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"Hey Sugar!" Gabriel says showing up next to Sable, she quickly closes her notebook and sits on it. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I don't want you to see what I'm planning because it might backfire." Sable points out.

"Would I ever do that?"

"You have in the past."

"Come on Sable, I wanna see."

"Fuck no. Leave my shit alone Gabe." Gabriel arches an eyebrow.

"Been hanging out with Ebony recently?" Sable doesn't answer because she's running her hand through her wing removing the excess feathers.

"Would you look at that- I'm molting." She says changing the subject. She drops the sable colored feathers onto her floor. That is one thing that got on Gabriel's nerves. When Sable doesn't want to answer a question she either avoids it or changes the subject.

"Okay, what are you not telling me?" The trickster archangel asks, his golden wings unfolding behind him. Sable doesn't answer. She's in her own little world at the moment. Gabe rolls his eyes and sits down next to her. Pulling the eldest quadruplet out of her thoughts. "Come on Sabe, what's going on?"

"Nothing... I'm just really bored." Gabe sighs and starts to brainstorm. When he gets an idea he snaps his fingers, unintentionally creating a small brown pitbull puppy. Sable excitedly squeaks and runs over to the puppy and picks it up. "It's a pupper!" Gabe sighs knowing that he just made a mistake. "I'm gonna call you Loki."

"Hey wait a second." Gabe states. "I'm Loki- so you're going to need to pick a new name." Sable looks at Gabriel, then to the pitbull puppy, then back to the archangel.

-Meanwhile with Ebony and Raven-

Raven is trying get someone up. She's a little high on sugar, she found Sam's stash of X-treme airheads Dean groans and opens his eyes to look at the time.

"Raven it's six in the morning." He complains. Raven just nibbles on her airhead. "Is that an airhead?" Dean asks noticing the candy.

"I am one with the moose." The six year old mutters in response. Dean sighs and reluctantly sits up knowing that the raven haired girl might get into trouble if someone doesn't keep an eye on her.

"What are you doing up anyways?" Dean asks.

"It snowed..." Dean looks at Raven's wide eyes as she mindlessly plays with her pajama sleeves.

"Okay what aren't you telling me?"

"I heard footsteps."

"Where?" Raven simply points at the ceiling. Dean chuckles. "You know that there's a room above us right?" Raven shrugs in response. Dean shakes his head. He then gets out of bed and heads to the restroom. "Wanna make a breakfast run with me?"


-A few minutes later-

"Sam, where are Raven and Dean?!" Ebony yells waking Sam up.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asks half asleep.

"They're not fucking here." Sam yawns and sits up. "Nice bedhead you weirdo."

"Mine is not as bad as yours Squirt." Ebony just shrugs, she doesn't care. Sam checks his phone and sighs. "You woke me up at 6:48 in the morning?"

"Yes, this is important, Dean and Raven are missing." Just then, Dean and Raven walk in the door. "Oh, nevermind."

Sam tiredly facepalms. "What did we miss?" Dean asks as he sets down the food.

"Ebony freaking out because you two weren't here." Sam replies. Dean rolls his eyes.

"We were literally gone for half an hour."

"It's cold in here you fucking idiot, don't fucking leave me here freezing my fucking ass off next time." Ebony says.

"You could've cuddled up to Sam."

"I like you more though."

"I can feel the love." Sam sarcastically mutters, as Raven basically jumps on him. "Really Raven?" He asks.

"I like you more than Dean, so... yes." Raven states as she snuggles up against him. Sam jumps when Raven puts her cold hands on his arms.

"Holy shit. Your hands are cold."

"No shit sherlock, I was just outside."

"Not you too with the swearing."

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