matched with my ears and tails. I made my way to the table and started eating with Kakashi.

The doorbell rung after a while, Kakashi made his way to the door as I went to put my plate in the sink. The guy called Yamato was outside and he wanted to discuss a few things with Kakashi. Kakashi invited Yamato in and they talked awhile before Yamato went to the hokage.


Heya guys!

Watcha think? Well I hope you like this chapter, I'm sorry it's short and----

KATSU!!! *my kitchen exploded with a loud bang*


Deidara: *scratches his neck* I couldn't resist. hehe. ^•^

Me: Well, you can get to the point now since my kitchen is destroyed.

Deidara: *smirks* leader-sama sent me on a mission to do the disclaimer.

Me: well?

Deidara: Shiyong3699 doesn't own Naruto, the jinchuriki. She only owns Tora and the plot she makes. Now I'll take my leave while you clean your kitchen. ^•^

Me: damn you!

Deidara: Hehe!

Me: Well see ya guys till the next chapter. Ja ne minna!

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