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"Can you please stop talking about that." Sam says hiding his face behind his hands in embarrassment.

"Nah, it's fuckin funny dude." Ash says with a laugh.

"I still can't believe genital herpes was Ebony's idea." Dean points out.

"You're welcome." Ebony says with a sing-song voice.

"Not you too Dean." Sam complains. Everyone laughs.

"Sam, I hope you know that you're never gonna live this down." Ash adds in. Sam rolls his eyes with a groan. He also mutters something under his breath. "Fuck you too Sam."

"YOU HEARD ME?" Sam demands.

"Yeah, I heard you say fuck you all."

"How old are you again?"

"As old as the other three."

"So almost ten... you shouldn't swear like Bobby though." Sam comments, even though all of his past attempts to get the four girls to stop swearing failed.

"Says the guy who also swears in front of us." Sam groans as Dean starts laughing. Sable conveniently pops in at that moment.

"Uh... what the actual fuck did I just get myself into." Sable asks unintentionally waking up Raven and Ebony.

"God fucking dammit Sable." Ebony groans. "A little warning before you fucking show up and fucking wake me up from a fucking nap."

"Again with the language." Sam groans as he throws his head back.

"Fuck you Sam." The four girls retort in unison. Sable decides it would be a good idea to braid Sam's hair and put flowers in it. She turns to her sisters and places a finger on her lips, Raven does the zip-it-lock-it-put-it-in-a-pocket motion.

-Time skip, Bobby's place-

For the rest of the car ride the girls say nothing about Sam's hair, and Dean is too busy driving to notice. Once they show up at Bobby's, then people start to notice. Dean notices and high fives the quadruplets with a stupid grin. Bobby has to do a double take when he sees the flowers in Sam's hair.

"What is in your hair?" Bobby asks.

"Nothing?" Sam answers sounding confused.

"Your hair is in a damn braid and has flowers in it." Sam groans before throwing a death glare at the girls.

"Okay who did this?" He demands. The four girls don't reply for they are laughing too hard.

"Sam it appears that you have flowers in your hair." Cas comments showing up behind the tallest Winchester making him jump which results in everybody including Bobby to die with laughter.


"What did I do?"

"You showed up." Sable states, which results in Cas sending her away. She shows back up two minutes later not amused. "What the fuck Castiel."

"Who the fuck braided my hair and put flowers in it?" Sam demands.

"Language Sam." Ash deadpans. Sam repeats the question starting to get pissed. "Sable did it."

"Why the fuck did you throw me under the bus Ash?" Sable demands with her wings unfolding and her eyes glowing a bright blue.

"Angry Sam scares me."

"I wouldn't be scared of Sam if I were you... I will smite you if you are not fucking careful." Cas rolls his eyes and steps between the bickering siblings.

"You won't be smiting anyone Sable." Cas calmly says. "Besides, Gabriel and I won't save you from the king of hell's wrath if you did."

"You guys know the king of hell?" Bobby questions sounding shocked.

"Who the fuck you think raised me?" Ash answers staring at Bobby.

"Santa Clause." Bobby deadpans before heading inside. Sam soon follows just to get the flowers out of his hair.

"Will you guys help me on pranking Gabriel?" Sable asks.

"What are you planning?" Dean questions sounding curious.

"You know how he has a giant sweet tooth... I was going to use that against him." Sable then explains her plan for pranking the archangel. Sable's plan involves at least 20 different packages of both M&Ms and Skittles. A giant bowl and a thing of Reese's Pieces.

Everyone agrees to help her. 

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