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Dean decides to get the container for the candy, while Sable just snaps her fingers making at least forty different kinds of candy show up out of nowhere. Raven and Ebony emptied the candies into the bowl.

"Aren't you going to help?" Sable asks looking at Ash.

"Yeah, it's called I'm gonna deliver it to him." Ash states.

"Lazy ass." Sable mutters.

"Thanks, I know."

"Do you even know where Gabe is?" Sable folds her arms giving her sister a judgmental look

"I do actually, do you?"

"He's not that hard to find."

"Y'all just need to shut the fuck up." Ebony says standing between her sisters. "Also, Raven and I are done putting the candy in."

"Take a chill pill Ebony sheesh." Sable comments.

"The fuck did I do?"

"Never mind." Sable says before taking leave.

"Was it just me or did Sable look like she was about to cry?" Raven asks. "I'm worried about her."

"Give her time Raven." Dean recommends.

-Time skip-

Gabriel is in one of his two safe houses, this one is in Ireland, laying low from everything that is happening. Trying to stay out of the war that is brewing.

"You fuckin ass could've told me that you were in Ireland instead of New Zealand." Ash says having the worst timing.

Gabe had just gotten out of the shower and froze with a deer in the headlight look, he ended up dropping his towel in the process.

Ash adverts her eyes and shields her face while pointing at the archangel "Welp... I didn't need to see that... please cover it up and accept this gift from Sable."

Gabe grabs the container of candy first before covering up his junk. "Well if you had knocked I would've had time to put pants on young lady."

"Fight me Gabe."

"I'm not dressed, and I don't think Crowley would like that."

"Doesn't mean I can't say it jackass."

"Yeah... anyways other than the candy drop off, what brings you here?"

"Can I tell Sable where you are, I have a bad feeling about something. Only problem is that I don't know what it is." Ash says sadly, Gabriel's face falls.

"It's all this Lucifer stuff that is making her act differently and down." Gabriel explains. "And you can tell her, for her sake."

"You dressed yet, can I turn around?"

"Well, I am in boxers..."

"That's good enough." Ash says turning around to look at Gabe. The archangel sighs before grabbing a large handful of candy. "Welp, I gotta go, bye." Ash says quickly disappearing. Gabriel is a little confused before eating the candy


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