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The next morning, Sam wakes up to find Gabriel asleep on top of him. "What the shit happened yesterday?" Sam asks sitting up, his head spinning. Somehow the archangel stays put.

"Y'all didn't fuck if that's what you're wondering." Ash says walking into the room.

"The two of you did ask each other out though." Sable adds in. "And you two did kiss three times. And made out several times."

"Son of a bitch." Sam says falling back against the pillows. He glances over to see Cas and Dean completely shirtless and in the same pose him and Gabriel are in. "What happened to them?" He asks.

"Oh, they actually fucked." Sable comments with a shrug. Sam looks at the two of them looking horrified also disgusted.

"You two stayed... and watched?!"

"Of course not, we ain't that stupid... We left as soon as Cas started to..." Ash states.

"I get it, you don't need to continue." Sam interrupts.

"You sure you don't want to know what happened?" Sable teases.

"You're ten..." Dean says groggily.

"And you're hungover as fuck." Dean groans as he flips the young angel off. "Leave that for your boyfriend."

"We didn't do... shit..." Dean says sitting up and realizing... he's fully naked... with Cas... in bed. "Cas and I fucked, didn't we."

"Yep, and you wanna know who was on bottom?" Ash questions with a smirk.

"No need, I can feel the aftermath. Also screw you." Dean mutters with a sigh.

"Wanna put something on Dean?" Sam asks. "I don't wanna see your junk."

"What about you?"

"I didn't get fucked by an angel, I still have boxers on." The two girls snort with laughter.

"Sam tops by the way..." Sable laughs with Ash. Both Sam and Dean groan before pushing the two angels off of them, resulting in Sable and Ash leaving to next door where their sisters and Crowley are.
"And where did you two disappear too?" Crowley asks.

"Giving Sam and Dean shit about what they did yesterday." Sable replies.

"Oh? How did they react?" The King of Hell asks cleaning the Colt.

"Dean flipped us off, Sam was like whatever I'm too hungover for this shit."

-Time Skip-

"I heard from two little sparrows that you boys need this." Crowley says holding out the Colt as Sable shows up and shyly waves.

Ash doesn't have much luck when showing up. "Fuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.." Ash groans throwing her head back.

"Language Darling."

"Fuck you Crowley." Ash pouts while sitting down on the rug that had the demon trap under it.

"Again, you fucking idiot?" Ebony asks folding her arms and halfway glaring at Ash. "This happens all the fucking time."

"Don't you think I know that?" Ash deflates. "And how am I supposed to know where they place these things."

"You could look you know." Sable points out earning her a death glare. "I think I should go now. I don't wanna die." The angel then takes her leave.

"Wait, let me... and she's gone... Help... please."

"I'd get stuck if I tried Darling, I'm sorry." Crowley says.

"I'll get it, seeing as I am the one who put it there." Sam says lifting the rug up until he can break it. Once broken, the young demon is free.

"Who are you anyways?" Sam asks looking at Crowley.

"The King of Hell and you are?" Crowley counters. "You're Sam Winchester, Ash talks good thing about you a lot, you're her favorite brother. And you, you're the jackass that tried to kill her, she doesn't like you very much... Dean Winchester."

Dean looks insulted. "I think I'm adorable."

"You're really not Dean." Ash says. Dean tries to attack, but Crowley pushes him away.

"Try hurting her again, I dare you." Crowley says. Dean glares at the demon. "Just take the damn gun and get this job done and over with so all of us can go home."

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