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"Who are you?" Dean asks when Cas walks into the warehouse.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." Cas replies, his blue eyes then falls onto Sable, and her injured wing. "Sable, what happened to your wing this time?"

"That fucking dickhead," Sable says as she points to Dean. "Stabbed me in the wing, just because I was protecting Ash." The trenchcoat wearing angel sighs and walks over to Sable. He then uses his grace to heal her injured wing.


"I can at least move it now, so yes." Cas sighs, as he renders Bobby, Ebony and Raven unconscious. Dean looks a little freaked out.

"Your friend and sisters are alive." Cas says.

"Who are you?" Dean asks. "And why did you only heal Sable's wing instead of rendering her unconscious?"

"Wow, you clearly don't like me." Sable comments. Both Cas and Dean ignore her comment. Dean doesn't believe that Cas and Sable are angels- even though he has seen their wings.

-Little while later-

Dean finds out that Sam has been exorcising demons with just his mind, and he decides to get to the bottom of it. He decides to go to Ash and ask her about it.

"Hey Ash." He says.

"Are you going to try to kill me again?" Ash asks in response

"No, I just want to talk."

"About what?"

"About Sammy. He's been exorcising demons with his mind..."

"Oh, he threatened to do the same thing to me if I told you about it, guess you already know."

"Wouldn't that kill you though?"

"Yeah, that's why I kept my mouth shut idiot."

"Idiot is better than a dumbass."

"There's a difference?" Dean pauses, realizing that he just burned himself.

"How long has Sammy been doing this?"

"Since you died..."

"I see... also, why did you keep poking me while I was in hell?"

"Because you're an idiot and wouldn't listen to Ebony and Raven about Sable and I."

"You could've done a thousand different things to torture me- but you just would not stop poking me."

"I was seven at the time you showed up and eight by the time you left, what did you expect me to do?"

"Let me think- you could've used actual torture items."

"Those were more used for John since he's a complete asshole."

"Oh, you tortured him too?"

"Yeah... you were more fun to torture."

"How so?"

"You were snarky, he just kept yelling at me." Dean face palms. "You did too, just not as much he did."

"What can I say? I'm a likeable guy."

"But... I don't like you."

"Why not?"

"Let's see... you tried to kill me, you stabbed Sable, and you didn't believe Raven and Ebony."

"I thought angels and demons didn't get along anyways."

"True, but the two of us are sisters." Sable states, showing up right behind Dean, scaring the ever loving shit out of him.

"FUCKING HELL SABLE!" Dean exclaims as he jumps in shock.

"You're not Ebony- and why would you want to fuck hell?"

"I don't think he meant literally Sable." Ash states.

"I was trying to be sarcastic."

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you."

"Thanks sis, I feel the love."

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