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Two years later

Kenneth got out Toni's baby blue Bentley straightening his shirt and his jeans while opening his beautiful wife's door. The two just came back from their lovely honeymoon in France for a month. It killed Toni to leave her child so long with her family,but she survived.

Everyone was at her mother's house welcoming the couple back from their honeymoon. Picking her bag up and pulling her sun dress down Toni got out of the car and closed the door.
"Have I told you that you look so damn beautiful?" Kenneth askd her as he put his arm around her waist.

"Yes you have Ken a thousand times today already." Toni said with a giggle wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close to her.

"Thank you for giving me my dream wedding baby and my dream honeymoon." Toni said pecking his lips and dusting imaginary lint off his shoulders.

"Thank you for giving me a child that I love with all my heart,thank you for allowing me to marry you and thank you for letting me back in your life." Kenneth said with a smile that made Toni instantly clench her thighs together.

Not everything was sunshine and rainbows for them. After the truth came out Towanda tried to take him for everything he had but she only ended up getting half. The divorce was messy and drained all Kenneth's energy but with Toni by his side he managed and he thanked her for that everyday. When their child came Toni decided that she and Kenneth should open their own real estate agency.

She wanted to do things different this time around and spen as much time with her child not missing any moments like she did with the twins because she was too busy working and trying to finish school. Right now they were at a happy place in their lives leaving all the drama behind them as well as all the negative people. No one has heard from Towanda since she ran away with Bianca and Trayvon. She was living a lavish life with all the money Kenneth gave to her.

They finally got divorced after a whole year. Everyone was silently praying that Towanda invested her money that she got instead of spending it all. They left Halle behind as well at the real estate company and she was so ecstatic finally getting Toni's position.

The twins warmed up to them as well but Kailee was the only one calling them mom and dad and Kimberly called them by their names,not that she was angry it just still felt weird for her. But Toni and Kenneth were more than fine with that.

"I think I should show you later on." Toni said in a soft sweet voice biting on her bottom lip and rubbing her thumb against his cheek.

"I'll hold you on to that." Kenneth said pulling Toni in for a kiss but was interrupted by a voice.

"Mommy and daddy!" Their two year old screamed running to them in excitement. Making Toni and Kenneth pull away from each other and chuckle at their energetic son

"Trey! Wait for me!" Their granddaughter Kennedy screamed as she carefully got off her bicycle and ran full force.

"I'm gonna beat you." Kennedy boasted but her uncle ran full force past her.

"Granma and grandpa!" Kennedy squealed in excitement and out of breath as she finally reached her grandparents.

"We missed you so much." Trey said hugging his dad as Toni picked Kennedy up.

"Hey grandma. What'd you bring us?" Kennedy asked making Kenneth chuckle.

"We don't even get no loving Kenny? All you want is stuff." Toni said making Kennedy kiss Toni's cheek and give her a tight hug.

"I think that's enough love." She said with a grin as the two chuckled.

Words couldn't describe how much Toni and Kenneth loved their son and grandchild. They both were a blessing and a handful. For two years of age the both of them were too smart for their own good.

"Were you good for your sister?" Kenneth asked his son.

"Yes daddy. I was." Trey said laying his head on his dad's chest.

The lovely married couple walked in the noisy and happy home filled with love with the two kids in their arms.

"Look whose back!" Tamar exclaimed making everyone look towards the door and cheer. Each person giving them a hug and telling them how much they missed them.

"Where's kimmy?" Toni asked Kailee as the walked into the kitchen.

"On her way." Kailee said making Toni shake her head. Since she and Jerome made things official she's been late more often and hardly ever came to family gatherings. Toni was happy she found someone that loves her so much and she loves him as well for her daughter.They met Jerome late last year and instantly approved and treated him like a son.

"Shes in love Kailee." Toni said putting Kennedy down on the bar stool and stealing a strawberry out of the fruit salad making Kailee send her a glare for stealing the fruit.

"She is and its just weird." Kailee said with a giggle whole admiring her daughter. She was just a beautiful creation of her and Andre'. She and Andre' got married a few moths after her daughter was born.

"Now all she has to do is give you another grandbaby and me a niece or nephew." Kailee said making Toni chuckle. The two did not find it weird at all that they were pregnant together in fact they embraced it and loved every moment of it.

The men set the table while th women got the kids situated at the kiddies table near them, it was Trey,Kennedy and Logan.

"I'm here!" Kimberly exclaimed coming in with Jerome behind her as everyone shook their head at her.

"Sorry we late. My fault." Jerome said while greeting everyone making Kimberly blush.

"Hey papa Ken and mama Toni. " Kimberly and Jerome said at the same time making everyone laugh at how cute they are.

"Stop." Kimberly groaned as he hugged her dad and she hugged her mom and then swapped. Then they went to greet the kids and then go the table to sit down and say grace so they could eat.Dishes were being passed around, conversations were flowing everyone was having a great time.

"Aunty kimmy I want one too." Kennedy said pointing to the huge rock on Kimberly's left hand making everyone's eyes shoot to what Kennedy was talking about and when they did everyone was in shock.

"Damn its huge." Trina exclaimed making everyone chuckle.

"Suprise! He proposed!" Kimberly squealed as everyone got up to congratulate the two.

"I couldn't picture my life any better nor with anyone else." Kenneth said hugging Toni and kissing her forehead.

"I love you Mr Edmonds." Toni said holding his hand.

"I love you too Mrs Edmonds." Kenneth said pecking her lips.

This was how it was always suppose to be. Happy times and happy moments with family and those you love. Although it wasn't easy in the beginning it was worth it in the end. Word of advice go after what you want and teach others to love. Fight for what you love and don't let nobody get in the way of finding true love or happines.

The End

First of all we'd love to say thank you for supporting us and sticking with us through our random updates and once in a blue moon updates. To be honest we enjoyed writing this book very much but sadly we've come to an end and there won't be a sequel because we don't see a need for one. Right now we going to focus on finishing Bad Romance and we'll let you know if we plan on writing a new book. Thank you for supporting us as well as voting and commenting. Don't stop supporting we appreciate all the love and support. Thank you guys so much


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