Chapter 8

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Sorry for the real late update. I had a lot of things to do and my parents were REALLY ANNOYING ME. Thanks for the votes and comments everyone. Enjoy.



<<Tora's P.O.V>>

Kabuto put his face close to mine. He then started looking at me, his eyes gleamed in the dim lit cell.

" You're just too cute, little fox." he said in my left ear.

" And kissable." he continued as he planted the first kiss on my cheek.

He dips his head to the right, running kisses down my collar bone. I gasp as he makes a shallow cut down my calf. He takes that opportunity and presses his lips against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth. I wanted to gag. I wanted to push him off me but my hands were tied tight. I felt weak and scared.

He finally pulls away for breath, tears kept streaming down my face, and I was shaking in fear uncontrollably.

" Looks like someone's scared, huh, little fox?" he mocked as his lips formed a smirk.

" Go t-to h-hell." I said glaring at him, trying to look brave but inside I was scared.

" aww, you are just so cute, foxy." he replied, cutting my clothes up with his scalpel.

" S-stop." I whimpered.

He just smirked and continued removing my clothes until I was only left in my underwear. Kabuto made a deep cut near my belly button, making me yelp in pain as warm crimson blood flowed out of the wound. I was totally at the mercy of him, there was nothing I could do.



It felt like it had been hours, my body was slick with my own blood. I looked up weakly, my vision was blurry. Kabuto smirked at me and cut a shallow cut on my body, he had made many cuts overtime. I was loosing lots of blood and was starting to doubt Kakashi or anyone would come save me. I felt faint.

" Is our little fox tired already?" Kabuto asked in a mocking tone.

I lifted my head slowly, looking at the blurry figure of him a few steps away from me. Suddenly, the door creaked open loudly. I didn't recognize the figure as my eyesight was blur.

" I see our lab fox got taught a lesson." the voice said, causing my heart to freeze in fear at the familiar voice. It was Orochimaru!

I heard footsteps approaching me, I looked up slowly only to see Orochimaru hovering above me, smiling like the maniac he was. He bent down to my level, looking at me with his snake eyes

" Pitiful little fox, nobody escapes me and gets away with it, especially when they are this weak." he smirked.

I looked down, angry that I was weak and scared of what he was going to do to me.

<<Meanwhile, Kakashi's P.O.V>>

" We are almost there." I stated.

Asuma and Gai nodded in reply. Before we knew it, we had to take a break as it was already evening and on top of that, it would be risky to travel in the dark with the lack of chakra. We set up a Bon fire and started to eat and then Asuma and Gai rested while I kept watch. I couldn't sleep as I was worried about Tora.

Soon morning came, signaling for us to continue our journey.

" LETS GO! FULL POWER OF YOUTH! WE GO TWICE AS FAST!" Gai shouted, making me and Asuma sweatdrop.

" Where does he get his excitement from." Asuma mutter, causing me to chuckle.

After eating breakfast, we set out once again. It's already been one day since she was taken, I was worried whether or not she was even still alive.


" We've located Orochimaru's hideout. You and your team are to go there now. Good luck." Tsunade said.

"Hai." I stated along with my team.

**End flashback**

"That must be it." Asuma said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and we went faster until we were in front of the building. I handed Asuma and Gai ear pieces as we were going to split up and search the place. Asuma took off to the left corridor, Gai sprinted off to the right corridor and I ran off, entering the middle corridor.

An hour passed, still nothing from Asuma or Gai, could we be in the wrong hideout? I was at the end of the corridor already, somehow I ended up in a dead end. Maybe I should've taken the right turn instead. I opened the last door slowly, hoping to get somewhere. Slowly peeking in, I felt a familiar chakra presence although I couldn't quite make out the figure but it seems to be sleeping. I caught sight of an. . . Uchiha symbol! My eyes widened, Could it be Sasuke?

" Gai! Asuma!" I whispered through the earpiece thingy.

" Found something?" Asuma asked, his voice held a glint of hope.

" YES? My dear Rival!" Gai shouts, making me sweatdrop.

" Gai you're too loud. I found Uchiha Sasuke. Trace my chakra and come quick." I stated.

It didn't take long before they poofed beside me. Their eyes widened in disbelief. We had found Sasuke! Our thoughts were interrupted by a harsh, emotionless, cold voice.

" I know you are there. What do you want." He stated.

I was the first to recover, after hearing my student's voice that is. Sasuke didn't give me a minute to answer his question when he got up and blew up his room. Man, his temper is terrible. Worse then Tsunade-sama. And that power. . .

Asuma, Gai and I slowly went in the blown up room, remains of stone was everywhere.

"Sasuke. How far you fallen." I stated calmly, watching the emotionless Uchiha glare down at me.

" Kakashi." He replied.

<< Tora's P.O.V>>

"O-orochimaru, s-stop." I tried to inch away from him, my voice laced with pure fear.

He showed no mercy, he banged me down on the metal lab bench and started injecting something into me. I screamed in pain as my head started to burn. I could see clearly Kabuto and Orochimaru were both enjoying seeing me in agony. Sick bastards!

I squirmed and pulled against my bonds but it was no use. Orochimaru chuckled and walked towards me.

" Is my little lab fox scared?" he mocked, as he revealed a remote control in his hand.

" I'll d-do a-anything y-you say, p-please n-not t-t-that." I stuttered, looking fearfully into his snake eyes.

Orochimaru smirked. His finger was almost touching the button, I braced myself for the pain when an loud explosion disrupted the tension. An explosion? Has someone found the hideout? Am I saved?


Sorry this sucks. I couldn't think of anything else to write and so ya know I decided to stop here,


Haven't done that in a while... I hope you enjoy this chappy and---

* Something jumped through the window and lands on the floor right in front of you*

Me: Anko-senpai, can't you use the door like everyone else. And you are early.

Anko: Geez. To boring to use the door, Don't worry, your insurance will cover the broken window.

Me: So? *taps foot*

Anko: Nani? OH right! LISTEN UP YOU MAGGOTS! Shiyong3699 doesn't own Naruto! She owns only Tora and her plot. All rights belong to Masashi kishimoto.

Me: thank you and sayonara minna-San!

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