Chapter 22:Sometimes

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"Babe I need to get going." Kimberly said trying to push Jerome away from her but he wouldn't budge,he still continued to kiss her neck.

"Rome." She said sternly shoving him completely hard so he could stop.

"I have to go...and you're making it hard for me." She said moaning as he chuckled against her neck sending shivers down her spine.

"I ain't doing anything." He said backing up and holding his hands up surrender as she pushed him against the wall and attacked his lips.

"I thought you have to leave?" He asked when the broke apart from the kiss trying to catch their breaths.

"I have an half an hour to spare." She said taking her top off and throwing it somewhere on the floor.

"That's more than enough." He said gripping her butt in one of his hands and the back of her neck with his other and continued to kiss.


"Pick me up in two hours time so we could get to the appointment in time." Kailee said to Andre' as they sat in the car parked in front of the restaurant where she would meet her mom,dad and granny. She hopes that they would understand that she wasn't about to start calling them that it was still weird for her.

Not wanting to get out she kept trying to stall going in knowing she would be alone seeing as that Kimberly texted her saying that she would be late. But she had already knew why her sister would be late. Reuniting with Jerome.

"Stop stalling Kai and go in." Andre' said with a chuckle sensing what she was trying to do.

"I'm waiting for Kim to pull up I can't go in their alone. It's going to be so awkward." Kailee said letting out a sigh and running her hands through her wild curls.

"It's going to be okay babe you gotta get this over and done with. The sooner the better." Andre said gently grabbing her chin so she could face him.

"I know but...ugh! Why now?!" She asked in frustration letting the tears fall.

"Kai..." Andre' said letting out a breath. "Baby man you know I hate to see you cry." Wiping her tears and pulling her into his lap he cuddled her like she was a baby,she was his big baby and she was giving him a baby as well.

"I know I know." She said wiping her tears and wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her as if he wasn't close enough.

"Thank you for going through this rollercoaster of emotions I've been going through." Kailee said pecking his lips.

"I want the best for you baby,so go sort out out this thing with your family. I'll be waiting right outside for you." Andre' said holding her close by her waist.

"I love you." She said giving him a kiss and removing herself from off his lap into the passenger seat.

"I love you too." He said as she took her handbag and headed out the car and into the restaurant where sh knew Toni,Kenneth and Ms Evelyn were waiting for her and her sister.

Sighing Toni orderd her second cup of tea as her mother and Kenneth nibbled on the finger food on the table.

"I don't think they're coming mom." Toni said with a sigh.

"They are Toni." Her mom said unbothered picking the napkin up and wiping her mouth.

"How do you know?" She asked her mom while stirring her tea.

"They want to know the truth and they will not miss this opportunity. They are exactly like you." Her mother said smiling as Toni smiled through her tears.

"Sorry I'm late." Kailee said sitting down next to her Ms Evelyn while Toni quickly wiped her tears.

"Its okay we enjoying thefinger foods." Ms Evelyn said.

"Where's your sister?" Kenneth asked and for the first time Kailee stared at him in awe. Like this was her dad and she could see the similarities clearly.

"Uhm...she's on her way." Kailee said tearing her gaze away from him.

"Well uh we, well I ju-" Toni got cut off from her second daughters arrival.

"I am really sorry I'm late I got caught up." Kimberly said sitting down next to her sister and next to Toni.

"Yeah on Jerome's dick." Kailee whispered with a snicker so only Kimberly could hear.

"You are not funny." Kimberly said sternly.

"I'm glad you guys came." Toni said as the twins nodded their heads.

"I should've told you guys the truth a long time ago and its my fault I kept it a secret." Toni said taking a sip of her tea to calm her nerves.

"Were we a disappointment that you didn't want us to know the truth?" Kailee asked not looking at either of them knowing the tears would spill.

"No you weren't. My mom raised you guys while I went to finish school and then go to college as well as work." Toni said looking at them.

"I've been telling Toni to tell you guys but she's been stalling and it wasn't my place to tell you." Ms Evelyn said as the girls let out a sigh. There was no use in holding a grudge they just wanted to let everything blow over and carry on with their lives normally.

"So then why is he here. No offense though Kenneth." Kimberly said as Toni and him spoke with their eyes.

"Uhm well...You see his..."Toni stalled making her mother speak up.

"His your father." Ms Evelyn said causing the girls to give each other the 'I kinda firgued look.'

"We kinda had an idea." Kailee said.

"No wonder we were the only ones with K names." Kimberly said shaking her head.

"I don't expect you guys to call us mom and dad. I want you guys to be comfortable around us and if you need somebody to talk to I'm here and if you need anything I'm here." Kenneth said making Kailee start crying.

"I want to make up for the time I was not around." Kenneth said standing up and pulling them in a hug.

"It's too soon to say I love you. But I like you a lot." Kimberly said making everyone laugh.

"Group hug!" Ms Evelyn exclaimed as they all hugged. Hopefully it would stay like this forever but we all know there's a calm before the storm.

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